Saturday, February 16, 2013

Help! I'm Pregnant and Constipated

With my first pregnancy I was so paranoid about every thing so I ended up being really careful not to get constipated. However, with my second, I was more preoccupied, with a toddler, and so I found myself constipated on more then one occasion.

If you are like I was and suffering from constipation while pregnant then I may be of assistance to you. There are things you can do to help, however, it is better to do them before you get constipated rather then waiting until you are.

1. Eat high-fiber foods. Fruits, vegetables and certain cereals are high in fiber. I also purchase Wheat Germ and Bran and added it to just about everything I ate including cheeseburgers, meatloaf, eggs and cereal. Normally adding 1-2 tsp to an egg or two is plenty and will keep constipation at bay.

2. Water, water, and more water. During pregnancy so many women neglect drinking water. I understand, having the bathroom become you main scenery is not fun, so cutting back on fluid intake seems like the right thing to do. However, it isn't, not only will it cause constipation but by not drinking enough fluid your bladder will actually weaken and then cause you to go more often.

3. Exercise can also be very helpful. Getting regular exercise can help your bowels work properly. If you feel like you need to go, taking a walk can sometimes help.

4. Do not take laxatives unless your doctor has okay-ed it. Laxatives can cause stomach cramps which can send you into preterm labor. If you need something over the counter to help then try a stool softener. If you are really desperate talk to your physician, he may have you take a light laxative and stay for observation.

Postpartum Depression - How to Deal and Get Over It

Often referred as "baby blues", Postpartum Depression (PPD) is experienced in some degrees by more than 50 percent of women giving birth. This type of depression can last for some time, which may vary between a few weeks to a few months.

Causes behind Postpartum Depression

The body of women goes through immense hormonal changes after pregnancy and child birth and this is one of the biggest reasons behind postpartum depression. Other reason behind postpartum depression in a new mother is lack of proper sleep, as the baby is always crying and hence requires non-stop attention.

What You Can Notice During Postpartum Depression?

The period of Postpartum Depression is characterized by rapid changes in hormones of a female body. The progesterone and the estrogen levels fall dramatically within 48 hours and these gonadal steroids are very much involved in causing the depression in women.

If you are suffering from postpartum depression, you may experience difficulty in sleeping, lack the desire of eating, feel hopeless and depressed all the time. There are many ways with which you can deal your postpartum depression, but beware that the symptoms of this depression state come and go for some time.

How to Deal With Postpartum Depression Symptoms?

Sleep As Much As Possible

The first and foremost way to deal with your postpartum depression symptoms is to get sleep as much you can. This may be difficult for you, especially if you are breastfeeding throughout the whole night. Due to this, your sleep may get interrupted for every two to three hours. The best way to cope with this is to breastfeed your baby lying in your bed so that you can get some rest while breastfeeding. It is ideal for you to take naps during the daytime, as every bit of rest results in rejuvenating and energising your body.

Nourish Your Body with Proper Food

Since you just gave birth and you are breastfeeding your baby, you need to nourish your body with good and proper foods. You should have snacks all throughout the day. Always have some vegetables in your diet especially a few carrots, as they keep you energised. Remember that a poor appetite leads to increase of depression and fatigue in your body.

Stay With Family and Friends

Again, you should always be in the midst of good friends and your family. This is because having people around you can contribute in changing your mood. You get the much needed outlet to express your feelings and thoughts. This automatically reduces the chances of you getting depressed. It is recommended that in an event of postpartum depression, you keep yourself surrounded with things helping you to feel good.

Such goods things may be candles lit in your bedroom, have some soft music being played or have pictures containing happy memories of your life. These things can boost you with happy energy and make you feel good.

Apart from these, postpartum depression can also be dealt by doing significant amount of exercise, as it increases your metabolism rate. This improves the frame of your mind and health. You can also go for a walk to 10 minutes in the morning, as it can help both your body and mind.

Pregnancy Miracle Reviewed - Will it Help You Get Pregnant?

So you're struggling to get pregnant - and you want to know if the pregnancy miracle course works? Well, I have the answer for you in a minute but first, here is my story. I am 42 and me and my husband have been trying to have a child for about ten years now.

You see we went to the fertility clinic and I was told that I had an inhospitable environment basically my uterus was rejecting my husband's sperm for some reason. We kept on trying anyway but sadly it just never seemed to happen for us. But then a friend of my husbands recommended the pregnancy miracle course to us and as we were willing to try anything we thought we would give it a go.

I am happy to say that 18 months later we have a wonderful baby boy!

This pregnancy miracle course is based on using ancient Chinese holistic therapies which allows the pregnancy to be as natural as possible.

It's a fact that getting pregnant naturally and reversing Infertility can never be achieved by attempting each problem one at a time.

If you've ever tried to tackle your Infertility by using a one-dimensional treatment like hormone pills, sexual positions, or even changing your foods and failed it's probably because you've attempted only one aspect of your condition the key is to target your infertility by every possible angle.

I finally understood why I was struggling to get pregnant!

- I had an ovary cyst which was interfering with my fertility and preventing me from getting pregnant. You see since my reproductive system was intelligent enough to know that my internal was unsafe for a baby. It was making it nearly impossible for me to get pregnant.
- The natural approach has taught us how to reverse the infertility the holistic way. Which I must say was a very pleasant and relaxing experience from the beginning of my pregnancy right through to the very end when I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Jake.

So I guess the only question left is will pregnancy miracle work for you?

Identifying the Types of Depression

There are only 2 types of depression, they are -
1) brought on by something that has happened in your lifetime or
2) one that has no obvious reasons(most popular)

Number 1

Is easier to beat as you know what caused it. Firstly, deal with what ever caused the depression. A setback, death, divorce or accident may have caused it. Try to find it and thats where you start.

Number 2

Is a a tricky one as you don't really know what started the said depression. This is the most common type and it varies from a strong feeling of being down to the thought of giving up on life.

Important :

- does it affect you much

- how long has it affected you

This is more challenging as people arent as easy or soft with you because there is no known cause for your acts.

Winter Depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

This is pretty regular where there is a cold climate, clouds and little or no sunshine. Its not nice and its simple for this type of depression to be contracted. Again it is different from person to person.

Postnatal Depression

Is seen in about fifty percent of mothers within the first week after birth. Usually stays for about a week and is because of your hormones, peace after the stress of the expected baby and other things as well that come with the duties of having a little baby. Ten percent of women with this suffer from restlessness, being tired all the time, are unable to handle things and even become aggressive towards the baby.

Bipolar Disorder

Is a mood disorder with difficult episodes. It differs with each person and research has proven that there is a possible genetic tie. It usually begins early on in your teens or twenties and remains
through your life. Its extremely serious that someone with this type of depression is helped.

Manic depression

Involves mood swings which are excessive or abnormal, they last a week at a time and goes hand in hand with strange behaviour as well-as strange thoughts, which makes life a bit more of an effort. If you are one of the unlucky people who struggle with either of these previous 2 depressions then you must find a doctor soon and begin your steps to recovery. Psychologists are a great help in these cases.

Male Depression

Described in two ways - namely covert or overt. Overt depression is easy to pick up on. Covert depression is difficult. You will see the tiny hints that a man uses to avoid it.

It is much, much more common to be covert. Abusive husbands are usually victims of this type of depression. Women sufferers are more likely to be overt as they seem more comfortable with looking for help. I hope this helped and makes things easier for you when looking for your type of depression.

Returning to Work After Maternity Leave - Ways To Make the Transition Easier

Returning to work after maternity leave can be one of the hardest times you will face. You will probably go through the stages of feeling guilty about leaving your child, feeling despair about the changes in the coming weeks and feeling anger at the fact that you have to go back. Although balancing work and your baby will eventually become the norm, here are a few steps you can take to make returning to work after maternity leave a little easier on both of you.

Returning To Work After Maternity Leave: 4 Steps To Make The Transition Easier

1. Set Priorities: This sounds like a no brainer, but many people find it hard to accomplish. Getting back into the swing of things at your workplace is not easy. Time will make this transition easier, but in the beginning your priorities at work and home are very important. At work, make your priority work. Don't focus on your guilt or anger and try not to spend too much time "checking in" on your little one or worrying. At home, make family your priority. Leave work at work and dedicate time off to your family. If you have to bring work home, save it for after your baby goes to bed. When you are home and baby is awake, make that your priority. Bottom line: work is work, home is home.

2. Teamwork: If you have a spouse or significant other, ask for help. Divide up household chores and mealtimes. It can make a huge difference when everything doesn't fall on you. If you are a single mom don't be afraid to ask for help from family when you need it.

3. Self Care Time: This goes hand in hand with setting priorities. Always make sure to set some time aside for yourself. This is so important when returning to work after maternity leave. The busy life you are about to lead will leave no time for you, unless you schedule it in. Just an hour or two here and there can make a significant difference in your mood and the way you interact with your family.

4. Strive For Work Flexibility: Before returning to work after maternity leave check to see if your employer can offer you a more flexible working situation. This can be done through flextime, telecommuting or a compressed workweek. All of these options will allow you to maintain your full time income and be home with your baby more.

What If You Really Don't Want To Go Back To Work?

Returning to work after maternity leave is difficult no matter how you look at it. If you are having a hard time getting motivated to go back to work why not look into other options like working from home. It has never been as easy as it is now to work from home thanks to the Internet. Many are choosing to run an online home business which allows them to work when they like and as much as they like. An Internet home business leaves you and only you in charge of your time and income. Not to mention you get to be home with your baby all day long!

Teenage Pregnancy - Some Potential Health Risks To Be Aware Of

Health Risks for the Newborn

Infants born to teenage mothers are prone to accidental injury, poisoning, complications due to prematurity, learning disabilities, brain injuries, minor severe infections, or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The child usually has a weight less than the ideal and premature birth rates are prevalent among adolescent mothers.

Health Risks for the Mother

Given that an adolescent may not have fully developed her physical structure, problems in delivering the child may arise as caused by an underdeveloped pelvis. Early detection of a cephalopelvic disproportion is an indication for a scheduled cesarean birth. However this is a surgical procedure that may also put the life of the mother in danger for too much blood loss. Other complications that might be encountered by an adolescent mother upon childbirth is eclampsia, obstetric fistula or maternal death.

The absence of prenatal care and knowledge deficit with regards to psychological and physiologic changes of pregnancy results to varied complications and increases the health risks to a higher level. The teenage mothers do not know what to expect and therefore they do not know what proper behavior and precautions to make. Usually, these adolescents have poor eating habits and have no vitamin intake. They may even smoke, drink and take illegal drugs.

Statistical data of adolescent mothers who had a baby whose weight is lower than the ideal have been reported in the year 2002. 9.6% belongs in the age bracket of 15-19 years old, and 11.3% belongs in the age bracket of 15 years old alone. On the other hand, mothers who gave birth to babies weighing less than 5.5 pounds were 7.8% of the total population of women who gave birth in the same year.

In the year 2002 with regards to prenatal care, it is reported that 6.6% of mothers with ages 15-19 years old had no prenatal care and 3.6% of the total population of mothers have no record of any prenatal visits.

Other complications that a teenage mother might encounter are blood disorder such as leukemia and blood pressure that rises to an abnormally high level which could result to maternal death. And the incidence rate is higher on adolescents who are 15 years of age than on mothers with complications who belong to the age bracket of 20-24.

Within the annual report of 12 million people who are affected of sexually transmitted disease, 25% are young adolescents. When a mother with sexually transmitted disease (STD) gives birth to a child, several complications could arise such as blindness. But specifically death to the newborn and the mother may be brought about by syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Friday, February 15, 2013

Popular Hospitals in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa is the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). It has many attractive and interesting natural settings and is located alongside the Congo River. In addition to its natural attractions, the city also contains some very significant educational and media institutions. In general, standard medical facilities are scarce in Democratic Republic of Congo. Even though Kinshasa houses some of the better hospitals in the country, do not expect high quality health care service at international standards from these hospitals. The facilities most of them provide are ordinary and the medical service is of average quality. This is a summary of some of the more popular hospitals in Kinshasa.

The address for Centre Medical de Kinshasa (CMK) is Avenue des Wagenias, Commune de la Gombe. This hospital is one of the leading hospitals in Kinshasa. It is properly equipped and provides good medical service in various medical fields. Its equipment includes a brand new CT, X-ray and MRI units in addition to a pharmacy, lab and multiple operating theaters. Comfortable accommodations are also available. Telephone: 243 89 895 0300.

Hospital General de Kinshasa (HGK) located at Avenue Colonel Ebeya, Kinshasa, is one of the largest public sector hospitals in DR Congo. This 2000 bed hospital employs a cumulative staff of 2250 and conducts over 3,000 consultations and 120 deliveries every day. The hospital offers complete and cost effective health care service. During the administration of Dr. William Close, the admired American missionary physician, the hospital achieved many developments including a large maternity ward. He recruited many eminent foreign doctors also. HGK has eight operating rooms, departments in the major medical specialties, intensive care units and laboratories. The hospital is a major referral center and is known to provide good, personal attention. Telephone: 00243 63070; 00243 63050.

Yolo Medical Hospital Centre of Kinshasa situated at 1263 Avenue Yolo, Kinshasa is another popular health care facility in Kinshasa. The private limited company, SPRL manages this hospital. The hospital has been offering effective medical consultations, clinical and surgical service for almost thirty years. In 1987, a new building was added to the hospital complex. The hospital now has suitably equipped operating rooms, a maternity ward and offices for administrative services. Yolo Medical Hospital has a advanced laboratory also. The emergency department of this hospital has many brand new facilities. Telephone: 00243 819995321.

The address for Sdarovia hospital is 84 bis, Avenue Masimanimba, Kinshasa. This service oriented medical facility offers cost effective medical service to those struggling with poverty. Doctor Paul Bobe Alifi Leta founded this nonprofit Christian hospital. The hospital employs 10 staff physicians and a dedicated nursing staff to assure the best personal treatment. The hospital gets generous funding from different parts of the world and uses this for purchasing state-of-the-art equipment. Sdarovia hospital conducts many medical education and research programs and has emerged as one of the best health care centers in DR Congo. The hospital offers good medical care at low price in all major departments and their pediatrics and obstetrics units are particularly satisfactory. Telephone: 0243 97862034.

The Benefits of Using a Midwife During Childbirth

A growing trend in the United States among expecting mothers is the consideration of hiring a midwife for aid during the birthing process. This alternative form of giving birth goes back to using the natural methodology rather than relying on technology to provide results. Also, having a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) helps increase comfort levels in the birthing environment.

Though the trend is rising, there is still some skepticism on the topic and too often mothers are discouraged due to little support from family and friends. Despite these speculative valuations regarding the utility of midwife child births, the inherent benefits are glaring. Hiring a midwife allows for the baby to be born in the home in the presence of a loving family, as opposed to being born in a time-crazed hospital that is dependent upon schedules, a tired, overworked staff, and profit margins.

A recent study, conducted in California, compared the birth process rates between a midwife birthing center and a traditional hospital. The findings were quite intriguing. Cesarean rates at the center were only at 1.5% where as patients who were attended to by a doctor had the procedure at a rate of nearly 16%. While this is just circumstantial evidence, it does suggest that perhaps birthing in a natural environment helps the process go by easier. The transfer-to-hospital rates at the center were at 13.5 percent. The study never indicated the reasons for a patient's transference to the hospital. Between the two birthing centers, there was relatively no difference in the rates of baby deaths, bleeding, birth injury, or respiratory distress syndrome. Midwives are less likely to use disruptive technologies that may lead to childbirth injury.

While the study doesn't seems to suggest that one option is better than the other in terms of health and safety, it does present an alternative to the conventional methods which might be preferred by expecting mothers. In fact, 76 percent of mothers who have experienced both hospital births and home births said that they liked the home birth more than they did the hospital birth. 91 percent of mothers who have had their child at home say that they would definitely have their next child at home again.

There are also other monetary benefits to midwife, home childbirths. Giving birth to a baby at a hospital ranges in cost from $4,000 - $6,000, where as a certified professional midwife usually charges about $2,000, everything included. Some state insurance agencies will cover that cost as well.

Pregnancy Tips For Women - The Best Tips to Help You Get Pregnant Right Now!

Avoid smoking- cigarette smoking is very injurious to your health as well as to the health of the baby. It can lead to lung cancer and can cause premature birth of your baby.

Avoid drinking- alcohol can seriously harm to your unborn baby. So, it is always advisable not to consume alcohol during the nine months.

Reduce or avoid caffeine- too much amount of caffeine can lead to low weight of the child at the time of birth and miscarriage.

Specific foods such as under cooked eggs, peanuts and some particular kind of cheese are dangerous to take.
Do not take any drugs without the doctor's consent as it can harm you and your baby.
X-ray- x-ray radiations are very harmful for the unborn baby. So, do take extra precautions while getting your x-ray done at the time of pregnancy.

Eat healthy and properly- regular intake of food should be there and at the proper time. Even if the time of eating has come and you are not hungry then also eat food because your child needs it. Eating should be healthy and one should minimize or avoid eating junk food as that can harm your unborn baby.

Wash all vegetables and fruits properly as they can contain some pesticides or insecticides.

Dairy products contain a parasite called as Toxoplasmosis. This is present in unpasteurized cheese and milk and in the meat which is not cooked properly. So, consult doctor before consuming them or avoid taking them. If you are eating meat then it should be properly cooked.

Avoid cocaine, crack or heroin- taking any of these drugs can cause addiction of these drugs in baby as well and can have various other hazardous effects.

Aspirin should be avoided as that can lead to miscarriage and neonatal heart defects. Paracetamol should be taken in moderate amount and not without the consent of doctor.

If you need to travel somewhere then do consult your doctor before going out.

Avoid all those treatments that are unfamiliar to you or if it a dire need to take any treatment then do consult your gynecologist.

Drink water in large quantity as it will keep you hydrated.

Don't eat food stuffs that are containing large amount of sugar and salt.

Go for walk and yoga classes.

Think positive and feel good about the fact that you are pregnant. This will help child emotionally.

Don't take any kind of stress and just be happy.

Top Signs to Be on the Lookout For During Newborn Baby Feeding

The very first thing new mothers need to decide upon is whether to breastfeed or not. Although experts still continue to stress and emphasize the importance of breast milk in newborn baby feeding, the battle between breast milk versus formula continue to prevail as the latter still provide a convenient alternative for busy moms.

Breastfeeding is highly beneficial not only for your baby, but also for you. Aside from getting the assurance that you'll be able to protect your child from illnesses and infections that can be fatal for such young kids, you can also keep yourself healthy. By nursing, you can avoid breast engorgement, getting pregnant again, and also help you shed some pounds off.

However, although enjoyable, newborn baby feeding is still quite a task. As a young child requires extra care, you would really have to need to do some additional measures to make sure that your child is getting the best care he needs. With breastfeeding, there are still a couple of other things you need to keep in mind to assure your baby's health and wellbeing.

One of the very important things you would have to pay close attention to is your little angel's "baby talk". As kids in their postpartum period are not exactly capable of talking just yet and telling you what he needs, you must be more sharp and observant with how he acts to catch what is happening to him, especially during feeding.

If you know how your baby reacts while nursing, you can easily get a hint if there is a problem. Luckily, there are now studies that can help you understand your child's language. With the following cues, you can easily determine the developments during newborn baby feeding.

Cue set #1: Long pauses instead of gulps, worried look, falling asleep while still latched on, aggressiveness, pulling away and then re-latching, and wanting suck again after nursing. These signs usually indicate slow milk flow. Since newborns need to feed up to a dozen times daily, you will need to really be aware if your child is getting the milk he needs. You may be able to produce enough breast milk, but for some reason, your veins may clog and cause slow milk flow.

Cue set #2: Continuous gulping without any pauses, appearing startled and pulls off often, or resisting the second breast even if he still appears to be hungry are signs that your milk flow is too fast. Usually caused by the letdown reflex, having a fast milk flow may overwhelm your infant. This, although will cause weight gain, will also be bad for your child's feeding pattern because it can cause undersupply and apathetic feeding.

Cue set #3: Twisting or wriggling of the baby's upper body. This means that your child needs to burp. Sometimes, some children just burp even while they're still feeding, so there's really not too much problem with this. However, some babies feel uncomfortable, so if this happens, interrupt the feeding for a while and give your child some relief by helping him burp.

Cue set #4: Shorter suck intervals, quieter swallows, and more relaxed body. These signs will tell you that your newborn baby feeding was successful and that your child is now content with the nursing.

Once you've learned these cues, you'll surely have an easier time in feeding your child.

Baby Care Pointers: How To Have Your Newborn Baby Sleep All Night

The most trying time for new parents is night time. Often your child will stay up all night or only sleep in little bits at a time. Baby care can be difficult for new parents and there are some skills parents must use to keep their sanity. The most important skill in taking care of a baby is being able to put him/her to sleep through the night so you can get some sleep. Stressed out over tired parents tend to not provide the best baby care.

I have three children and was able to have each of them to begin sleeping through the night at two weeks old. I was new to babies, I am the youngest therefore never had to take care of any babies. Friends and family would always provide baby care pointers and some of them had merit while many of them were just nonsense.

One pointer I received to have my children sleep through the night was to put a little bit of whiskey in their bottle. This, of course, is absolutely absurd and I would never follow this baby care technique.... Neither should you. This is how I got all three of my children to sleep through the night beginning at two weeks old.

1. Have a Consistent Bed Time Schedule

Babies, like children crave schedules. It's important to them and makes them comfortable. All parents that I know who have babies that do not sleep well do not have a set bed time. An important baby care pointer is to always put your bed to bed at the same time every single night. If you are out and about, put your baby in a quiet area and put them to sleep.

2. Have a Consistent Bed Time Routine

Again, babies require routine. If you give your baby a bath every night, make sure you do it around the same time every night. If you give your baby a bath every other day... be sure to do it every other day. Always read your baby a story before bedtime. This is a great baby care pointer because not only does it introduce reading to your baby, it also begins having you set the habit. It also, of course provides a baby care routine.

3. Adhere to a Feeding Schedule

Most infants need to be fed every 2 - 3 hours. Now, I understand 2 or three hours is not a good night sleep for you or your partner and you'd be right. But feeding your baby on a consistent basis throughout the days show your baby that food is always available and they will begin to know when to expect it. Always make sure you feed your baby 20 minutes before bed time.

4. Playtime Before Feeding

Baby care is much more than just caring for your baby. It is also stimulating and teaching your baby. Playing with your baby about 30 minutes before that last bottle will help wear your baby out and teach them coordination.

5. Putting Your Infant To Bed

Here is the most difficult baby care pointer to stick with. Putting your infant to bed, especially if you rare a first time parent, can be difficult. They will cry. It is okay for a him/her to cry and many doctors believe it is good for their cardiovascular system. Do not go and grab your baby. You are showing you care, by trying to establish a schedule. If baby cries for more than 20 minutes, time it, go and check your baby's diaper. Swaddle him/her nice and snug and leave them room. A nice tight swaddle will make your baby feel secure.

If you follow these baby care pointers on putting your baby to sleep you and your baby should begin sleeping through the night in no time.

More baby care pointers can be found at

Is it Alright For a Wife to Be Older Than Her Husband and Vice Versa?

Women who are pregnant at an older age are not the one that is on the risk for genetic complications. Women are not the only one that causes the risk but the father to-be as well. Like it is say, it takes two to tango and this can be applied to the risk of the complication. Thus, some believed that issues on older dads should be analyzed and observed too. Although there is no specific age for men, many suggested the age of 45 or 50 as the 'end point' of having children. While others stated it should be 35 similar to women.

The genetic risk given to the baby by men and women are different. Women might give the baby a chromosomal abnormality while men might give the child an autosomal dominant disorder, neurofibromatosis or even dwarfism. It is a copy of abnormal gene that causes this. This is known as spontaneous gene mutations that are contained in sperm. However problems like cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell anemia occurs when there are two copies of the abnormal genes. This is known as a recessive genetic disorder. Although there are possibilities of different diseases, autosomal dominant disorder is very rare. There is no test available to screen for it. That is why the limit age for a man to be a father is unknown.

On the opposite side of being young, teenage mothers also faces problems with their pregnancy. The percentage of teenager getting pregnant today is high. Although their babies will have less risk in chromosomal abnormalities, they are on a higher risk for birth deformity. This is due to majority of teenagers do not eat proper food that contains nutrients when they are pregnant. This will cause the baby to be underweight.

Other than that, preeclampsia is one of the conditions that teenage mothers go through. Thus, it is impossible for natural birth in this situation. With little education about pregnancy, teenager mothers are less likely to breastfeed their child. That is why teenage mothers need some guidance, help and go for group discussion to help them with their pregnancy. If you or anyone you know is a teenage mother, find sources to help you by eating healthy and knowing the benefits of breastfeeding.

From this short write-up alone, it should be clear that there could be problems when men are much younger than their wife and vice versa. So, when it comes time to find a soul mate, this may be something worth pondering to help you make informed decisions about your life.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby Gender Predictor

Using Morning Sickness as a Baby Gender Predictor.

Women who have bad morning sickness during pregnancy are more likely to have girls than boys. This was found to be the case by scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The study of women who were pregnant found that out of the women affected with severe morning sickness 44 percent conceived boys compared to the 56 per cent who conceived girls.

The research found that women carrying girls have a higher level of a hormone which is called human chorionic gonadotropin, this can cause morning sickness.

Smoking as a Baby Gender Predictor

There was a study performed in Scandinavia which looked into parents who smoked. The study found that if couples smoked it would lower their chances of conceiving a boy.

It was discovered that (Y) male sperm are more sensitive when introduced to a smoking environment than the (X) girl sperm.

Using Physical characteristics as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study was done at Liverpool University which looked at the length of couples fingers! It was found that couples who both have long ring fingers have a greater chance of having a boy. Long ring fingers is an indication that there is a higher than average testosterone levels.

Another study in New Zealand at the Auckland University found that assertive women are more prone to conceiving a boy (80 per cent). Assertive women have higher levels of testosterone.

Family situation as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study performed by the US National Bureau of Economic Research discovered that couples who were living together or married before conception were slightly more prone to conceiving a boy than those who did not.

A theory for this may be that (Y) male sperm are not as boisterous as the (Y) female sperm. The male sperm need more nurturing and caring for during pregnancy to survive. Therefore, a woman in a solid relationship may be better equipped to care for her child more during pregnancy.

Careers as a Baby Gender Predictor

A survey performed at the London School of Economics discovered that women with more 'masculine' jobs, such as engineering had a greater chance of conceiving a boy while women with a more caring or 'feminine' career, such as nursing or teaching, were more likely to conceive a girl.

Folk lore theory as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are a few mathematical theories according to folk lore. The more popular one combines the mother's age when conception took place with the month number (for example: May is 5, for fifth month on the calendar) she conceived.

If the resulting number is even, then the baby is a boy, while odd indicates a girl.

The Old Wives' Tales as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are so many old wives tales out there. Here are just a few: More likey to be carrying a boy if carrying the baby low, craving protein or salty food, have dry skin and be more prone to headaches.

On the other hand women are more likely to be carrying a girl if they crave sweet foods, carry high, suffer with mood swings, have dull hair during pregnancy.

Help! Pregnant But Can't Sleep

The inability to get enough sleep whilst pregnant is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy.

So what are the main culprits for sleep problems in pregnancy?

  • frequent visits to the toilet

  • hunger

  • leg cramps

  • heartburn

  • aching body

  • feeling restless

Frequent visits to the toilet

This is very common and depending on how far gone you are, it might seem as if that no sooner you return to bed, you feel like going again.

Solution: If possible, try to reduce your intake of fluid a few hours before you retire to bed.


One should not under estimate the power of hunger! Some women find themselves getting up during the night and raiding the fridge or cupboards for something to eat.

Solution: Not really a solution here because if you're hungry then you should eat! But what you could do is place a light snack by your bedside so at least you don't need to go all the way to the kitchen and find yourself tempted to get a drink - which would further make you sleep deprived because you would be getting up to go to the toilet.

Leg cramps

The extra weight carried as a result of the growing baby sometimes contributes to leg cramps and it could be rather uncomfortable and painful.

Solution: Giving your legs a massage would sometimes bring relief. You could get your partner to massage your legs if you find it hard doing it yourself. Try and elevate your feet as and when you have the opportunity - for example, when watching TV or reading a book. It is also advisable to keep your legs uncrossed all the time as this contributes to leg cramps in pregnancy.


This is another reason for sleep problems and very common among pregnant women.

Solution: If you enjoy spicy food, try to avoid having this for dinner. Spicy foods have a tendency to cause heartburn in pregnancy. Fizzy drinks are also known to have the same effect - so best to avoid it too.

Aching body

Feeling all achy can lead to a pregnant woman not having a good night's sleep.

Solution: You may find that soaking in a warm bath can do wonders. Be sure not to soak in hot water as it could be harmful to you and the baby. In my own case, when I was pregnant, I made the mistake of bathing with hot water, I immediately became faint, so be sure to use warm water.

Feeling restless

One of the reasons for being restless could be because the woman is now very heavy and finds it difficult to move from one side to other on the bed. Restlessness could also be caused by anxiety over the pregnancy and thoughts of what would happen during labour.

Solution: Rather than stay on the bed whilst feeling restless and allowing negative thoughts to enter your mind, it would be much better to get up and occupy yourself with a chore within the house and after finishing that, see if you would be able to get some sleep. You may also want to try having a warm glass of milk as it sometimes serves as a sleeping aid.

Artificial Insemination Cost - Is It Affordable?

Artificial insemination is a medical procedure in which sperm either from a sperm donor or a woman's partner is placed inside of the cervix with the hope that pregnancy will occur. It is imperative that women looking to improve their chances of getting pregnant with this method carefully consider artificial insemination cost. For some women, pregnancy happens naturally without any outside help. For many others, however, infertility issues can get in the way of becoming pregnant and having the children that they always desired. These issues can occur because of age, endometriosis, a partner with a low sperm count or a number of other causes. Although it is just one option for women looking for a little help with getting pregnant it has become a pretty standard treatment option for women dealing with infertility issues.

Fertility Testing and Basic Costs

Usually, the first step in getting artificial insemination and determining the cost is finding a qualified specialist. A visit to a reproductive endocrine fertility specialist can cost several hundred dollars just for the initial visit. Before a patient receives artificial insemination, the specialist will usually complete a number of other basic tests to help diagnose abnormalities within the reproductive tract or other issues affecting pregnancy. One common artificial insemination cost at this stage is the use of a pelvic ultrasound, to check the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries. The ultrasound can cost anywhere from $200 to $500.

Another possible evaluation treatment that can affect is a hysterosalpingogram (HSG). An HSG is a radiological test usually performed in a hospitals radiology department to check for blockages in the fallopian tube as well as for polyps, fibroid tumors and pelvic scar tissue. The specific price for the procedure does vary but is often over $1,000.

Increasing The Chances of Getting Pregnant

To increase chances of success, the clinic doing the treatment may closely monitor the woman's menstrual cycle through blood hormone level tests, and ovarian kits - which all mean a higher artificial insemination cost. Fertility drugs are also commonly used along with artificial insemination to help regulate reproductive hormones and trigger the release of eggs during ovulation. Take for instance, the generic drug clomiphene citrate, the common fertility drug is often given for several months to regulate ovulation and increase the chances of artificial insemination being successful. The generic version of the drug, clomiphene citrate, can cost less than $20 per cycle, while a brand name version can cost as much as $100 per cycle.

Total Costs

The treatment itself can cost $700 per session in some cases and women usually need several treatments. With the cost of fertility drugs, ultrasounds and various other expenses and tests involved before insemination can occur; women or couples could pay as much as $10,000!

To make the process of trying to create life even more difficult, many health care insurance companies may not pay for fertility treatments like artificial insemination. If insurance does cover the procedure, it usually only covers certain aspects of the treatment. Additionally, insurance coverage may only be for those with a diagnosed medical condition such as endometriosis and for women in certain age ranges. For some women, an infertility cure program can eliminate high artificial insemination cost and allow women to get pregnant naturally.

Use Supplemental Insurance to Create Maternity Leave Pay

Most employers do not provide paid maternity leave benefits. These benefits are simply too costly for most small and medium sized businesses. Five states mandate disability coverage that creates a limited amount of maternity income, as coverage is capped at a fairly low amount. And the female workers in forty five other states have no coverage at all. Supplemental maternity insurance is a great way to solve this problem. When bought preconception, these policies help create maternity leave income, and allow for protection in case of complications, and premature birth.

Paid maternity leave is a common benefit in many European countries. In the United States, this type of benefit is the exception rather than the rule. A small percentage of employers provide a direct maternity leave benefit for their female workers, while others provide some type of company paid short term disability policy that provides maternity leave coverage. Another percentage offer disability programs that the employees can elect to pay for themselves.

Five states mandate short term disability insurance coverage for people who work in the state: Hawaii, California, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. While great to have, these programs may replace only a small percentage of income, or they cap out at a very small amount. For example, New York state replaces only 50% of income, and caps out at $170 per week. Being one of the states with the highest cost of living, and thereby the highest average income level, $170 per week is a very small amount of income replacement.

While any level of income replacement is nice to have, forty five states have no mandated coverage at all. Women working in these states face a bigger dilemma: their employer may not offer paid maternity leave policy, and/or no group disability benefits at all. Adding a new mouth to feed and raising a child is expensive enough without starting off with six to eight week of unpaid leave. And what if mom needs to leave work early due to complications, or what if her baby is born premature and requires care at home for an extended period of time?

Supplemental maternity insurance is a great way to plug these holes. Supplemental maternity insurance pays cash benefits directly to the insured for mom's normal labor and delivery, helping to create maternity leave income. Mom's benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium she pays. Also, 25% of pregnancies result in one or more complications. Supplemental maternity insurance will replace her income should she need to leave work prior to her delivery.

In addition, 12% of babies are born premature and may need to spend time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Many insurance policies now contain daily co-pays ranging up to $300 to $500 per day. An extended stay in a NICU can leave new parents with a sizable and unexpected hospital bill. Supplemental maternity insurance will pay additional benefits should this occur, helping to offset these left over expenses.

Supplemental maternity insurance is a great option to consider before getting pregnant.

Best Sexual Position to Get Pregnant With a Boy Baby

Gender selection is not a new concept; people have been trying to influence whether they have a boy baby or a girl baby for hundreds of years. Fortunately we now know a lot more about how our bodies work and for this reason we can influence our baby's gender or sex in many ways including what sexual position we use.

Why This Method of Getting Pregnant With a Boy Works

As you probably already know, it is the male or rather his sperm that is responsible for whether you have a boy or a girl baby. The Y chromosome sperm (boy sperm) is very fast and can reach the egg quickest in a race, but they don't live long and can often die within a day or two. The X chromosome sperm (girl sperm) live a lot longer (sometimes up to five days) and can reach the egg at any time, often once the boy sperm have already died off.

That means that timing is important in getting pregnant with a boy. The closer you can have sex to when you ovulate - when the egg is released - then the more chance you have of getting a boy baby.

Best Sexual Position to Conceive a Boy Baby

So now that you know that you have to have sex as close to ovulation as possible so that the Y sperm reaches the egg first there are also a number of sexual intercourse positions that can help improve your chances of getting a boy.

The most common is the rear entry position (often called the doggie position). This is where the woman is either in all fours position kneeling on the bed or floor and the man enters her from behind, or she is lying on her stomach with her legs kneeling on the bed or floor. This gives access to deep penetration and so the sperm is deposited right at the entrance to the cervix. Since they are not very strong, the Y sperm has a shorter distance to travel and will more likely reach the egg first and you will conceive a boy.

Affordable Individual Health Insurance - Is Anthem Or Humana Better For You?

Whether you are looking for a comprehensive affordable Kentucky Health Plan to provide complete individual or family coverage or a short term affordable package of basic benefits, there is an affordable Kentucky individual health insurance plan available to meet your needs. The two biggest providers of coverage in the Bluegrass are Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield and Humana also called Humana One which offers several different options.

Anthem has one of the largest provider networks in Kentucky and offers discounts to customers who stay within the network to obtain healthcare. Anthem offers three basic types of coverage with a number of options under each of those umbrella plans. There is Anthem Lumenos HSA, Anthem SmartSense, and Anthem Premier. Premier offers the highest level of benefits for a wide variety of services. Anthem says this plan is best for "families or individuals looking for richer benefits." The Premier plan offers the most benefits before the deductible of any of the other plans. It also provides richer coverage for preventive care and prescription drugs.

If the Premier plan is too expensive or doesn't make sense for your families needs, SmartSense may work better. This Anthem plan offers more affordable premiums but still covers essential medical services plus wellness visits. However, SmartSense does not cover maternity benefits or many brand name drugs. Another affordable option from Anthem is Lumenos HAS. This plan offers traditional benefits coupled with a Health Savings Account to cover expenses that are not covered by the plan. Because of the HSA feature, deductibles under the Lumenos plan start much higher and begin at $1500 per individual.

Humana also offers three basic coverage plans in Kentucky: HumanaOne Portrait, HumanaOne Monogram and HumanaOne Autograph. Monogram provides the most basic coverage at the lowest premium. This plan provides protection from unforeseen medical emergencies but includes a high deductible to keep down the cost. The HumanaOne Autograph plan gives you more options of balancing the cost of the premium and coverage. It also includes up to 6 covered in-network office visits pre year. The plan with the most complete coverage and best benefits is HumanaOne Portrait. This has the highest premiums and will mirror the insurance coverage provided by most big employers.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Harmful Effects of Smoking While Pregnant

Smoking during pregnancy is more common than many of us would like to think. There are some women in today's society who want to quit, but honestly don't know how. In other instances, there are a very few women who don't care to think about their unborn child and the health risks that are involved.

There are some women who are not aware of or don't understand how serious this matter is, or how serious is can become. With proper information, some expecting mothers may be willing to stop cold turkey or seek help for their addiction.

The Dangerous Side
Many mothers believe that they are safe because they aren't consuming or addicted to hard drugs, such as crack or cocaine, but in this instance, one isn't better than the other. Smoking cigarettes while you're pregnant can cause more problems than any mother can imagine. Some women are curious and want to know what's the harm in smoking while you're expecting. A lot of people aren't aware that cigarette smoke contains more than 2,000 different types of chemicals. Needless to say, these chemicals are not beneficial to the mother or her baby. Nicotine and carbon monoxide are the two ingredients that are found in cigarettes that are to blame for several pregnancy complications. In this instance, a few complications include premature birth, stillbirth, and low birth weight.

The Effects
Even though a few cigarettes here and there are a lot safer than one or two packs per day, it's crucial to the wellness of the mother and the baby for the mother to quit smoking altogether. As far as the weight and size of the baby is concerned, smoking can greatly affect this factor. Here, if the mother smokes a pack per day throughout her pregnancy, she will be putting her baby at risk to weigh half a pound less than it normally would. Here, if the mother had a two packs per day habit, the baby could weigh one pound or more less than it actually should. In this situation, there are a few mothers that will welcome the fact of having to deliver a small baby, but this could have long-term negative effects.

The Body and Lungs
When a baby is underweight, they have a body to match. Here, a baby's lungs may not be fully developed or able to operate on their own. Here, the baby will have to remain on a respirator during the first week or more of their lives. Due to the fact that the baby of a mother with a smoking addiction may have delayed development of the lungs, this can cause serious problems for the child later on during the course of their lives.

The Heart
For expecting mothers who smoked heavily during their first trimester, the baby will be at a greater risk for heart complications. In this event, it's best to quit smoking as soon as you find out that you're expecting. If you feel that you aren't able to quit, seek guidance from your doctor and programs that are set in place to help a person quit smoking.

The Brain
Contrary to popular belief, smoking while you're pregnant could have several long-term effects on a baby's brain. In this instance, the child could have behavioral issues, a low IQ, and even learning disabilities. The entire nine months of pregnancy is an important part of a baby's life. Every week of pregnancy marks an important milestone of growth and development.

The Solution
There are several methods that an expecting mother can use to quit smoking successfully. It's a good idea to ask your friends and family for help. In this situation, your close friends and loved one can create the awesome support group that you need to help you quit smoking once and for all. If you don't live close to any of your friends or relatives, join a group for smokers and make new friends. A lot of people feel better when they have a friend along for their tough journey.

Loans For Pregnant Women - Getting Ready For Your Baby

Different people have different aspirations, different dreams, and different plans. However, not all aspirations or dreams can be just a reach away for some, given their financial standing in the society. A good example of this would be pregnancy. Specially in today's time, not all moms-to-be - whether they be single or married, young or at the right age, or even working or not - are financially ready and have the means to meet their dreams or plans before giving birth.

The good news is, with the need for financial aides for such situations, it's no longer much of a sacrifice for mom's-to-be because a lot of financial companies these days have come up with special type of loan intended to help women, especially pregnant women. These types of loans are designed to help them cover not only the cost of hospitalization expenses, but also including the doctors fees during and post hospitalizations, and other bills that are required during and after pregnancy. We all know that a considerable amount of cash is required to meet all these expenses. This is something that not many parents have a savings for, especially for unexpected pregnancies. These offered loans are thus a welcomed change and a great way to help women get the loads of their back for both financial and health reasons. Pregnancy includes a lot of stress and pressure, and added problems will simply not work well with their situations.

Most of these available loans are against collateral security. If you have a property or an own place to stay, you can use it to serve as your collateral to meet any amount of expenses related to your pregnancy. This is surely a great option and problem solver considering the fact that its repayment period is as flexible and can go up to 25 years, especially when it comes to buying stuff that is needed and preferred for your baby. This is something a lot of mothers would really appreciate and consider a great relief.

Not everything goes smoothly during pregnancy, and complications can happen. It is one of those situations where you won't really know what will happen, so it is only practical and essential to prepare. And cash is a very important thing to have during these times, just in case any emergency treatment or procedure is needed. With a convenient secured loan plus and a flexible repayment period, you're not only ensured that funds are ready, but it also ensures you that it will not effect much of your lifestyle or savings negatively.

There are also loans available for pregnant women that are unsecured and don't require any form of collateral security. These loans however, tend to include smaller amounts only. And since the lenders' risk is higher in this type of loans, the interest rates are also higher, and the repayment terms will involve shorter deadlines as compared to secured loans. But considering the idea that no collateral is to be required, this is a great alternative.

Drugs to Help You Get Pregnant

Facing a hard time to get pregnant? If so, then it's crucial to know the fact that most fertility problems don't have anything to do with women. In fact, research shows that 40 percent of fertility problems arise due to male fertility, 40 percent due to female infertility and 20 percent due to both. In certain cases where a man shows low sperm motility, the woman needs to take the fertility drugs to get pregnant. Use of drugs to help you get pregnant is common these days. These medications help to create an ambiance inside the reproductive system of the woman that is quite friendlier to the sperm.

It is quite depressing for a couple to face problems related to pregnancy, especially if they have tried several times to conceive a child. The good news is that advancement in the field of medicine in the last few years has been helping women to get pregnant successfully. Today, most women who have had problems with infertility years after marriage can find that they are able to get pregnant with the help of the fertility drugs.

Given below is the list of drugs to help you get pregnant:


Clomid is one of the commonly prescribed fertility drugs. It is available in pill form and taken orally. This pill is prescribed to help women having trouble in ovulating regularly and for complication related with unexplained infertility. Clomid or clomiphene is generally known under its brand names- Serophene or Clomid. This works by stimulating the glands present in the brain to release two sorts of naturally occurring hormones-LH or LSH. Both these hormones then stimulate the ovaries to create or release mature eggs for fertilization.


This is another fertility drug which helps you to get pregnant. Basically, this drug duplicates the hormones produced by your brain normally. And Gonadotropins is usually given as injection. Gonadotropins is often used together with Clomid and IUI procedures (this is when sperm is injected into the uterus artificially) if it doesn't produce results on its own. There are three commonly used Gonadotropin types to help you to get pregnant. These include:

1. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

HCG is usually known under brand names-Pregnyl and Ovidrel. This medication is used in combination with HMG, clomiphene or FSH. This drug stimulates follicle to ovulate or release its egg.

2. Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH)

This is also known under brand names- Bravelle, Follistim and Gonal-F. The FSH functions by stimulating ovaries to produce the mature egg follicles.

3. Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (HMG)

The HMG is known for its popular brand names-Menopur or Repronex. This medication is usually prescribed for women who don't ovulate as their pituitary glands fail to stimulate the ovulation. HMG contains both LH and FSH that directly stimulates ovaries to ovulate.


Also described as glucophage, Metformin is a prescribed medication when insulin is considered to be the major cause of infertility and in cases of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrone or PCOS. This infertility drug functions by reducing the insulin resistance. Once the present insulin level is found to be normal, the ovulation and menstrual periods generally become regular. Moreover, Metformin is also used to treat Type 2 diabetes. These drugs can actually prove effective if you and your partner are facing infertility problems. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking drugs to help you to get pregnant. You can discuss any side effects or risks of these medicines with your doctor during or after the treatment. Fret not to talk about any kind of concerns which you may have.

There is Help For Pregnancy Nausea

The majority of women have to deal with pregnancy related nausea, usually in their first trimester. Though many pregnant women cannot escape this terrible nauseous feeling, many face the suffering bravely and just grin and bear it.

If you are suffering from nausea related to your pregnancy all is not lost, you can easily learn some natural and inexpensive remedies.

All remedies are not guaranteed to solve the problem for all women, but trying some of the different options and finding out what works for you will not harm you. For a start, you should try and stay away from foods or odors that set off your reflex gag. You should also choose to eat bland food over hot foods because they have fewer odors compared to the latter.

You can also try some of the more traditional housewife cures handed down over time, like eating crackers for instance. A large number of women like to consume carbohydrates or eat something they like when they feel nauseated. Try Placing some crackers next to your bed and have a few bites before getting up in the morning.

Eating small frequent meals and sipping liquids regularly for the entire day prevents your stomach from becoming empty and helps prevent the sickness feeling.

You must always take care to drink enough liquids during your day. Drink a quart and a half of fluids a day, but be careful not to make your stomach become less hungry for food. When vomiting persists, drink sports drinks that have glucose, salt, and potassium in them to restore the lost electrolytes.

Some Eastern and Western medical practitioners suggest acupressure to relieve nausea. This procedure is done by stimulating the pressure point located two inches above the crease on the inner part of the wrist. As a substitute to acupressure, you can buy bands that are available in pharmacies and marine stores, even without doctor's prescription. The bands have a button that pushes the vomiting-sensitive pressure point on one or both wrists.

Other health care providers recommend a device that uses mild electric current to stimulate your inner wrist. Ginger is also a great option to make your stomach feel calm. You can drink commercial ginger ale or make your own ginger tea by grating fresh ginger into hot water. Before you take powdered ginger root supplements, consult your health care provider first.

Pregnancy nausea can be minimized by staying relaxed and stress-free. Spend some of your time taking naps and watching television shows or movies. Take your vitamins after having a full meal or before going to bed. Ask your health-care provider for vitamins with less iron content because iron sometimes affects your digestive system.

Clarins Offers Tremendous Pregnancy Help

Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences you will have in your life. However, it can take an enormous toll on the body. Unsightly stretch marks are just one of the potential effects of pregnancy. While the rewards of pregnancy are incredible, you will require a bit of assistance to keep your body healthy and beautiful afterwards. This is where pregnancy skincare products from Clarins enter the picture. These products offer amazing advantages to you, helping to ensure that your body is as beautiful after pregnancy as it was before you gave birth.

How can Clarins offer these benefits? What products are available to you? How do you find them? To answer the last question first, you will need to find a high quality retailer that gives you access to the full line of products. The number of powerful solutions to your skincare needs during this marvelous time is simply amazing and can be a bit overwhelming. However, with the right retailer on your side, you will be able to make better sense of the options you have and determine which Clarins products will be right for your needs. What does this company offer you?

You will find Clarins body shaping cream, which helps eliminate stubborn fatty deposits and ensure that rough skin is smoothed and conditioned. It also makes an excellent massage solution, as well. Clarins smoothing body scrub is another powerful solution to your skincare needs during and after pregnancy. Created with the aid of bamboo, this scrub is gentle on the skin but helps to exfoliate and smooth your skin to an incredible degree. Clarins bust beauty extra lift gel is able to help ensure your skin remains firm and toned, without sagging or slackness and can help you maintain the figure you want.

As you can see, Clarins offers a tremendous range of products to help you maintain the skin tone, figure and physique that you crave. All products are created with a fusion of natural plant extracts and beneficial scientific formulation, which ensures they are safe to use during and after pregnancy. Of course, there are many other Clarins products available, both for pregnancy and for general use. Finding the right products is a simple matter when you find the best retailer. This solution will ensure that you have the information you need about each product to make an informed decision and attain the look you want.

Aetna Health Insurance Coverage

Aetna has long been a leading provider of group health insurance, but more recently expanded into the individual and family markets in several states. Offering a large selection of plans to choose from including traditional coverage, first dollar PPO plans, high deductible health savings accounts, and hospital care only policies, Aetna is now a prominent player in these new markets.

Benefit Options

All of their health insurance plans offer preventive care benefits that are not subject to the deductible. The copay amount owed by the insured for preventive care will vary depending on the plan selected. Preventive care overage includes annual OBGYN exams, well child care, and physical exams every two years.

Most policies offer prescription drug coverage with a small pharmacy specific deductible. Deductibles can range from the $250 - $500 in most cases. Generic, preferred, non-preferred, and oral contraceptives are included. Additionally an affordable dental insurance rider can be added to all polices.

Maternity coverage is not yet an option with individual or family coverage. Complications due to pregnancy are covered, but expenses associated with delivery and office visits are not covered.

Out of Pocket Expenses

The lifetime maximum is five million dollars per insured. If this amount is reached, the insured would no longer have coverage. The out of pocket maximum will vary depending on the plan selected. Out of pocket maximum includes the deductible and/or co-insurance amounts combined. The insured will be responsible for the deductible and co-insurance with traditional plans, only the co-insurance with first dollar PPO plans, or a set deductible for a health savings account qualified plan.

Competitive Niche

Typically, Aetna coverage is competitively priced for singles in most age groups and for some family plans. Females applying alone will find the plans to be priced reasonably when compared to other insurers. The Aetna network is extensive and covers a large portion of the nation. If the insured moves, he or she will most likely be able to take their policy with them to the new service area.

In summary, consumers have several choices when it comes to purchasing individual or family health insurance. Aetna is one carrier that offers competitive plans with attractive first dollar benefits and an extensive nationwide network of doctors and hospitals.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Are Your Individual Health Insurance Rates Too High? Well, Then Reduce Them!

Individual and family health insurance rates have been steadily increasing. If you pay for individual health insurance, then you have noticed the increase in recent years. But there are some specific steps you can take to make your health insurance more affordable.

o Increase your major medical deductible. Since this portion of your policy is the least likely coverage to be used, often changing to a higher deductible will reduce the rate by hundreds of dollars per year. If you have more than three persons insured on the policy, the savings could possibly be thousands of dollars per year.

o Consider a Health Savings Account (HSA). Premiums are lower than most plans, and the tax-deduction of current medical expenses makes this option worth considering. Qualified dental and vision expenses will also be tax-deductible. In many parts of the country, UnitedHealthOne (formerly UnitedHealthCare), Aetna and Anthem offer extremely affordable rates.

o Notify your health insurer if any covered dependent is no longer living in the household and has obtained their own coverage. Often, the insurer does not know unless you tell them. The reduction in premium is likely to be between $40 and $90 per month.

o Utilize preventive coverages on your policy. Most individual health insurance plans include preventive benefits that may not be subject to a deductible. Mammograms, pap smears, Ob/Gyn visits and routine physicals are often provided. By utilizing these benefits, you may be reducing the risk of using other benefits that may have a higher out-of-pocket cost.

o Compare prices of other similar medical plans. If you have been with the same company for more than five years, it's possible that your rate has substantially increased. Assuming you do not have any major medical health conditions, it may be a good time to view online individual health insurance rates.

o Eliminate unneeded coverages. For example, if maternity benefits are no longer needed, and you are paying for the coverage, your individual health insurance rate could substantially reduce by dropping the coverage. Anthem, Humana and UnitedHealthOne offer maternity coverage, so it may be worthwhile to check that you are not paying for this benefit. Dental and vision riders, if not used, should also be eliminated.

o Lose weight or stop smoking! Your initial premium on your policy was based on overall health (including height/weight) and smoking status at the time you originally applied. If you have lost weight and/or stopped smoking, notify your current insurer. It's possible you may be able to reduce your current rate.

o If you are receiving Medicare benefits, then you should remove yourself from the policy. The monthly premium savings should be substantial.

An Ancient Remedy to Get Pregnant - Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat and prevent illnesses. It is believed to work by stimulating "pathways" that carry energy flow throughout your body. Sometimes these pathways can become blocked or stagnant due to an illness or a damaged or improperly functioning immune system.

Long, thin needles are inserted into specific areas along the pathways. By stimulating these pressure points, balance is restored and a natural healing process can begin.

What's really interesting is, the physiologic mechanism by which acupuncture seems to affect the uterus and reproductive system hasn't really been identified, yet the researchers found that as a practical matter, it seems to work.

Of course, some in the medical community dismiss the idea of acupuncture as a remedy for anything because there is no scientific evidence of "pathways" that conduct energy throughout the body. When it comes to mainstream medicine, treatments that aren't exactly understood scientifically, are often dismissed. But because of the obvious success rates in these studies, acupuncture is steadily growing in acceptance, and is now often recommended by fertility specialists for their patients.

And just think, if it helps women who are undergoing IVF (who generally have more significant fertility issues), imagine the possibilities for those of you who just need a little helpful boost.

A mixture of Chinese herbs is sometimes used in conjunction with acupuncture treatments. These herbs are touted by Chinese medicine to improve fertility in men and women.

If you decide to try the acupuncture route to pregnancy, first determine what is required of acupuncturists in your state. Seek out a fully trained and licensed practitioner, preferably someone who specializes in acupuncture to improve fertility, gather as much information as you can. You may also want to take into consideration that many insurance companies don't cover acupuncture treatments, although it's becoming increasingly popular to include in medical insurance plans.

Acupuncture may seem a little scary at first - needles being poked into your body - but a good acupuncturist will insert them so that you'll never know it's happening. Not only that, it can be an extremely relaxing experience.

Introducing a Free Home Based Pregnancy Test Kit

Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health and a central feature of human development. Among women of reproductive age (15-49 years), the burden of reproductive ill-health is far greater than the disease burden from tuberculosis, respiratory infections, motor vehicle injuries, homicide and violence. Women run the risks of pregnancy, childbirth and unsafe abortion, take most of the responsibility for fertility regulation and are socially and biologically more vulnerable to reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases. The National Population Policy (India), 2000, affirms the commitment of government towards voluntary and informed choice and consent of citizens while availing of reproductive health care services, and continuation of the target free approach in providing family planning services.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of India, through its National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) has introduced the rapid home pregnancy test kits (Nishchay). The Nishchay program is not a program for the promotion of the pregnancy test kit alone, but is an entry point to RCH and family planning services for women seeking quality and assured RCH and FP services.

Important key issues addressed by Nishchay are:

1. Low percent of women starting ANC in first trimester due to late detection
2. Contraceptive Provisioning (IUD/Pill) not started after ruling out pregnancy
3. High unsafe abortions due to late detection of pregnancy

The key strategies of the program are community awareness, especially among eligible couples, on Home Based Pregnancy Test Card and RCH services, increased utilization of RCH and FP services, following the test results. Important activities include capacity building of ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activist) through resource persons with field and NGO experience, brand and logo visibility using mass media campaign, community outreach activities using mid -media campaign, and integrating the card into the monitoring system of NRHM/RCH-II.

Implementation of the program is in all Indian States and UT's. The states have been classified into high, medium and low priority groups based on the NFHS-3 data on birthrate and institutional deliveries. In the first phase, the program is launched in the following 11high priority states - Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Assam, Meghalaya and Nagaland.

The implementation team was formulated at the central office of Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust, comprising of a Senior Program Manager (Atul Bahl), Training Managers, Training Officers and a Communication Officer. State level consultants were hired in the states for additional support in monitoring of NGOs and on ground activities. The Senior Program Manager is assigned the responsibility of the national roll out of the program and the linked activities.

As planned, the service delivery strategy is being addressed through building capacities of ASHAs on understanding the pregnancy test card, making it easily available to all Eligible Couples in the community and tracking the outcome. Relevant training materials were conceptualized and designed for training of ASHAs. These were shared with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and have been printed after the approval. NGOs at district level were contacted in all the states, meetings held and the Master trainers identified by them were trained by the project implementation team. Special training materials were designed for them as well.

Demand generation is through using mass media and mid media campaign using local folk, edu - entertainment modality through mobile vans. The program has been very well received by the public and early detection of pregnancy offers many advantages for the mother and the fetus. Many medical benefits depend on early detection, including social and emotional well-being and the avoidance of medications, irradiation, and other teratogenics.

Maternity Insurance Made Simple

Why Can't I Find Maternity Insurance?

Unless you happen to live in one of the five guaranteed issue health insurance states (NY, NH, MA, VT and ME) or you currently have a group health insurance plan, finding maternity insurance coverage will be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Most major carriers have eliminated the option to add maternity coverage. Those that did not eliminate this feature, charge $200 to $300 a month extra for this add-on. Plus, there is a waiting period before you can become pregnant of up to 12 months.

To add insult to injury, the plans still have out of pocket deductibles and coinsurance. A few plans make you think they have a maternity option and charge you a nominal amount for it (around $100) but you later find that the benefit was extremely limited and you are generally getting back what you paid them or less. Hold on, I am not through with my ranting yet.

If you have had a prior c-section or a complication to pregnancy, they will not sell you the maternity rider at any price.

Does It Pay To Have Maternity Insurance Coverage?

Once you sit down and do the math, you start to wonder if maternity coverage is worth the bother. Let us say that you buy a plan and it costs you an additional $200 a month. They tell you that you have to wait 12 months before you can become pregnant. Let us further suppose that after waiting 12 months it takes you three more months to conceive. Afterward, assuming you are human, we have another 9 months of pregnancy. There is a total of 24 months that you paid $4,800 extra for in premiums. The plan might have deductibles and coinsurance of another $2,500 to $5,000. The cost for having a baby with health insurance is $7,300 to $9,800. If it takes longer to conceive, the bill goes up.

What most people do not know is that complications to pregnancy are covered by most health insurance plans even if you do not have maternity coverage. So, the hospital portion of a c-section is covered regardless. Look at all of the restrictions maternity insurance coverage puts upon you:

  • You cannot become pregnant for up to a year and if you do you forfeit the maternity coverage.

  • You still pay somewhere between $7,000 and $10,000 out of pocket with the coverage.

  • You have to choose one of the few companies that offer this rider. This might mean that you are paying more for your other health insurance with less coverage.

Alternatives to Maternity Insurance

Instead of purchasing maternity insurance there are other plans available that can reduce your maternity expenses. Remember that complications to pregnancy are probably covered regardless. You can always contact the author for more information.

Advocacy Services - Over time, we have found that this service can negotiate extremely low rates for both pre-natal and delivery services, including lab fees. They do this day in and day out and have done this tens of thousands of times. This is the only alternative for someone who is already pregnant (other than group health insurance).

Limited Benefit Plans - These are guaranteed issue health insurance plans that cover maternity the same way they cover having your tonsils out. They provide a certain dollar amount for doctor visits and hospital costs. The operative word is limited. These plans are not available in all states. However, they can provide a great alternative to maternity insurance. There are a number of these plans at different price points.

Recently, we found a plan that will pay close to $7,000 for a two day hospital stay for maternity. The catch is, you must be employed when the plan begins. You do not have to remain employed, however, and your spouse can take the plan and put you on it as a dependent. It is very cost effective.

Group Health Insurance - Just about all group health insurance plans cover maternity. If you are self-employed it can be difficult to find a true group health insurance plan. We do have information for Group of One health insurance plans that are available in about 15 states. They cover maternity and, if you currently have health insurance, will cover you even if you are already pregnant.

The Maternity Insurance You Want and the Maternity Insurance You Can Get

What most of you reading this article would like to find is a plan that pays all or most of the medical costs associated with having a baby. But, unless you are fortunate enough to have a fantastic group health insurance plan, it is highly unlikely. I urge you to consider some of the techniques I described in this article.

Maternity Leave Short Term Disability Insurance

Getting Short Term Disability Insurance is a smart thing to do before getting pregnant; this will cover normal labor and delivery. There are indeed benefits when one is self-employed and pregnant. Yes, this is a bit confusing. How can one get benefits when one is self-employed? With the Short Term Disability Insurance, having a maternity leave income can be generated for women who are planning and preparing for pregnancy.

Getting the right plan is the first step in this endeavor; one should know the proper policies and the start of coverage. Considering some advantages, some Short Term Disability Insurance even covers pregnancy complications, postpartum disorders, illnesses, accidents and any similar situations. With this, getting pregnant has been made more financially sound and safe.

Preparing for this kind of insurance is needed in order to make the most out of it. The policy should be started before getting pregnant in order to be within the qualification. Some or most have exclusion for nine months, it would be best to apply for this insurance ahead several months before conception. In this case, the delivery will be covered by the insurance.

Women should check out the different Short Term Disability Insurance since some program do not provide or include maternity leave. Of course, insurance company though of this and they will lost a large amount of money with this kind of arrangement. In this regard, some insurance companies offer this kind of insurance coverage by groups. This is the main dilemma with this kind of insurance; women who are alone tend not to have this kind of support from the insurance. Simply put, women need to be part of a larger affiliation to achieve this kind of insurance support.

As an example a certain insurance company will only sell a Short Term Disability Insurance with maternity and pregnancy leave to a company with a thousand and above workers. Considering that the company accepts the money from contractor checks then the support will be available to the aforementioned employees. Considering women who are self-employed, what needs to be done is to ask the insurance agency to acquire the payments from her and transfer it to the insurer.

Overall, having a Short Term Disability Insurance is necessary in order to be financially sound during the periods of maternity and pregnancy. Even though it might be more complex to acquire this kind of insurance, coverage for self-employed women there is still a way to attain and get similar benefits. Now, it is time to do a bit of research about insurance companies that offers this kind of service. Short Term Disability Insurance provides utmost protection should one have an accident or even gets pregnant.

4 Tips to Help in Preparing For Pregnancy

Every woman has her reasons for prolonging pregnancy and having children such as one's career or lack of finances to raise a child, but for those who are still aiming to have children, it would be best to start preparing for pregnancy before it becomes much too difficult to conceive already. Most doctors would suggest getting pregnant at an earlier age at most because there is a higher chance that the pregnancy will be healthier and with less risks of having miscarriages and chromosomal abnormalities. What is more, if a woman starts child bearing early, she will be able to bear as many children as she wants depending on her and her husband's family plans.

Preparing for pregnancy not only involves the physical but also the financial, mental, and emotional aspects that go with it, so to be able to equip yourself for this big journey, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. If you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant, the first thing that you have to do is to change whatever it is in your diet that is preventing you from conceiving. Start eating fruits and vegetables as well as cutting down on alcohol and smoking so that your reproductive system will continuously function well and your chances of conceiving remain relatively high.

2. If you have been skipping meals due to your active lifestyle, you may have to cut down and start eating regular meals everyday to feed your body with the necessary nutrients needed to bear a child. Folic acid and iron are some examples of nutrients that your body will need to increase its chances of conceiving.

3. As mentioned previously, if you want to increase your chances of conceiving and not let your efforts in preparing for pregnancy go to waste, you have to cut down on smoking, alcohol, and drugs. This will not only affect your chances of having a baby but will also affect the actual development of the fetus if you were able to conceive.

4. Always visit your doctor and have yourself checked for possible diseases, health problems, and even infections that could affect you and your baby once pregnant.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Avoid the Baby Blues With a Healthy Dose of Omega 3

Being a mother is all about sacrifice. And there is nothing wrong with that in fact, it's well worth it! However, the fact remains that from the time you conceive, not only are you giving that little life inside you the majority of your attention, energy and mental and physical focus, but you are also funneling the best nutrients that your body can provide straight to that tiny, growing person inside you.

As a result, many mothers even the ones who take traditional prenatal vitamins and take extremely good care of their health while they are pregnant" find themselves suffering from fatigue, shortness of temper and short and long-term memory loss after the birth of a baby. All of these symptoms add up to one thing: postpartum depression.

Don't Just Accept It

For years, postpartum depression has been considered a somewhat unavoidable and unpleasant side effect of pregnancy for many women. While doctors do attempt to prepare women and their families for this issue, most new mothers have to suffer through the experience while their body gets back to normal, causing them serious mental anguish in many cases as they cannot understand why on earth they should be feeling such tumultuous and conflicting emotions centered around the newest member of their family.

However, the explanation is simple: during the pregnancy, you gave your little one everything " right down to the best brain food that you could provide, which happened to be the stuff that your brain needed as well. As a result, now that the baby is no longer inside you, you may be suffering from a shortage of this brain food, omega 3 fatty acids to be exact, and that is causing you everything from headaches to an inability to concentrate on simple tasks.

The Solution Can Be Simple

Fortunately, the solution is as simple as the problem: get more omega 3!

In late August of 2008,Complimentary Medicine released a study indicating that incidences of postpartum depression drop by about 50 percent when expectant mothers take a fish oil supplement throughout their pregnancy. This study and studies like it also have lead to recent research in World Psychiatry that indicate that omega 3 also can dramatically decrease the negative effects of menopause, which is also directly linked to changes and shortages in the female reproductive system.

The best way to get omega 3 during a pregnancy is from fish oil rather than directly from fish or tuna, which often contain traces of heavy metals and toxins that can seriously harm a fetus. Instead, take a dietary supplement that has been certified toxin free. You can rest assured that not only are you fortifying your defenses against postpartum depression, but that you also are providing vital nutrients to your child that will help with everything from coordination to preventing multiple sclerosis and neural disorders.

Health Insurance Issues - Maternity Coverage

Of the people who already have health insurance, about 15% don't have maternity coverage included on their insurance plan. If you add that to the number of women who don't have health coverage at all, that means that there are a lot of people out there without the means to afford the pre-natal care that they need for themselves and for their baby. The costs of healthcare for maternity services are quite high. Doctor's visits are frequent, diagnostic testing occurs regularly, and labor and delivery can add up to thousands of dollars in medical bills for those without insurance.

To start, check your existing health insurance coverage. See if you have maternity coverage included on your plan. If not, find out how much it will be to add coverage. Watch out for providers who don't give maternity coverage, because there are some insurance companies who label it as a 'pre-existing condition' because it is a guaranteed expense that they will have to pay. People who are living in a low-income situation will have access to state-funded care for their pregnancy. In some states, women are given healthcare services for maternity and pre-natal care regardless of their income. However, most are still forced to rely on private insurance.

Maternity coverage should begin the day that you sign the policy. Of course, you might want to shop for this coverage in advance, because some have a 30 day waiting period. There are even a few companies who want you to wait 3-12 months to utilize your maternity coverage once it is added to your policy. If you're thinking about having a family, you need to make sure that you check out the maternity coverage that you have or see what type of coverage you can get well before you actually conceive. That way, you can be prepared and get the medical care that you need without spending a fortune out of pocket.

Health insurance and maternity care don't always go hand-in-hand. Some companies have no issues with the coverage while others see it as a financial burden that they simply can't cover. In order to protect yourself and your new family, you have to make sure that you get the healthcare plan that includes maternity coverage at an affordable price and with all the benefits that you need. If you aren't sure about your options or what is covered, feel free to talk to a health insurance professional to get a better understanding of your situation.

If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you save up to 50% on your health insurance.

How To Deal With Depression For Women?

According to studies, women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with depression. There are many reasons for this. Fortunately, depression is a mental illness that is curable if the correct mediation or therapy is administered to the sufferer. Thus, it is important that women understand the causes and the appropriate ways on how to deal with depression.

One most obvious reason that may make women more prone to depression is the levels of the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Women have a higher level of these hormones and the levels change during the menstrual cycle, throughout pregnancy and childbirth and at the menopause. For instance, premenstrual syndrome or commonly known as PMS, can result in anxiety and depression prior to the menstruation period. Treatment used for PMS include hormone therapy and water tablets (diuretics), but they often do not work very well. The best way to deal with such depression is to give support and understanding to your affected spouse or partner.

In addition, the levels of oestrogen and progesterone are very high in pregnancy and drop dramatically after the birth. This sudden change can sometimes trigger depression. About half of all new mothers go through the maternity or baby blues, 15 percent get mild to moderate postnatal depression and a small percentage may even suffer from severe depression.

So how should you deal with pregnancy or postnatal depression? One effective way to treat postnatal depression is through the use of antidepressant drugs. Most antidepressants can be taken while breast-feeding. When a woman is being treated for postnatal depression, it usually helps if her counterpart can become involved and understand what is happening. In the cases of severe depression, doctors may recommend electroconvulsive therapy in addition to the antidepressant medication. This depression treatment works quickly and enables the new mother to get on with bonding with her child.

Women are more likely to seek help for depression around their middle years. It is widely believed this is due to menopause. There are, of course, a number of other changes that may play a role in triggering depression. Common reasons may include the poor relationship with their partner or kids, deteriorating health or sudden retrenchment. Typically, this form of depression can be treated with common antidepressant drugs such as Dothiepin.

If you wish to know more about effective clinical depression treatment, major causes of depression and the complications resulting from depression, you can visit this comprehensive site : Guide To Living With Depression

Pregnancy - Insurance Options for Pregnant Women

For most women, pregnancy is a time of joy and they are excited to welcome a new life into the world. But what is supposed to be a cheerful time can quickly be dampened when the happy couple goes to double check their health insurance and find that their deductible is too high to cover the pregnancy or worse there is no maternity coverage at all. That's when joy turns into anxiety as the couple tries to figure out how they are going to afford the medical costs associated with the birth of their child. If this sounds like your situation, there are a few options available to you.

Supplemental Insurance - Many health insurance companies will sell you a supplemental maternity health policy for an additional cost. The major problem with this is these same insurance companies view pregnancy as a preexisting condition and will insist that you wait 12-18 months before they will pay any of the medical expenses related to pregnancy. If you are in the planning stages of having children and can afford to wait, then this may be a good option. However, if you are already pregnant, this could pose a problem. Not all insurance companies are the same, though, so it will probably be worth your time to check around.

Discount Health Care Programs - There are some discount health insurance programs that were developed specifically to help women pay for their pregnancies. These are not traditional insurance plans. Instead, they will help you get discounts off of doctor and hospital services which can save you a lot of money. These types of cards frequently have other benefits attached such as access to a nurse hotline and a patient advocacy team. These can be useful if you have concerns with how your pregnancy is going or you are not getting the care you need to have a healthy baby.

Government Program - Children's Health Insurance Program and Women and Infant Children Program are two government resources that can help you pay for the cost of your pregnancy. You will need to contact your local public assistance offices to get more information about what the program pays and the qualification requirements. If you are still hoping that there is an insurance company that will cover the costs of your insurance, you can use a health insurance quote website to look up the different health plans to see if one is available.

If you are pregnant and need assistance in locating coverage, we can help. Please visit our website at and leave your contact information so we may respond to your request.

Figuring Base Salary For Information Technology Jobs

Before considering any type of job the first thing a person considers is how much it is going to pay them and if it will be enough to realistically support their lifestyle. There are several high paying IT positions that are available and pay very well. In order to figure up the salary for information technology related positions one must consider a few different factors.

The ever growing demand for information technicians, one would assume the salary would increase. Often this is not the case as it's now a popular career choice for young people. Many technologically literate people are cropping up straight out of college which has the opposite affect on the median salary.

There are still several great paying jobs available and if someone knows just what to look for, they can cash in on this informational craze. The best thing a person can do is acquire a specific skill that will set them apart from the rest of the people who are qualified to do the same position. By standing apart with a specific skill, a person automatically increases their chances of getting the job just by being unique and hopefully indispensable.

Location is also a big factor in figuring up how much a job will pay. One job in one part of the world may pay an entirely different median amount than the exact same job in another part. It's been reported that Washington DC is currently the highest paying city when it comes to IT positions. It is closely followed by New York and Boston.

Lower paying areas include Atlanta, Houston, Chicago, and Dallas. It's important to figure in the cost of living when comparing it to the salary to be earned. Another thing to consider are the benefits that come in addition to the pay. Insurance packages and retirement plans are important to have along with maternity and or paternity leave for those who plan on having children.

For a comprehensive management position, one can expect to make around seventy thousand dollars at entry level. This is a high demand job and involves a lot of generalized duties. Typically an IT manager will over see the entire functionality of the business and their entire technology department. There are many duties associated with this job and good knowledge of several different specialized area will be required. With the option of advancement up the career ladder, a top out salary is around one hundred and twenty thousand dollars.

More specialized positions have different starting pays. An IT Vendor Relationship Manager will handle the business associations with computer and network providers. They will earn anywhere from $80,000 to $140,000 a year. Another popular position is the Information Technology Director. They will handle all the aspects of handling the computer networks and policies within a company. This position may pay anywhere from $115,000 to $205,000.

It's clear to see that people who choose an IT job must be well qualified and educated in all aspects of IT and it's inner workings. Only the highest trained professionals will garner top dollar pay. With such a high salary for information technology jobs, the competition is increasing and more and more people graduate college seeing only the highest paying positions. For some it may be better to seek employment with a smaller corporation and gain valuable experience before tackling the big businesses.