Saturday, October 26, 2013

5 Top Tips to Help Bring on Labour in an Overdue Pregnancy

After 9 months of pregnancy, most mums-to-be can't wait to finally give birth, but not all babies arrive on time! Having an overdue pregnancy can be both tiring and frustrating but there are some things you could try that may help to bring on labour.

Below are 5 of the most popular techniques for overdue pregnancies. If you are considering trying to bring on labour, make sure you talk to your midwife first. Also, it's worth remembering that different things work for different people, so some or even all of these techniques may not work for you.

  1. Move around - this is thought to encourage your baby to move into position. Try activities with a repetitive movement, such as walking, or perhaps rocking side to side on a birthing ball.

  2. Food and drink - although there is no proven link, certain foods like fresh pineapple and hot curries are commonly thought to get labour going.

  3. Gentle sex - the act of having sex and achieving an orgasm is thought to trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin, which can stimulate contractions. Semen also contains prostaglandins, a hormone-like substance which helps to prepare the cervix for delivery.

  4. Simple medical procedures - your midwife or doctor may suggest carrying out a 'membrane sweep' to stimulate contractions.

  5. Being induced - if you go past your pregnancy due date, your doctor or midwife may recommend an induction.

Although it may feel like it, your pregnancy won't last forever! Your baby will arrive when they're ready, so use the extra time you have to try and relax as much as possible before the birth.

How to Choose the Best OBGYN Doctors

If you are pregnant and you still have not chosen an OBGYN to assist you throughout your pregnancy, there are a few important things to keep in mind. In this article, we will share with you some tips on how to choose best OBGYN doctor in your area. Women have different needs and wants with regards to their pregnancy. This decision should not be taken for granted. Choosing the best OBGYN doctors is a very important aspect of your pregnancy. Your OBGYN doctors will not only help ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy, they will also keep you at peace.

Hospital preference - If you have your choice of hospital, the next thing that you need to do is find out about their list of doctors. Most women choose the hospital closest to their home for convenience when they go on labor. Some choose based on hospital reputation for great performance in labor and delivery or maybe an excellent NICU. Regardless of your reason, if you want to give birth at a specific hospital, you will need to bear with the limited selection of doctors that they have there so make sure that you choose one which suits your needs best.

Your doctor - What exactly do you look for in a doctor? Do you want someone who can speak other languages? Do you want one who specializes in various fields? Do you want someone with modern views or would you rather go with one who upholds natural practices? Do you want one who has conducted medical researches? Keep these questions in mind and clearly answered before finally settling with one.

Know your limitations - Before beginning the selection of choosing the best OBGYN, you need to know your limitations. Factors like finding out if your insurance carrier covers your target doctors should be taken into consideration. To make this easier, you may request your insurance company to give you a list of all doctors covered by your policy.

Male or female - Some women prefer a woman doctor while others opt for a male doctor. This is a personal preference. Just keep in mind that there are a few other more important factors which should be put on top of gender preference. The competence of the OBGYN should be the priority, no matter what.

Medical research - OBGYNs who can present research works and those who use a state-of-the-art equipment prove that they are competent and credible. This gives patients the chance to benefit from the leading edge technology and even latest clinical trials which help ensure a much safer and healthier pregnancy. Feel free to call your clinic and ask if they are conducting research projects.

Do you want a sole practitioner or one with broad practice? Having a sole practitioner allows you to be consistent with exams and appointments; however, he or she may not be available when you deliver your baby. This will leave you with no other choice but to deliver birth with a different doctor. On the other hand, doctors who deal with large practices may be less personal. Sometimes, you see most of the doctors in the practice only once. If you doctor of choice is not available, it is most likely that you get a doctor whom you have already met.

Keep these tips in mind and choose only the best OBGYN doctors for your pregnancy.

How To Prepare Your Body For Pregnancy - A Mother's Guide

In getting pregnant, you just don't think about which sex positions will help you conceive effectively and successfully. More than body positions, you also need to pay attention to the physical condition of your body. You need to know how to prepare it in order to become pregnant.

First, you need to be attentive with what you eat. What you need are foods that can increase levels of fertility. Nutritious and balanced meals will not only be good in slimming down your waistline. These meals will also influence your menstrual cycle, ovulation and eggs. Foods that can help enhance fertility are unsaturated fats like olive oil, avocados and nuts. Eating such foods can help prepare the body for an imminent pregnancy.

Pay attention to your health problems that might be an obstacle or issue in pregnancy. Thyroid diseases, diabetes, ovarian syndrome, etc. can greatly affect the chances of conceiving. Natural treatments for these conditions must be considered. You should discuss with your doctor how the prescribed medications will affect your chances of getting pregnant healthily. Diseases that are sexually transmitted may also hinder pregnancy chances. STDs can make the fallopian tube blocked due to probable scarring.

You must also be able to lessen the amount of stress your body experiences. Stress can greatly interfere with the brain, which also controls and directs the ovaries to produce eggs on a monthly basis. Chronic stress can affect the menstruation cycle, ovulation phases and the egg hatching. There are lots of techniques that will help you reduce stress and increase your fertility levels.

Avoid unhealthy habits like smoking. Smoking per se does not only affect the mother and her baby during pregnancy. This cigarette habit can also have an immense impact prior to pregnancy. The blood vessels, including those leading to the ovaries, become constricted. This then results to quick loss of eggs. Early infertility can be caused by smoking.

Take folate or folic acid to prepare you for pregnancy. Folate can be difficult to obtain from your diet alone so taking folate supplements will be necessary. Taking folic acid will also help prevent defects in the neural tube such as Spina Bifda that is known to be among the common birth defects. Folate must be taken three months before conception. About 400ug of folate is recommended until the 12th week of being pregnant. Folate can be obtained from foods such as broccoli, spinach, asparagus, berries, beef and bran flakes.

Staying fit is also another great preparation for getting pregnant. Exercising will do much in improving fertility, but only if done appropriately. The body needs to be healthy in order to be prepared for conception. Exercise will promote proper blood circulation to all parts of the body, including your reproductive system. Exercise can also help reduce stress from every day events. It will help you to achieve better sleep, giving your body sufficient time to recover and recharge. Nevertheless, exercising more than how much you should can also degrade fertility. Running over 20 miles within a week can cause irregular menstrual cycles. If your present fitness workout is interfering with your menstruation, you need to lessen it and promote regular menstruation and higher level of fertility.

Sleep During Pregnancy - Advice to Help Pregnant Women to Sleep Better

As a pregnant woman I am sure that you have received more advice than you can even remember. Some good, some bad, but if you are having difficulty getting quality sleep during pregnancy please listen to what I have to say.I promise that if you give me a couple minutes of your time I can help you to catch those elusive ZZZ's during pregnancy.

Let me first say that I do know what I am talking about. I am the mother of two beautiful children but let me tell you one of the biggest challenges for me when I was pregnant was getting a good night's sleep.

It started during my first pregnancy when I was pregnant with my son. Other than having to get up to pee more often I slept fine during the first couple months of my pregnancy. But as the months progressed I found it more and more difficult to sleep.

I just could not find a comfortable position to get into. I am a natural back sleeper but found it too uncomfortable to sleep in that position. I would get up the morning tired, cranky, sore, and frustrated from another uncomfortable night of sleep.

I hit the Internet and started doing some research. I found that sleep during pregnancy is a challenge for a lot of expectant mothers; I felt a little better knowing I was not alone. I learned that doctor's, for many health benefit reasons, recommend women sleep on their left side when pregnant. I also discovered that many expectant mothers recommended maternity pillows to help get a comfortable night of sleep.

Now I had tried using pillows to help me get comfortable to no avail. But as I looked more into maternity pillows I discovered that they were full body pillows specially designed to offer support and comfort to pregnant women. I found more and more positive reviews of maternity pillows and women who swore by them as the best thing they had found.

I consider myself to be fairly frugal but this was one indulgence I was going to allow myself. I needed my sleep and if a maternity pillow was going to help then, by golly, I was going to get one. So I found the highest rated one and placed my order.

What a sweet relief! I went to bed that night with my big comfy maternity pillow and slept like a baby for the first time in weeks. It was just like I had read; it offered me support and comfort tin all the needed places and helped to keep me in the side sleeping position that doctors recommend. My sleeping problems have been solved! I used it for the rest of my pregnancy with my son and pulled it out of the closet and used it when I was pregnant with my daughter.

So, if you are having difficulty with sleep during pregnancy please take my advice and get a maternity pillow. You will not regret it. My pillow was my best friend when I was pregnant. Any expectant mother who cannot sleep well should definitely invest in one of these wonderful pillows.

Are You in Need of Postpartum Depression Treatment?

The research that Texas low cost health insurance has done regarding the need for postpartum depression treatment yielded surprising results. Postpartum depression treatment starts with asking yourself a couple of questions. Have you recently become a new mother? Does "motherhood" seem quite different than what you have read in books and magazines? Do you feel extreme sadness since the child was born? How about a lack of interest in your own life or your baby? You could be suffering from postpartum depression and in need of postpartum depression treatment. In the event that you are suffering from postpartum depression, there are generally two forms of treatment. The first being counselling (a combination of interpersonal and/or cognitive behavioral counselling) which has proven to help individuals take control of the way a person thinks and feels. Counselling also helps an individual to focus on the changes associated with having a newborn. The second form of treatment is antidepressant medicine. Antidepressant medicine relieves the symptoms that are associated with the depression.

Women (and men) typically prepare for the birth of their new child by squirreling away diapers, decorating rooms and possibly even starting college funds. However, many do not prepare themselves for the changes that they are about to experience within their bodies nor do they prepare for the way they can be affected by loss of sleep and hormonal changes. Life's normal balancing act is magnified by infinity when a new mother must not only handle household chores, lifestyle adjustments, lack of sleep, crying day and night but she must also deal with the possibilities of being viewed as an unfit mother.

Postpartum depression typically sets in within 4 weeks of childbirth. Although, depression is typically only in 10 percent of women, it is important to prepare for potential depression. In preparing, family members can be on the lookout for mood swings and a big indicator is a general disinterest in the child. If these issues exist, the mother should seek professional help and discuss postpartum depression treatment.

It is widely viewed that postpartum depression and the need for postpartum depression treatment exist only in women. However, the Texas low cost health insurance research has shown that it exists in males as well. The more popular term when a male experiences postpartum depression is paternal postnatal depression. Typically when fathers experience paternal postnatal depression it happens within one month to one year of the child being born. Generally, a distinction must be made between "daddy blues" and paternal postnatal depression. The rule of thumb would be based on the length of time the father experienced "blues". If the father is experiencing heavy (unusual) depression within a year of becoming a new father he is potentially experiencing paternal postnatal depression. Keep in mind, depression of two or more weeks due to any circumstance is reason to seek the advice of a physician or mental health specialist. Causes linked to paternal postnatal depression include loss of or lack of sleep. This is gut wrenching due to the fact that loss of or lack of sleep is almost synonymous with newborns. Additionally, the Texas low cost health insurance research noted that hormonal changes occur in men after they become new fathers. There is potential for testosterone levels to decrease and estrogen levels to increase. With these internal changes happening and a new father having no clue of what is going on inside him, there is added potential for paternal postnatal depression (postpartum depression). To further compound issues, Texas low cost health insurance has found that there is a stigma associated with men who seek mental health assistance. They are many times considered to be weak or frowned upon. That being the case, the depression can go undetected and unfortunately lead to other issues.

Postpartum depression treatment should not be viewed as "treatment for the weak." In fact, in preparation for that new baby, couples should add to their list "watch out for depression signs". It is virtually impossible to stop hormonal changes without proper medication. This absolutely does not mean that a person who is experiencing postpartum depression or paternal postnatal depression must medicate in order to handle the depression. However, persons(s) are more likely to "bounce back" with the assistance of a professional (who may prescribe medication). Postpartum depression treatment could also include cognitive behavioral therapy for both parents. In fact, once an individual has identified a professional, he or she should discuss behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy prior to medicating.

Finally, stay in tune with your body! When your body and mind are reacting in ways that are not normal you should seek the attention of a professional. Better safe than sorry. Who knows, you may be experiencing postpartum depression. Know that you are not alone.

Stay tuned and stay informed!

Infertility Treatments Can Help You Get Pregnant

While the world awaits its 7 billionth child to be born, scientists from all over the world express their growing concerns on the rapid global population growth and its devastating effects on our natural resources. Health-workers are worried that the new generation might not have enough to grow productively as new diseases are discovered and deadly viruses and bacteria make their mark on the human community.

Interestingly, several groups of scientists and researchers work on the treatment of infertility, a condition present in every seventh couple all over the world. Infertility means the inability of a couple to conceive a child. It is often associated with social dilemma in many parts of the world, especially the developing and under-developed countries. Infertility treatments involve first the recognition of the problem that might lie with either partner, and then the correction of these problems through various methods. Fertility tourism is a growing phenomenon whereby couples tour different countries to correct their infertility problems, either because these countries have the relevant technology or because they are cheaper. Fertility tourism is hence a form of medical tourism.

Treatment of infertility depends on the cause, duration of infertility, age of the partners and several personal preferences. Infertility treatments can be grouped as medical or alternate treatments. The At-home contraception kit is cervical cap that helps in cases of low-sperm count, low-sperm motility or a tilted cervix. Ovarian stimulating medication (eg. Clomid, Bravelle, Menopur, Pregnyl, Parlodel etc.) can be useful in cases where the sperm are in good quantity and quality and the woman's reproductive structures are normal.

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a commonly talked about infertility treatment where the sperm and egg are made to fertilize outside the body in a laboratory set-up with the intent of forming an embryo. The embryo (often multiple) is then transferred to the mother's uterus whereby is continues its development. IVF is one of several different forms of assisted reproductive technology techniques (ART) for infertility treatments. ICSI, ZIFT and GIFT are other forms of ART. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can be used in cases of abnormal sperm count of morphology. In this procedure, sperms are directly injected into an egg. Tuboplasty can also be performed to correct a fallopian obstruction or adhesion in a woman.

Alternative infertility treatments include group psychological intervention, acupuncture and manual physical therapy. The efficiency of these alternative infertility treatments is mostly varied and debatable.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum or postnatal depression is a complex mix of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that occur in a mother after giving birth. Depression may occur in women at during the pregnancy or after the delivery of the child.

Postpartum depression occurs after delivery because of the hormonal changes in a woman's body. About 70-80% of woman experience this, and it may appear within days of delivery or within a year.

During pregnancy, the levels of two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, rise greatly. In the first 24 hours after childbirth, these rapidly drop back to their normal non-pregnant levels. Researchers think that this fast change in hormone levels may trigger depression, just as smaller changes in hormones can affect a woman's moods before the menstrual cycle. Also, drops in the levels of thyroid hormones which helps to regulate metabolism is responsible for prompting depression.

The amount of blood in the body, the blood pressure, the immune system and metabolism all change after giving birth. These changes affect how one feels physically and emotionally, causing fatigue or mood swings. There is no exact cause known for depression after childbirth, but it's likely that physical, emotional and lifestyle factors all play a role.

Often, the depression is not recognized or treated, because some normal pregnancy changes cause similar symptoms and are happening at the same time. Tiredness, problems sleeping, stronger emotional reactions, and changes in body weight occur during and after pregnancy. But these symptoms may also be signs of depression.

The major causes include a family history of depression or substance abuse, little support from family and friends, anxiety about the fetus, problems with a previous pregnancy or birth, marital or financial problems, young age of mother, feeling tiredness after delivery, broken sleep patterns, feeling less attractive, and doubting one's ability to be a good mother.

Sometimes, women think they have to be the perfect "super mom," which can add stress. Having to stay home or indoors for longer periods of time and having less time to spend with one?s husband or partner and loved ones also results in depression.

There is a difference between baby blues and postpartum depression. Baby blues can happen in the days right after childbirth and normally go away within a few days to a week, whereas postpartum depression can happen anytime within the first year after childbirth and needs to be treated by a doctor.

Talk therapies and anti-depressant medicines are the best ways to overcome and avoid this depression. Taking a nap when the baby does, asking for help from family members and friends, and talking with other moms definitely helps. Keeping a diary to note down emotions and feelings also works as a vent.

Pregnancy Related Nutrition Help For Smart Moms To-Be

A smart woman would take pregnancy related nutrition help in order to decrease the risk of complications during the nine months and delivery. Good health is inevitable for the mother and baby with appropriate nutrition during pregnancy period.

List Of Foods For Good Pregnancy Nutrition

  • Vegetables - cabbage, broccoli, spinach, potato, tomato, and green beans are rich in vitamin C. Deep yellow and dark green vegetables, green pepper, sweet potato, pumpkin, carrot, and winter squash are rich in vitamin A.

  • Fruits - orange, melon, tangerine, grapefruit, and berries are rich in vitamin C. Apricot, cantaloupe, and other deep yellow fruits contain ample vitamin A. Make sure to have at least 3 or more servings of fruits daily.

  • Breads, grains, and cereals - are good sources of complex carbohydrates. You should take about 6-11 servings of food from this group. Grains also contain protein and many are rich in B-vitamins as well as iron.

  • Nuts, dry beans, and pulses - read any article and you will find this group getting special attention due to its high amount of protein.

  • Milk and milk products - they are rich in calcium.
  • Milky Ideas!

    There are many women who don't like milk. If you are one of them, don't worry. You can still get nourishment during pregnancy. Add some chocolate or vanilla in milk or drink it chilled with ice to get a new taste. If you still cannot stand the taste of milk, here's another way to reap the calcium benefits of milk. Add powdered milk to mashed potatoes, soups, and other such foods and relish the newly flavored dish!

    In addition to this, you can garnish your soups, salads, and vegetables with grated cheese. Better still; eat your snacks with a yogurt dip. If you hate yogurt, replace it with mayonnaise in your salad dressings.

    Got a sweet tooth? Eat milk pudding. If you choose ice cream or iced milk, you need to have one and half cups of them to get an equivalent of one serving of milk. This is because they have sugar as well as air content in them. Take more pregnancy nutrition help and you will come to know of lots of ways to eat food items that you don't like, yet are important for your health.

    You should also discuss with your doctor about its diet supplements. No matter how informed you are about pregnancy diet, it's always better to take pregnancy nutrition help through articles, books, and your doctor.

    What Are The Benefits of IT Contract Jobs?

    IT contract jobs, are positions that companies are looking to fill on a contract basis - rather than on a permanent basis. The company advertising the position will hire the right candidate for a set period of time - as stated in the contract.

    Applying for IT contract jobs is much the same as applying for a permanent position. Many companies and organisations have separate recruitment agencies working for them that carry out staffing requirements on behalf of the company. The internet has also become a great source for almost any kind of information on job hunting and often companies post IT contract jobs on special forums and job boards that are tailored specifically for IT jobs. This makes it easy for job seekers to find various offers that suit their needs and qualifications either on a contract or permanent basis. All you need to do to find the right position is refine your search to the particular IT contract jobs you are looking for.

    Those interested in IT contract jobs at the start of their career need to be prepared to be flexible in terms of the location of where they work. This is important because IT contract jobs are often about getting quick experience and knowledge hired to cover short contracts - these type of jobs can pop up anywhere in the country, not necessarily near to where you live. IT contract jobs present a fantastic opportunity to gain invaluable experience in the industry. The more contract work that an individual undertakes, the more their knowledge and skills base will expand. Undertake - they can pick and choose between the best opportunities available.

    As mentioned earlier, the jobs are generally for a short periods of time - possibly six to eight months. However, it does all depend on the company's requirements so the contract length can vary wildly. Once the period is over, employers can renew contracts too, based on the performance of the person. If contracts are renewed because you have done a good job - it looks fantastic in your CV. It proves that you are consistent in your work and performance and are valued by the employer.

    There are other benefits - you get to work in a variety of workplaces and environments meeting new people and, occasionally, you charge an hourly rate which can often be more than what a permanent job offers.

    Many companies advertise IT contract jobs instead of permanent positions for many reasons. These jobs are usually very specific, and they bring in people who are a lot more experienced due to their exposure to diverse work environments. This enables them to assist permanent staff on specific projects within the organisation. Companies also use contract positions to cover the extended periods of absence existing staff may have due to illness or maternity leave.

    Back Pain During Pregnancy: Can Prenatal Pilates Help?

    Back pain accompanies every stage of pregnancy for many women. From conception to delivery, the body undergoes significant changes.

    Very soon after conception, the body begins releasing the hormone relaxin. This causes ligaments and joints in the pelvis to loosen, making room for baby. Since the pelvis is the foundation of the spine, pelvic instability can lead to back pain. An unstable pelvis also encourages postural changes that lead to back pain.

    As the pregnancy proceeds, abdominal muscles loosen to make room for the growing womb. The pelvic floor, a group of muscles, ligaments and tissues that stretches from the pubic bone to the base of the spine, also stretches out as the baby grows. These changes leave the lower back muscles alone to handle the task of supporting the spine and the upper body's weight.

    Finally, as the baby grows to full size, your center of gravity changes. This can alter posture significantly, causing muscle aches, strains and fatigue.

    How Prenatal Pilates Can Help

    Pilates is a popular form of exercises that focuses on developing core strength through body awareness and exercise. One of its major benefits is that, like yoga, Pilates is highly adaptable.

    You may want to consider attending a prenatal Pilates course during your pregnancy. Its benefits include increasing pelvic stability by keeping the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles as strong as possible, maintaining flexibility in the back muscles and spine through stretching and enhancing pain management abilities through mental focus and breathing exercises.

    First, talk to your doctor or midwife to make sure there is no special circumstance that would bar you from Pilates practice.

    Next, seek out a prenatal Pilates class with a qualified instructor. You can look for classes at community centers, gyms, fitness clubs and YMCAs. You'll want to take a class where the instructor can offer plenty of individual attention. This is important; prenatal Pilates is very safe, but only when performed properly. As your body changes throughout pregnancy, your program will need to be altered.

    For example, overstretching is a concern for pregnant women. This is because relaxin has made muscles, ligaments and joints very loose. Women are more susceptible to muscle strains late in pregnancy. A prenatal Pilates instructor can guide you as to the types of movements that are safe and beneficial for you along the way.

    While you can't stop the changes your body goes through during pregnancy, you can take steps to manage the painful effects they have on your body. Prenatal Pilates is a great way to increase strength and overall well-being during your pregnancy. Pilates can help make this very special time more comfortable.

    Is it True That Pregnancy Miracle Book Can Help in Getting Pregnant?

    Giving birth to a baby is the most precious feeling of the world. Nothing can replace the pride of being a mother. But, many unfortunate women have to face many complications in becoming pregnant naturally. Their problem is manifested as infertility. It is either caused by physiological imperfections or hormonal imbalances.

    The Pregnancy Miracle Book is a glint of hope in the clouds of despair. It is a book written by "Lisa Olson", based on her personal experiences. This book also contains her professional opinions as a nutrition and health advisor. Moreover, it has been tested for its best results as an infertility curing book. The distinguishing success rate makes it a best guide for getting pregnant.

    The pregnancy miracle book covers all the aspect of impaired fecundity. This book can help you to get pregnant even with the big problems like over age, endometriosis, tubal obstruction or ovarian cysts, high levels of FSH, lazy ovaries or acyclic ovaries, uterine fibroids and uterus scarring. It helps to devise holistic solutions for all these problems.

    The Pregnancy Miracle Book helps in getting pregnant by tracing the reasons behind infertility. It helps you to know about the internal issues that hinder in getting pregnant naturally. Moreover, the most impressive thing that distinguishes it from the others is its sequence and extent of explanation. The book addresses the myth and misconceptions about all perplexing issues. A particular length of attention is given to each aspect of infertility.

    Remarkably, the Pregnancy Miracle Book helps the women without recommending harsh drugs and surgeries with horrible side effects. It is a step by step guide to restore natural inner balance with the positive outcome of pregnancy miracle. It is based on a three step system. It provides the necessary information regarding the preconception phase. The book also contains some checklists and charts to monitor the progress regularly.

    The book suggests natural ways of getting pregnant. It proposes ways to maintain the favorable inner body conditions through specific nutritious diet and exercise. It is based on the period of the reproductive cycle in a woman. It also uses some harmless Chinese medicines to improve ovulation and chances of conceiving a baby. Soon after the use, the positive impacts become visible. The women get healthy and energetic. Most of all, their cycles become more predictable, which is a sign that internal body conditions are proceeding towards normal level.

    The book not only helps one to get pregnant but also aids in completing a perfect gestation period till the delivery of a healthy child. It helps to deal with the physical and the emotional issues, which usually arise during pregnancy.

    In the light of researches and reviews, it has been found that the women using pregnancy miracle, get pregnant very quickly. Secondly, not a single miscarriage case has been reported among the women following this guide. The book miraculously facilitates in getting pregnant even at the age or 43 and 45. Thus, it can be surely regarded as the most comprehensive, complete and a precise guide for getting pregnant.

    Do's and Don'ts of Pilates During Pregnancy

    The popularity of certain exercise routines often rises and falls, and at their zenith many things are often claimed for them by enthusiasts or even professionals that are actually not always quite true. Or sometime may be fine for some people but not for others. Pilates is one such exercise regime that is enjoying quite a bit of popularity, but is it wise for everyone to do it?

    Certainly it is said to be good for increasing your core strength, for muscle flexibility and balance. However, if you are pregnant most professionals with any sense will agree that even with this popular and gentle way of exercising certain precautions should be taken. To that end, here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind when it comes to Pilates and pregnancy.


    * Pregnant women should always ask their doctor or healthcare provider before undertaking any exercise regime, especially if they are not very fit to start with, or have any medical problems. If the doctor does not agree that doing Pilates will be good for you then it is important to abide by their decision. You won't always be pregnant and can start after the baby is born. You may see other pregnant women in the Pilates group, but this does not mean that you can do it against your doctor's wishes. Each person and pregnancy is different and you could easily have problems that the other women do not have.

    * If you get the go-ahead, you need to start off by gently stretching those muscles. Happily, you will find that your body has actually become more flexible as this is a natural process in pregnancy to help a woman give birth. So you are really aiding Mother Nature in what she intends for your body at this time. Doing Pilates in pregnancy can be a good thing for many women. They will become even more limber and this can only help the birth process - and the recovery afterwards.

    * Pilates exercise really focus on all the muscles that are most used during labor. The lower back, abdominals and pelvic floor muscles are all toned and strengthened through doing Pilates exercises. That is why it is considered by many to be the ideal way to exercise for many pregnant women.

    * However, it is really best to get specific instruction, especially if you have not done Pilates before. Not all Pilates classes are aimed at pregnant women, so find one that is especially for women who are pregnant. This can be an actual class or a DVD or even an internet clip.

    * Breathing is especially important during labor, so working on your breathing during a Pilates class can only be helpful. The correct breathing techniques can help you keep calm during labor and will also help with the labor. The breathing exercises you learn through Pilates will help your labor progress more successfully while you remain in charge and comfortable.


    * However, although Pilates can certainly help you it is important not to stretch too hard. You should never stretch to the point of pain as this can really do more harm than good. Remember that your joints are loosening naturally.

    * Never exercise to the point where you cannot speak in a normal tone for panting. If you pant or gasp when speaking you have become winded and this is not good for you or for your baby.

    * If you have done Pilates exercises before becoming pregnant you might think that doing the same ones will be a cinch. This is not so, simply because your center of gravity will not be the same. You have more weight at the front, remember? This means that you should concentrate on exercises that require a precise balance and take care when attempting the others. In fact, it could be wise to leave them until after the baby is born.

    * Remember that when you do Pilates in pregnancy you moves will not feel the same, nor will they look the same. Your body is different, so this is only to be expected and you should not worry about it. Mother Nature is taking care of your body and changing it to fit with your pregnancy. This is normal and should not cause frustration or negativity. Pregnancy is beautiful in itself; and with the help of Pilates before and after your baby's birth you will soon return to your natural shape, even if you feel that your body is not doing exactly what you want it to just now.

    Thursday, October 24, 2013

    Day Spa - A Time of Pampering and Healing

    If you have ever felt that a day spa is no more than a luxury for those who do not know what to do with their money, consider the fact that some offer treatments that can relax the body, improve appearance, and relieve stress. With a service such as a comprehensive acne treatment plan, patrons can watch their troublesome acne disappear right before their eyes. The acne problem that may have caused them to spend tons of money and time on over the counter acne medications that did absolutely nothing can be a thing of the past with a few quick and painless treatments at the spa.

    You can also benefit from your day at the spa from skin treatments such as microdermabrasion and micropeels. The microdermabrasion treatment is a non-surgical, quick and effective way to reduce wrinkles dark spots, and acne spots from the skin. A micro peel treatment is used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation in addition to improving skin imperfections and dullness. You can call the offices of the day spa to learn of all the skin therapies they offer. If you are interested, you can schedule an appointment where a well-trained member of the staff will conduct a skin analysis and evaluation to determine the condition of your skin. This gives the spa specialist the opportunity to put together a treatment plan that will address your particular wants and needs.

    No day spa will be complete without offering some type of massage therapy treatment. There are massage therapies that are geared towards relieving the body of toxins, pain, stress, helping individuals recover faster from sports injuries, and prenatal and postpartum massage therapies. Many of these massage therapies will not only relieve your body of knots, pain, and muscle tension, but can also improve blood pressure, range of motion, and mobility.

    You can call the offices of the day spa and find out about student discounts and discounts for everyone so you can save on the services they offer. You can also purchase certificates for one or more sessions at the spa for a family or friend as a great gift. They too will become a believer in the benefits of visiting a day spa as they receiving top-notch services that will help improve their appearance, health, and outlook on life. When you feel better, you look better, and when you look better, it can improve your self-esteem and self-confidence, thus improving your life.

    Can't Get Pregnant - Your Options to Get Pregnant

    If you find that you can't get pregnant, there are some options available for you that can help you get pregnant. It may be frustrating when you are not getting pregnant. The good news is that there are options out that will help. Lets look at some of your options.

    The first option you have if you can't get pregnant is by going to a doctor. You can go to a fertility specialist if you have been trying for over a year with no success. They will run some tests and determine what might be causing you not to get pregnant. It is also a good idea for your partner to get checked out too since it is possible that he can also contribute to the fact that you can't get pregnant.

    Another option to help you get pregnant is by changing up your lifestyle. If you smoke or drink, you could quit. If you are overweight, you should lose a few pounds. If you are stressed too much, you should reduce some stress. If your eating habits are poor, you should start eating more natural and healthy foods. If you work around chemicals, maybe you could consider another position at your job. Changing up your lifestyle to be healthy and appropriate for trying to conceive can also help.

    One last option to mention is actual fertility treatment. One approach to treating fertility is acupuncture. Acupuncture along with herbal medicine can help stimulate fertility. Acupuncture can improve ovarian and follicular function, increase blood flow to the endometrium, and also reduce stress. All of these are good for fertility. This is just one type of fertility treatment that can help when you can't get pregnant.

    There are still many other options out there that can help those who can't get pregnant. Don't feel bad because you are having a hard time getting pregnant. Surprisingly, it is common to have problems getting pregnant. Fortunately, there are options to help in situations like these.

    When You Know the Stork is Calling, it is Also Time For Maternity Health Insurance Coverage

    The birth of a newborn in the family can be an occasion for unrestrained rejoice. Everyone knows that good news is just around the corner and therefore gets on to preparations to welcome the little one in to the world.

    While you as an expectant mother or father would undoubtedly be overwhelmed with joy at the prospect of having a child of your own, you also need to prepare yourself for any unforeseen situations, however unlikely they may seem, to actually occur. Often, birth related complications are seen to happen with even the healthiest of women, and therefore it definitely makes adequate sense that you avail of maternity health insurance coverage.

    The benefits of such a coverage are definitely plenty; apart from the obvious hospital expenses which you are invariably going to incur at the time of delivery, maternity health insurance coverage will also provide for all check-ups that you are very likely to have to undergo, prior to the delivery. It will also provide for the costs of medicines that you will have to take, in addition to lab expenses as well as fees for examinations and other tests.

    While considering going in for maternity health insurance coverage, it would be wise to do so, even before you have actually begun your pregnancy; there are a lot of insurance companies that do not provide maternity health insurance coverage, once you have already begun your pregnancy, so it will be wise to go in for cover prior to that.

    Having said that, there are various government and other state funded agencies that provide insurance coverage even after you have begun your pregnancy; therefore, do not make the wrong choice of not going in for maternity health insurance coverage at all, just because your pregnancy has already begun, and you are under the impression that you can no longer avail of maternity health insurance coverage.

    Instead, initiate the process of dialogue with a well informed, qualified and experienced insurance broker who will give you objective information on all the policy options that you have at hand, and give you solid pointers towards the policy that will suit your requirement as well as your pocket, the best. It is vital that the benefits which you foresee from availing maternity health insurance coverage do not exceed the costs of getting the aforementioned coverage in the very first place.

    Researching on the Internet would also be an excellent proposition for getting the requisite information that you require; there is no dearth of comprehensive information on all the various maternity health insurance coverage policies, as well as on the costs and benefits of each. While doing so, make sure you also look at the fine print of all these policies, as there might be various circumstances under which the specified benefits may not accrue to you. Also, do look up independent websites that offer unbiased information on maternity health insurance coverage policies as well as companies so that you are also informed about the opinion that others have on them, as well as about the experiences that others who availed similar policies, had.

    Finally, once you have got your maternity health insurance coverage, it is time to sit back and wait for the little one to come into this world and bring joy to everyone around!

    What Health Care Reform Means For Infertility Coverage

    The Senate version of the recently enacted health care reform does not provide any obvious, direct relief for couples looking for infertility health insurance coverage. Upon closer inspection there are areas where our friends in Washington have taken away, and places that show a glimmer of hope. Much will change over time as more details begin to emerge. Take a look at what can be learned from a high level overview of the bill.

    I was interested to see what help the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" offered, if any, to couples facing infertility. One can learn very interesting things by downloading the 2,409 page PDF document available online. Adobe Acrobat provides a handy word search feature that allows us to quickly see what, if anything was done to address the needs of couples trying to conceive.

    So I typed in a number of keyword phrases, and got the following results: Infertility: 0, IVF: 0, Fertility: 0, In Vitro Fertilization: 0, Assistive Reproduction Technology: 0

    Okay so it seems that the new law does not provide any obvious direct help for couple trying to conceive. Is there indirect help? Let's try typing in "pregnancy" as see what comes up. We find twenty one entries; now we may be onto something! The entries break down to these categories:

    • Establishment of a pregnancy assistance fund to help pregnant and parenting college students.

    • "A sense of Congress" to study the mental health consequences of women "resolving" pregnancy.

    • Funding tied to state-established goals to reduce teen pregnancy rates.

    • Personal responsibility programs designed to educate adolescents on abstinence, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases.

    • Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) as it relates to oral healthcare.

    • Removal of cost share for counseling and pharmacotherapy for cessation of tobacco use by pregnant women.

    It seems we are out of luck once again. Funding and attention are allocated to preventing pregnancy, and keeping already pregnant women healthy, but nothing about helping get people pregnant.

    Flexible Spending Accounts can be very useful for infertile couples. Pre-taxing helps lower costs for the very high level of unreimbursed medical expenses associated with infertility treatments. Let's see if the bill provides any help in this area? The news is not good. Health Care Flexible Spending Accounts contribution limits have been capped at $2,500 for any plans with tax year's beginning after December 31, 2010. It still makes sense to utilize your FSA to keep costs low, but a $2,500 limit does not make much of a dent in a $15,000 IVF payment.

    Let's not give up yet. There are those state run health exchanges to examine. Their principle purpose is to provide some level of coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions. The funds by nature lose money for the states that currently run such programs; which means your benefit may exceed your premium. Each state is given some level of flexibility it how it will set up and run its exchange. Perhaps there may be something for infertility hidden amongst these exchanges.

    And then there is prescription drugs: 136 mentions, and a few that aren't related to Medicare (the program for people over age 65). Perhaps we can explore these topics in another article. Stay tuned.

    Does Medicaid Cover Surrogacy?

    My potential surrogate mothers and their intended parents are attracted by the idea that Medicaid, or other federal programs, can assist with the costs of the surrogate mother's pregnancy and the birth of the surrogate baby. Maternity health insurance can be quite expensive and this is a way to trim thousands of dollars away from the cost of surrogacy which can be used for other expenses, including the surrogate's compensation.

    So that begs the question: if a surrogate mother financially qualifies for government assistance, should that be used to help cover the costs of a surrogacy? The answer is absolutely NO. Under no circumstances should federal assistance be used to fund a surrogacy.

    It is not the government's responsibility to assist intended parents with the costs of their infertility treatments. Though a typical set of intended parents have put in more than their fair share of taxes over the years, and might feel entitled to receiving some benefits from all of that, it is not the remaining taxpayer's burden to bear.

    Though the surrogate mother may qualify to receive assistance, the child she carries does not. The parents of that child do not meet the income qualifications needed to be eligible for the assistance. This is the equivalent of a woman claiming her neighbor's child is hers in order to qualify.

    It is fraud. And if the government decided to, they could prosecute the surrogate mother and intended parents for fraud. This could involve hefty fines, and, if they chose to make an example of the situation may even involve jail time.

    Many agencies and clinics will not work with surrogate mothers who are on public assistance. Often, they simply do not want to get involved in a situation that could become misconstrued by the federal government.

    Another reason agencies choose not to work with these women is the fact that they might need the money provided by surrogacy in order to meet their basic necessities. Since so much in surrogacy is uncertain, the surrogate might go months without receiving a cent of compensation. She may also go upwards of a year and end a journey having never received any compensation whatsoever.

    Add to that the fact that many see surrogacy as exploitation of the poor and agencies simply do not wish to get involved. The last thing surrogacy needs is more controversy.

    Other forms of public assistance, such as WIC should also be viewed the same way. If she were not pregnant with another couple's child, the surrogate would not qualify to be placed on WIC; therefore, she does not quality for it.

    If a potential surrogate mother is in dire financial straits, surrogacy is simply not the best option for her. If a woman is currently a surrogate and finds herself in a difficult financial situation which will cause her to not be able to afford proper nutrition, the intended parents should cover these costs.

    But under no circumstances should either the surrogate mother or intended parents be tempted to use the government for help. Medicaid is not a cheap way to get a surrogacy done. It's a way to get in a lot of trouble in years to come.

    Anxiety Disorder - The True Causes

    For a very long time, I believed that anxiety and depression are illnesses that "just happen", something that we do not have any control over. I am thankful now for the increased awareness that there is not an external reason for what happens to us physically, rather we are the creators of our life. This knowledge gives us greater control over our lives and allows us to challenge limiting beliefs that we hold.

    Increased adrenalin prepares our body for the "flight or fight" response. This causes us to experience physical symptoms. When the perceived danger disappears, the physical symptoms also disappear. Think about when you are watching a scary film, your fear (flight or fight response) returns to normal once the film has ended. If however stress continues over a long period of time, the increased adrenalin can cause complications. For some people this results in anxiety, depression, insomnia and various other conditions.

    When I suffered from post natal anxiety I experienced a few panic attacks but mostly it was generalised anxiety. The physical and mental symptoms were quite extreme, including breathlessness, shaking, tingling sensations, constipation, extreme insomnia to name but a few. These symptoms were all a result of the increased adrenalin in my system.

    The biggest problem with prolonged anxiety is that your body starts to believe that this increased level of adrenalin is the norm and the body resets itself to produce this amount of adrenalin. As we go about our daily lives we have the fight or flight response when doing completely "normal" activities i.e. shopping, going out, in the house. What is our response to this? We start to adapt our lives in many ways to avoid the "perceived" danger. But it is danger that does not exist, well only in our mind. We can see why many people attempt to use behavioural approaches successfully to re-train the mind.

    The irrational thinking can quickly escalate out of control. The thoughts can continue to a level that is disturbing to anyone. This can very easily lead to feeling depressed, depressed at the inability to control the anxiety. With very few options available it is no surprise that many people take anti-depressant medication.

    The adrenal glands also produce steroids including corticosterone. People who are depressed tend to have high levels of these steroids. Basically as was described with the adrenalin, the feedback loop is out of control and the body continues to produce these excess levels. People can get stuck because the feelings get retained in the memory. To break the feedback loop you have to stop sending the message to produce more steroids and reduce the chemical levels in the body.

    It is also understood that serotonin levels (neurochemical) are low within people who are feeling depressed. Anti-depressant drugs can be used to block the re-uptake mechanism, allowing excess serotonin to flood receptors, aiming to correct the imbalance.

    My own experience is that antidepressants are a short-term fix when there does not appear to be an alternative option. They do not cure, they are like a plaster and the wound still needs to be healed when you remove the plaster.

    Top tips

    • Look to eliminate or reduce all stress in your life.

    • Avoid sugar in your diet, try to keep your blood sugar levels steady.

    • Take control of your mind rather than letting it control you!

    • The Law of Attraction teaches us the importance of what we think and speak about. We will attract more of this in to our lives. It is therefore very important to become aware of the way you think and speak so that you don't attract more of this in to your life. Start writing affirmations etc that will help to challenge the irrational thoughts. The quicker you can reduce your adrenalin levels you will start to feel better.

    • Make a list of all the things that you have adapted, avoided because of your irrational fears. The sooner that you return to everyday activities without adapting because of irrational fears the quicker life will return to normal for you.

    • Find activities that will help you to relax and divert your mind, watching TV does not work! Something that will help you to focus your mind will help.

    • Think carefully about taking antidepressants whilst they can be useful for a short-term fix, it is worth noting that no studies have been carried out as to the effect that these medications can have on other areas of our body.

    • Be aware that our body has a natural way of producing all the hormones that we need, we just need to know how!

    • Serotonin can be increased naturally through a healthy lifestyle including diet, exercise, laughter, sex and reducing stress levels.

    • Most of all never believe that there is an external factor causing your illness or believe that you need medication to manage your life longer-term. This will mean you live your life in fear, fear of it returning! Fear of not being able to control it again.

    Wednesday, October 23, 2013

    Health Care Reform and Fertility Drug Coverage

    Couples facing infertility often have very limited health insurance options. Most insurance plans simply do not cover infertility treatments. Fifteen states mandate coverage at some level, but even if you work in one of the covered states there are many loopholes. With the recently passed Health Care Reform Act, perhaps there is some relief in sight for couples looking for coverage.

    In an earlier article we looked to see if the Health Care Reform Act directly addressed infertility coverage in any way. Looking at the Senate version of the bill widely available on the internet, and using the word search feature found in Adobe documents we were able to find absolutely no references for infertility, IVF, ART, and a variety of other terms significant for couples trying to conceive. It appears that the bill does not directly address infertility health insurance coverage.

    So we ask ourselves; is there any indirect assistance? Fertility drugs such as Bravelle, Clomid, Follistim, etc., can make up a significant component to the total cost of infertility. Health insurance plans that cover the cost of these drugs makes a big difference in the affordability of infertility treatments.

    One of the key components of the bill addresses prescription drug coverage - an important feature of any health insurance plan. So let's see how many mentions there might be for "prescription": the term "prescription" is mentioned 136 times. Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope.

    Of the 136 mentions of prescriptions, every single mention is associated with Medicare Part D: the prescription drug plan associated with the government run health plan for seniors. Medicare is our country's health insurance program for people over the age of 65. Most couples trying to conceive are far too young to qualify for this coverage, so most of the mentions won't apply.

    But Medicare also covers people who have disabilities, permanent kidney failure, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease). Younger people in the latter two categories may qualify for Medicare, but may not be healthy enough to have children. This leaves only a very narrow segment of couples trying to conceive who might be impacted by the Part D legislation. We can conclude that this portion of the legislation is of little help.

    So it seems that there is nothing concrete in the bill relating to fertility drugs. But we will keep looking, and reporting back to you want we find. In the meantime, remember that many of the bills components do not go fully into effect until 2014. For those looking for coverage right now, consider that supplemental health insurance can help you recoup some of your infertility treatment costs when you deliver your happy healthy baby.

    How Yoga Benefits Pregnant Women?

    The art of yoga helps you stay fit, both psychologically and physiologically. Not only does yoga relieve the stress and improve your level of concentration, but it also confers many benefits on the health of the exercisers by improving blood circulation, decreasing cholesterol levels, improving cardio-vascular efficiency, normalizing blood pressure, and improving physical strength and stamina. Moreover, prenatal yoga has been shown to lead to a healthy pregnancy by many researchers.

    1) Yoga builds strength which in turn helps women carry the added pregnancy weight.

    2) Regular yoga sessions have been reported to relieve the low back pain associated with pregnancy. Prenatal yoga poses such as half-moon pose, cow face pose and pigeon pose strengthen the back muscles, which in turn help take the pressure off the lower back due to increased uterus size.

    3) Yoga helps relieve the irritation of the sciatic nerve during pregnancy.

    4) The breathing and stretching techniques in yoga help relieve stress and keep the mind of a person fit by normalizing the production of hormones in the brain. This, in turn, positively affects the health of both mother and fetus.

    5) Different poses of yoga help pregnant women open their hips for childbirth. Moreover, they also help them cope with pain and ease childbirth by strengthening the muscles used in delivery.

    6) Stretching and breathing exercises promote circulation of blood throughout the body. This, in turn, increases the supply of oxygen to vital body organs including uterus, thus promoting general well-being for both mother and fetus.

    7) Yoga makes a great way for prenatal women to avoid the weight gain during pregnancy. Numerous yoga poses have been shown to lower the amount of cortisol in the body. This aids in fat burning and weight loss.

    8) Breathing exercises such as Victorious Breath help improve the function of lungs and improve cardio-vascular efficiency in the pregnant women. Breathing also relaxes mind and body in high-stress situations.

    9) Some types of pranayama, meditative practices and restorative asana have been shown to reduce inflammation, promote quality sleep, tone the muscles and improve strength of the musculoskeletal system.

    10) Prenatal yoga reduces blood pressure and benefits the endocrine and excretory systems. It increases endorphin production in the brain which helps the body naturally reduce the sensation of pain.

    11) Some yoga postures stimulate the pituitary gland to increase the production of prolactin, which is a hormone that aids in the production of milk in breast feeding mothers.

    Preterm Labor and Birth-Pregnancy

    Preterm birth remains a major cause of newborn and infant illness and death. If its causes were better understood and prevention or treatment more effective, fewer babies would die every year. For a pregnant woman, prevention of preterm birth requires knowing the early signs of impending labor and seeking prompt care should any occur.

    There is no exact physical or physiologic point at which a fetus ceases to be premature and becomes mature, no matter how precisely the pregnancy is dated. All the changes that occur are gradual, especially in the latter two-thirds of the third trimester. There are no great leaps forward in baby behavior from one day to the next. In general, however, 37 weeks completed gestation is considered mature. Any labor occurring before 37 weeks is considered preterm labor and any baby born before 37 weeks is considered preterm.

    Today, a distinction is made between premature babies and preterm babies. "Maturity" refers to how well the baby is able to function outside the womb, with the most emphasis on the respiratory system, as breathing is a crucial function the baby must assume. A baby whose lungs cannot function is "premature." A "preterm" baby is one whose gestational age is less than 37 completed weeks gestation. Some "preterm" babies may not be "premature" from the perspective of their ability to breathe.

    Acknowledging the difficulty in precisely dating a pregnancy, particularly prior to ultrasound, experts in the early part of the twentieth century suggested defining prematurity by weight, not gestational age. Any baby weighing less than 2,500 grams (2.5 kilograms), or approximately 5½ pounds, was considered premature. However, using weight imposes its own imprecision, as weight varies greatly with many other factors. We now make a distinction between birth weight and gestational age.

    A baby's birth weight may be said to be appropriate for gestational age(AGA) or small for gestational age(SGA). Small babies may be small because they are preterm or small because they are "growth retarded," or "growth restricted." A baby may be both preterm and small for gestational age.

    If two babies are the same birth weight, but one is born at 33 weeks and is the appropriate weight for this gestational age and the other is a growth restricted baby born at 38 weeks, in general, the older infant will have an easier time adapting to life outside the uterus. If a baby is large, but born early, it may still have the problems that accompany early birth. The baby who will have the most trouble is the one who is both premature and small for gestational age.

    Prior to delivery, when the baby can physically be examined to determine its gestational age, the date of the first day of the last menstrual period is the best single piece of information regarding the duration of the pregnancy. When a woman does not remember this date, when she has irregular periods or gets pregnant after discontinuing a birth control method that made her periods stop, such as Depo-Provera(the "shot"), an ultrasound determines the duration of pregnancy. Ultrasound may also be relied upon when the uterine size does not match the dates. The ultrasound may need to be repeated to ascertain if the difference in uterine size and menstrual dates(called a size-dates discrepancy) is due to the baby growing excessively or not growing adequately, or if in fact the baby is growing as expected, just older or younger than the dates suggest. Serial ultrasounds, done several weeks apart, can measure the fetus's rate of growth. Proper growth may also be determined by using a variety of ultrasound measurements to assess the relationship of the size of the head, for example, to the size of the abdomen. If there is a big discrepancy between these two, the baby may be growing improperly.

    Although 37 weeks gestation is considered mature, a fetus can reach maturity as early as 35 weeks. This does not mean that younger or smaller babies cannot survive. Today, they frequently do. With neonatal intensive care, highly sophisticated equipment for assisting babies to breathe, a recently developed medication called surfactant, which helps the lungs stay expanded, and round-the-clock attention by expert staff, premature babies have a better chance of survival than they did a few decades ago. Newborns can survive with birth weights as low as 500 grams(just over one pound) and a gestational age of about 23 or 24 weeks. Such tiny infants, however, often have developmental problems in childhood.

    Most of the difficulty in functioning among preterm babies is seen in babies less than 34 weeks gestational age. Government statistics today make a distinction between moderately preterm births(32 to 36 weeks) and very preterm births(less than 32 weeks completed gestation). Distinctions are also made among low birth weight(less than 2,500 grams or 5½ pounds), very low birth weight(1,500 grams or less, approximately 31/3; pounds), and extremely low birth weight(1,000 grams or less, approximately 2¼ pounds).

    In 1998, the overall percentage of premature births in the U.S. was 11.6. This rate has been on the rise. In 1990, it was 10.6 percent; in 1981, 9.4 percent. Most of the increase in 1998 was in the moderately preterm group-babies born between 32 and 36 weeks gestation.

    One major reason that preterm births are rising is that multiple births have become more common. Pregnancies with more than one baby are more likely to end prematurely than are pregnancies with only one baby(called singleton pregnancies). Multiple birth babies are also more likely to be low birth weight.

    Two trends account for the recent increase in multiple births. One is the greater number of births to women in their thirties, who are naturally more likely to have a multiple birth than younger women. The other is the proliferation of fertility treatments, some of which result in multiple fetuses. About 80 percent of births of triplets or more were due to fertility treatment in 1996 and 1997. In 2000, 18 percent of births to women aged 45 to 49 years was a twin, triplet, or higher order multiple birth. In 1999, one out of every 3 births to women aged 50 or older was a twin or triplet or higher-order multiple birth.

    We cannot discuss the rate of prematurity in the United States without noting the difference between the rate for Caucasian women(10.2 percent) and for African-American women(17.6 percent). A small part of this difference is due to the slightly more common occurrence of multiple births among African-American women. Socioeconomic background (poverty, inadequate nutrition, and lack of access to health care) accounts for another part of the difference. Even among African-Americans who have achieved a high socioeconomic status, however, there is a difference in the preterm birth rates compared with Caucasians. We can only reflect that racial inequalities in this country continue to have effects even when aspects of inequity are overcome.

    Hottest Maternity Swimwear For Pregnant Women

    With Summer just around the corner, it is not too early to begin shopping for the perfect maternity swimsuit. This season has some sizzling hot styles and patterns that will make you feel like one hot mama when you hit the pool or beach this summer. Here's a breakdown of some of the best maternity swimsuit styles today:

    Tankinis are a great style for most any women who is expecting. The 2 piece gives you the feel of a bikini while the belly skimming style gives you a flirty look combined with a bit of modesty for those of us who do not want to show all their expecting tummy at the pool. The tank style usually comes with adjustable straps and better support for larger busted women. Usually the wider the strap and the higher the back, the better the bust support in the suit. Belabumbum's nursing/maternity tankini is a personal favorite in hot pink. This suit is designed for both maternity and postpartum with discreet nursing access. Very cute and sassy! This suit also comes in solid black.

    Halterkinis are another stylish alternative to a one piece or bikini. The halterkini styles typically have an adjustable tie around the neck which always gives a flattering, slimming and feminine silhouette look. Many women like to wear the halter tops separately with jeans or shorts. Look for halter tops that have some padding and good support so that they continue to support well when wet and don't show through. Prego Maternity has a number of super cute patterned halterkinis out this season. The Hippie Chic Sweetheart is especially well designed with wider straps than previous year's Sweetheart styles and fun festive paisley pattern that is sure to flatter.

    If you are looking for more coverage and maximum support, then the babydoll style is a good option. Prego Maternity makes both a halter babydoll and the tank style in the plus babydoll which runs in sizes large-2X. The babydoll is an empire style top with a longer skirt which fully covers the hips and bottom in a mini-dress style. The bottoms fully cover the belly for maximum coverage if the skirt floats up in the water. This style has wide straps and is slightly bigger in the bust.

    If you prefer strapless, but still looking for some hip and bottom coverage, then the strapless mini is a good choice. Prego Maternity's strapless mini comes in a variety of patterns and solids including a new First Bloom pattern with tapestry of hot pink and black flower blooms and swirling leafs interlaced with white. The strapless has a removable halter string for extra protection when swimming. The snug fitting style provides a beautiful silhouette on your blooming curves and shapes while allowing you to get a nice tan line across the shoulders.

    If you are real swimmer, then there is not substitute for well fitting one piece suit to allow you to glide across the water with no extra fabrics and skirts floating in your mist. Prego Maternity's Empire Tank is the best suit out there for lap swimming. This suit provides superior bust support and stretches to perfectly encapsulate your growing curves and belly. It is very comfortable for lap swimming and very flattering on.

    Maternal America's 1 Piece Keyhole swimsuit gives you a little more zing and sex appeal to your classic one piece suit. The beautiful ruched keyhole design just below the bust and above the tummy creates a slimming and flattering style which de-emphasizes the belly while showing off your pregnant shape. Halter straps add to the over all sexy and fabulous silhouette of this suit on your pregnancy figure. This suit comes in beautiful solid sky and fruit punch colors this season as well as classic black.

    For those of you who love bikinis, Maternal America has some to die for styles out this season. The Jill Boy Bikini is simply adorable. This style maternity bikini has a securely fitting ruched top with a halter string that can also be worn strapless. The matching bikini boy short bottoms are just enough leg to cover your bottom with no ride up and comfortably fitting under the belly for a great fit and sassy look. This style looks especially great in this season's hot Fruit Punch solid color and Flower Power pattern.

    As for maternity cover-ups, check out Maternal America's new strapless cover-up in Carnival print. This cover-up is light, breezy and easy to wear. You can also wear it as a regular tube top. Also Maternal America's new Strapless Flower maternity dress, which is also a smocked tube style but longer dress, doubles fabulously as a swimsuit cover-up. As for classic white and black, there is Maternal America's bestselling tunic swimsuit cover up with deep V neck and adjustable ties in the back. This style can also be layered over a fitted top or tank for a casual everyday top with jeans, capris or shorts.

    Whether you opt for full coverage with a babydoll or a skimpy sexy boyshort bikini, there are plenty of styles to choose from with cover-ups to match this swimsuit season.

    Pregnancy Stretch Marks - Easy Ways to Help to Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

    One thing that happens to almost every new or expectant mother is the appearance of stretch marks, this is very common among pregnant women. Pregnancy stretch marks, however, can become a source of embarrassment for you, especially if they are highly noticeable after your child has been born. Even though this is such a common thing, there are ways to prevent them that are worth looking into for any mother-to-be.

    The first way to avoid them is to keep yourself in relatively good shape throughout your pregnancy. While there will be some weight gain, as you must be taking in enough nutrients for both yourself and the baby, it is very important to keep things within reason.

    Many women use their pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever they want, whenever they want and these same women are upset about about stretch marks down the line.

    If you want to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, the first thing that you must do is follow a proper diet throughout your pregnancy and keep yourself fit. Even though following a good diet will go a long way in prevention, you will also have to do a few other things to avoid them or at least minimise them.

    One reason why these stretch marks appear is because your skin gets dried out as it stretches. So, keeping your skin moisturized can go a long way towards prevention. Cocoa butter or a special moisturizing cream has been found useful for prevention, these moisturising creams can help minimize the amount of stretch damage to your skin as your pregnancy progresses.

    In addition to your healthy diet, make sure that you get enough vitamin E as this can go a long way in preventing these stretch marks. Keeping your vitamin E intake up around its recommended levels is quite easy, many of the lotions or creams that you might use have vitamin E added to them. As with any creams you should try small amounts first to ensure you do not have an allergic reaction to them. Your doctor may also recommend a supplement if he or she feels it is needed.

    Are You Drinking Enough Water?

    You will be consuming a great deal of water while you are pregnant, you should make sure that you drink at least eight 12 ounce glasses per day, even more if you exercise or if the weather is hot or dry. It is important for you and your baby that you are well hydrated. This will allow you to repair any damage that is done to your skin quickly and will help you prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

    Finally, if you already see the impact of stretch marks on your skin, there are many products that can reduce their visibility. The only problem with these products is that they must be applied soon after your child has been born to be effective.

    So have a healthy diet, keep fit and drink plenty of water, these are some of the ways to help prevent pregnant stretch marks.

    Getting Health Insurance If You're Pregnant

    I guess you already know that it is a lot easier to find health insurance well before you get pregnant. A typical job related group policy should cover maternity very well. If you can obtain group medical coverage from an employer, HIPAA laws may protect your access to the plan even if you are pregnant. If you already have a job, and did not take the insurance, call your HR department to find out what your options are. If you need to find a new job with group benefits, this situation will get a lot more sticky. While employers should not discriminate, trying to get hired while pregnant is not an ideal situation. Of course, a spouse with an employer based group medical plan that covers maternity would work too.

    Keep in mind that not everybody qualifies for this HIPAA protection. For one thing, you usually have to be able to prove you had prior coverage within a certain time limit. The laws were intended to protect people, but not to allow people to just run out and get insurance when they needed it. This is not how insurance works. You do not buy car insurance after you have an accident.

    If a group policy is out of the question, individual insurers will not be likely to insure pregnant women. In fact, in many cases, they will not even insure anybody in the household where a woman is pregnant.

    If you have bee recently terminated, pregnancy is one good reason to keep your COBRA benefits as long as you can. If your old employer had maternity coverage in their group plan, and you can extend those benefits for several months, this may be your best option. COBRA benefits are not cheap though, so this is not always affordable for every unemployed person.

    Public Health Insurance Options

    If your family meets the income guidelines, consider applying for Medicaid or CHIPS. Medicare is the federal health insurance program for very poor people with few assets. CHIPS is the federal and state children's health insurance program for low to moderate income families. This children's insurance program has been extended to also include pregnant women. You can search the internet for local contact information.

    Your county hospital system may also provide low cost clinics and deliveries on a sliding scale based upon income. There are also private foundations and charities that provide financial aid. The website is a good resource to find local financial aid and resources.

    What If Your Income is Too High For Public Insurance?

    Your family could make too much money to qualify for any public programs, but you could still have trouble paying for everything out of your pocket. A normal maternity could cost a few thousand dollars. Any complications, like a C section, could run up much higher bills.

    In this case, you can search for payment programs. I have seen hospital and doctor's programs which allow you to make payments for routine care and deliveries. You would simply pay out the cost of office visits, tests, and your delivery in the same way you make car payments.

    Maternity Health Care Is Important

    The important thing now is to focus on the health of the mother and child. Some people may feel to proud to apply for public health programs, but I think these feelings should be put aside for now. In the long run, if you get proper care so you can have a good chance to have a healthy mother deliver a healthy child, you will be doing the most good for society.

    Making Ends Meet While on Maternity Leave

    Having a baby should be the happiest time in a couple's life. Unfortunately for many families, the birth of a baby, although wonderful, represents a time of great financial stress. Only about one in every seven workers gets paid maternity leave from their company. Women struggle with the financial need to be at work and the emotional need to be with their new baby. Making ends meet while on maternity leave is not easy; here are some tips to make your stay home a little easier.

    Making Ends Meet While On Maternity Leave: 5 Tips To Ease The Financial Stress

    1. Take advantage of Government Benefits. Always apply for child tax credits, child care benefits, and low income tax breaks. Check your local Government as well; sometimes they offer programs that help new families with making ends meet while on maternity leave. Check your local Employment Insurance office for help with such benefits.

    2. Get used to using coupons while on maternity leave. You can actually save quite a bit of money this way if you sign up for mailing lists from your favourite stores. They generally send samples along with money saving coupons. Also check out online sources for coupons such as (Canadian residents), and the frugalshopper; just Google coupons and there are many sites that come up. Choose your coupons and print them off.

    3. You can also get help making ends meet while on maternity leave with your local community resources. Check out second hand stores, local swap meets,, and the YWCA. A great resource to find organizations in your community that help is using kijiji or craigslist. Also ask your church, they usually have a great list of all the local organizations that help families.

    4. Something I personally started doing while I was on maternity leave and continue to do today is make good use of the dollar store. If you have never been into the dollar store you have been missing out. You won't find high quality stuff, but what you do find is reasonable and useful. I get everything from kitchen gadgets to household cleaners to my dog's dishes at the dollar store. You won't find everything you want, but for a dollar you will find it easier to compromise on some household items.

    5. The best thing I did while on maternity leave was bring in an extra income. Many moms find that being on maternity leave is a perfect time to look into having a home business. It is a great way to making ends meet while on maternity leave and if you end up liking it and making good money you just might find yourself wanting to stay home with your baby. Look for something online; it will be easier since you won't be expected to go out and do home parties or sell face to face. Also look for an opportunity where you will have a mentor to help coach you along the way. You want to be able to start off slow (since you will be very busy with baby!)

    An online business is best for making ends meet while on maternity leave because it gives you ultimate flexibility in when you put time in and with how many hours you put in. It also gives you the opportunity to earn while you are learning and create a great income for your family. This is an especially great option for those new moms who really want to be a stay at home mom but couldn't financially afford to do so. With an online home business you can be completely flexible for you and your baby and financially help support your family.

    Tuesday, October 22, 2013

    Remove Stretch Marks with These Medicinal Herbs

    Stretch marks are scars that are produced on the skin mostly due to pregnancy and childbirth. These are present as lighter lines of the skin, with a whitish hue. Though stretch marks are usually associated with pregnancy and childbirth, it is not actually true. Stretch marks can also occur due to obesity, excessive physical labor involving a particular part of the skin, bodybuilding, pubertal changes, dieting, etc. Stretch marks are called as striae distensae medically. However bad they may appear, stretch marks are always a cosmetic problem and they have no repercussions on the health of the person.

    A significant part of the joy of childbirth is marred when the woman finds out that the pregnancy has brought on several disagreeable changes in the body. Stretch marks are among the topmost of pregnancy-related problems. These put a big dampener on the self-confidence of women. In fact, some women may decide not to give birth to a child just to avoid the disfiguring changing that pregnancy brings on.

    But there is actually no need to despair. Through Ayurveda, Indian doctors have discovered and perfected several techniques by which women can treat their stretch marks of pregnancy; and also avoid them while they are pregnant.

    Useful Herbs for the Treatment of Stretch Marks

    # Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

    The holy basil, or the tulsi, is used in the prevention of bleeding of tissue, stretch marks and scarring that can occur during pregnancy.

    # Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica)

    The gotu kola is an indigenous Indian herb which is now being extensively marketed and used in foreign countries for healing stretch marks and other cosmetic problems of the skin. It is an important ingredient in several pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of stretch marks.

    # Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia)

    Indian madder is popular as the manjishtha in Ayurvedic language. It is very effective in the solution of skin problems such as stretch marks. It also prevents skin ulcers.

    # Indian Margosa (Azadirachtha indica)

    The Indian margosa is none other than the neem, which is almost worshipped in Ayurvedic medicine. This is used to prevent itches and abscesses that can be caused during pregnancy. It takes care of stretch marks. The neem is also useful in the treatment of secondary infections.

    # Sandalwood (Chandana)

    Sandalwood has a cooling effect on the skin. It protects the skin from stretching extensively during pregnancy.

    Dietary Treatments for Treatment of Stretch Marks

    During pregnancy, women must take care of their skin. For this, their diet must contain sufficient amount of vitamin E. Vitamin E is present in several oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, walnut oil and peanut oil and in foods such as carrots, tomatoes, hazelnut, soybeans, pollards, corn, asparagus and oatmeal. In fact, oatmeal is traditionally prescribed to women to get rid of their stretch marks.

    The diet should also contain good amounts of vitamin C, which is essential in maintaining the water content of the body. This can be obtained from fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, which must be taken in a minimum cooked form.

    Sour and pungent foods must be avoided. Similarly, saturated fats must be avoided in excess, because they can cause excessive stretching of the skin, and also lead to obesity. Eating seeds and nuts that are rich in mineral content, especially zinc is good for toning up the skin during pregnancy.

    The water content of the skin must be kept high in order to maintain its suppleness. When pregnant, the woman must drink at least six to eight glasses of water in a day.

    Home Remedies for the Treatment of Stretch Marks

    # Apply a cream that is rich in content on the region where stretch marks are prone to occur. This will prevent the stretch marks from appearing later on. Even if the stretch marks persist later, you can apply vitamin E containing creams on the area for removing them.

    # Cocoa butter is highly acclaimed for preventing pregnancy stretch marks. This butter must be applied on the skin every night when you are pregnant. Cocoa butter has much more benefits if it is applied directly after a warm shower because it opens up the pores of the skin and helps it to permeate better.

    # You can use vitamin E rich oil such as olive oil or castor oil and rub it onto the belly every night. Use some aromatic herbs like mint, lemon grass, lavender, thyme, etc., make a paste of them with the oil and apply them onto the belly for better effects. The massage must be done for about twenty minutes every night while retiring to bed. Even if this is done after the birth, it helps the stretch marks to subside after a few weeks.

    Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage and Seeking Help By Eating Right

    Experiencing miscarriage is both a physical and emotional challenge for the mother. To try getting pregnant after miscarriage again would mean accepting the harsh reality that another miscarriage might happen the second time around. Don't let yourself down, though. Help yourself improve your chance of getting pregnant by eating right.

    There are many causes why you had a miscarriage then. It could be because of a dreadful disease, an infection, an abnormality, or just plain misfortune. But you can reverse the negative thing that has happened to you by eating right. Your lifestyle affects the healthiness of your body. The healthier you are, the more ideal your body becomes for a developing fetus.

    Generally, eating healthily like having more vegetables and fruits and lesser fats in the diet will be helpful. You can try a better diet also--a diet that is ideal for those who try getting pregnant after miscarriage. Here are the important nutrients for that diet:

    - Zinc. Researches have proven the connection of zinc to healthy pregnancy. Experts suggest that taking enough or more than enough zinc will promote a conception-ready body. Make sure you don't have deficiency in zinc because if so, your ability to get pregnant will be impaired. The father should also have enough zinc so he can produce healthier sperms. You can take zinc supplements or eat foods rich in zinc like whole grains, egg yolks, and lean meat.

    - Vitamin C. Whether you try getting pregnant after miscarriage or not, including Vitamin C to your diet is very important. For pregnant women, Vitamin C strengthens the womb lining, making it stronger for getting pregnant and staying pregnant. Citrus fruits like berries, lemons, grapefruits, and limes are great sources of Vitamin C. You can also take Vitamin C supplements as an alternative.

    - Folic Acid. Chromosomal damage is one of the common reasons for miscarriage. By correcting this, you will dramatically improve your chance of getting pregnant after miscarriage. More than helping you get pregnant, folic acid will assist you to stay pregnant, too. Doctors usually recommend taking 400 micrograms of folic acid everyday. You can also eat foods rich in folic acid especially the green leafy vegetables.

    These three nutrients are must-haves to a diet of trying-to-get-pregnant couples. Aside from folic acid, Vitamin C, and zinc, you should consider eating sensible foods, too. Sensible here means no to sugary or oily foods. Stick to a balanced diet. Everything should be in moderation and you will have balanced diet.

    First Prenatal Check Up Tests You May Need To Take

    Prenatal care is necessary in ensuring the overall health and wellness of both mother and child. The first prenatal care visit can be stressful for women because medical practitioners usually collect a lot of data, to make sure that the pregnancy can be as trouble free as possible.

    Your medical provider will normally get a detailed medical background from you. That could involve details regarding your menstrual cycle, contraceptive use, allergies, past pregnancies, and other conditions. In order for your medical doctor to effectively handle your pregnancy, it is important that you disclose even sensitive information such as abortion and use of drugs. If you were unable to discuss these with any of your family members, it is easy to request that you talk to your physician in private. The essential thing is to rule out any hazards or potential issues through your pregnancy.

    Health care providers conduct a lot of exams to determine that you are not having a high risk pregnancy. Here's a list of the common tests requested by your medical doctor during the initial visit:

    Physical Exam - Your doctor will check your blood pressure, height and weight. Aside from determining your all round wellness, your doctor could also particularly evaluate your heart, lung area and breasts.

    Pelvic Examination - A Pap smear is done to check for cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and chlamydia. A bimanual internal examination is also carried out to ascertain the measurement of the uterus and pelvis. It may lead to a slight discomfort but it is essential in examining for abnormalities in the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

    Complete Blood Count - This test is performed to determine infection, presence of anemia and to determine clotting ability.

    Serologic Test for Syphilis - Syphilis must be treated early in pregnancy to prevent fetal damage. The deformities may vary from bone and tooth deformities to nerve and brain damage.

    Blood Typing - It is important due to the fact that pregnant women with bleeding tendencies need to have blood ready in case of emergencies.

    Maternal Serum for Alpha-Fetoprotein (MSAFP) - This test is vital in identifying neural tube and abdominal defects in the fetus. It is usually conducted at 16 to 18 weeks of gestation.

    Rubella - This test is done to screen for immunity against German measles. A lot of People are immune against rubella because vaccinations are given in their childhood. If you didn't get the vaccine, stay away from individuals with this disease. Although it may be rare, it can result in really serious complications for your baby.

    Antibody Titers for Hepatitis B (HBsAg) - This test is applied to screen for Hepatitis B, which may be transmitted to the baby throughout childbirth.

    Varicella - This test is used to check for immunity from chickenpox. That test is normally requested for women who have no background of the disease. An exposure during pregnancy may have dangerous effects to the child.

    Urinalysis - Health professionals need to test your urine to check for kidney disorder and bladder infections. That test can additionally detect high levels of sugar which may point out to diabetes. Bladder infections are common amongst expecting women, and if kept untreated, it may lead to problems for the child.

    Indirect Coombs' Test - It can determine if Rh antibodies are present. An Rh factor is a protein on the surface of the blood cells that trigger an immune system response. If a woman is Rh negative and her spouse is Rh positive, the baby's blood type may not match, and it may result in Rh incompatibility. The incompatibility will set off the mom's body to develop antibodies which may be harmful to the baby. Therefore, an injection of Rh immune globulin (Rhogam) during the 28th week of pregnancy is essential. This injection is additionally given in the instance of bleeding during pregnancy and after delivery of the baby.

    HIV Test - This test in pregnancy is optional, but it is recommended because it enables a HIV positive female to start therapy with Zidovudine (AZT). AZT may minimize the chance of the infant developing the disease. Women who possess a history of using intravenous drugs, and who have a number of sex partners are encouraged to undergo testing. It may be a really important but it is by no means mandatory, so females have the right to refuse testing.

    Genetic Tests - Your doctor may also order genetic tests to figure out illnesses which can be handed to the child as a consequence of defective genes. Physicians would typically prescribe it depending on your health-related history and ethnic background. People of Mediterranean descent, Blacks, French Canadians and Jews have a greater risk of getting Tay-Sach's disease, sickle cell anemia and thalassemia.

    Prenatal care is a really good step in ensuring a very healthy pregnancy.Although the first visit may demand a lot of exams, these are ordered so one can have the very best possible care for the duration of pregnancy. The next prenatal visits may not be as long as the first one however, each visit is equally important. A pregnant woman needs to work closely together with her doctor to guarantee a healthy pregnancy.

    Life Insurance, Auto Insurance, and More in Alaska

    I have divided this article into four different sections, each detailing its heading. I hope this makes it easier for you to get the information you require.

    Auto Insurance in Alaska

    The state of Alaska requires that every single motor vehicle registered there needs to have at least liability auto insurance. Under this State law; all owners of motor vehicles and/or drivers of the same must have the minimum amounts of liability auto insurance, which are:

    - $50,000 for death or injury to any one person per accident

    - $100,000 for death per accident or total injuries

    - $25,000 for property damage per accident

    In the event of an auto accident that resulted in property damage, personal injury or death amounting to more than $500; all drivers involved in the accident must show their auto insurance proof. Aside from auto accidents with damage greater than $500, the driver must also present proof of auto insurance any time they are requested to do so by an officer of the law and when comes the time to renew registration. If the driver fails to show proof of auto insurance for accidents with $500 dollars or more worth of damage, the drivers license will automatically be suspended for a period of 90 days to one year. The length of the suspension depends on the drivers driving record. Also, in case of an auto accident here, the guilty drivers auto insurance shall cover the expenses that were caused because of the accident.

    Home Insurance in Alaska

    You probably would not know this, but compared with to other states, Alaska pays more for home insurance. The reason for this is that they are always at a risk of floods and sub-zero temperatures. Though they have experienced a high increase in home insurance coverage in the past year, there are several ways to save on home insurance. The first is to compare the different insurance companies and see what each of them have to offer. This will enable you to get the right insurance at the price that fits your budget. Second is asking around about the different types discounts. You can ask your insurance company for the discounts you qualify for. And last is that increasing the deductible can save you a decent sum of money. By increasing the deductible, you are basically telling your Alaska Home Owners Insurance Agent that you are going to do everything you can to avoid any claims.

    The most common home owners insurance coverages are:

    HO-1 - This is for lighting, fire, vandalism, theft and smoke.

    HO-2 - This is the same as the HO-1 only with additional perils, such as building collapse, water damage and falling objects.

    HO-3 - This is "all perils". Depending on your budget, you can choose between basic and all perils. But what is ultimately important is that you have home insurance which will protect you in case of disaster.

    Health Insurance in Alaska

    Alaska health insurance enables most residents to be able to afford the increasing cost of health care. Those who have health care are able to escape medical debt, which occurs in two out of five locals. Considering the statistics, it is important, and certainly more cost effective, to have health insurance. Although health insurance varies; most policies pay for hospitalization, surgery, medical tests, pediatric care, doctor visits, and maternity care. Generally the exceptions are cosmetic surgery, hearing aids, dental care, eyeglasses, preventive care and experimental treatments.

    Those who are denied by private insurance companies because of medical conditions, the Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association will offer them health insurance. Under the program of the association, those with medical conditions can get insurance on different terms.

    Life Insurance in Alaska

    When it comes to life insurance, the two most common life insurances in the State of Alaska are term and permanent life insurance.

    Term life insurance protects the holder for short periods of time. This is usually over a period of one to several years. This means that the insurance pays only if the person dies during the covered period. Also, since the period covered is only of short duration, the premium is significantly cheaper than permanent life insurance.

    Permanent life insurance protects the holder for the rest of their life by a guaranteed death benefit. This means that the coverage is for the entire life of the person. The premium for this type of insurance is of course higher than term life insurance.

    In the unstable economy today, it is important to have life insurance for the family. This will enable those who are left behind to get on with their lives without financial difficulties. You might want to consider getting life insurance especially if your family depends on your financial contribution. Compare life insurance now and you might be surprised at how affordable it is and how easily you can squeeze it in to your monthly budget.

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