Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to Get Pregnant Fast - Please Help Me Conceive Right Now!

When you are thinking about how to get pregnant fast, you need to remember that your pregnancy is not something that you can force to happen. One of the fastest ways to get pregnant is to have sex on the days when ovulation occurs. Ovulation is when your ovaries releases an egg into your fallopian tubes then into the uterus where your baby will grow for nine months.

If you are wondering how to get pregnant fast, there are several different ways to go about it. You just need to know how these methods work and pick the right one for you and your partner. One way is to go to your local drug store and pick up an ovulation predictor kit. You can usually find these predictor kits right next to the pregnancy tests. There are many different kinds available and you can read each one to find out what is going to work for you that will help you to get pregnant fast.

Ovulation predictor kits are not too expensive but there are cheaper ways when wanting to know how to get pregnant fast. Your body will give off signs when you are ovulating. You and your loved one can keep track of these signs so you will know when you are most fertile and then have sex on those days. That is how to get pregnant fast.

Here are 7 signs to look for:

1. Breast Tenderness

Several women will experience breast tenderness right before or after ovulation. This has to do with the change in hormones in your body, getting ready for the possibility of a pregnancy.

2. Test Positive on an Ovulation Predictor Test

A common way of detecting ovulation is with an ovulation predictor test kit. Ovulation predictor kits will require you to dip a special paper into a cup of collected urine once a day for week before you expect to ovulate or you will need to pee on a test stick. There are two lines on the test strip. When the test line is darker than the control line, this means their has been an LH surge. Which means - sudden, dramatic, and brief rise in the level of luteinizing hormone. Ovulation tests detect this LH surge, allowing you to accurately predict when you will ovulate.

3. Saliva Ferning

This is a unique and uncommon way to detect ovulation, a ferning pattern of your saliva is another possible sign of ovulation. There are special microscopes for this, but you could use any toy store microscope. A ferning pattern looks like frost on a window pane. The ferning pattern appears during the body's LH surge, which occurs 24 to 48 hours before ovulation.

4. Changes in Cervical Position

Just like your cervical mucus changes as ovulation nears, your cervical position also goes through changes. When you're most fertile, your cervix will be higher, softer, and more open.

5. Changes in Basal Body Temperture

Basal body temperature charting is probably the most popular method for tracking ovulation among women who want to know how to get pregnant fast. Your basal body temperature will rise by a few tenths of a degree, and stay elevated, after ovulation. This rise in temperature is caused by the hormone progesterone, which increases right after ovulation. By tracking your basal body temperature, you can detect this increase in temperature.

6. Increased Desire to Have Sex

It is a fact that women have a greater sexual desire when they are most fertile. This is a couple of days before you ovulate, which is the perfect time to have sex if you want to know how to get pregnant fast.

7. Cervical Mucus Changes

Your cervical mucus changes in amount and consistency as ovulation approaches. When you are not ovulating, cervical mucus will look creamy, or might be totally absent. As ovulation approaches,cervical mucus becomes more abundant, takes on a watery to raw egg white like consistency and and stretches up to an inch or more between your fingers. No matter how you do it, good luck as you try to get pregnant fast!

The Super Mom - 5 Strategies to Debunk the Myth

For decades women have struggled with the roles we juggle. We are moms, we are friends, we are co-workers and employees, we are daughters and sisters and we are partners/spouse. Somewhere along the line we were told or more importantly we believed that we needed to be perfect and succeed in all of these roles. Perhaps as it relates to our role of mother our angst to get it "right" goes back to the assertions made by psychiatry at its onset well over a century ago, that all troubles sprouting in a person can be traced back to Mother. If this isn't enough to make us fear every decision we make, we as women have even fallen to the absurdity of the "mommy wars" battling between breast and bottle, staying home or career, PTA or homeschooling, organic or whatever is on sale. In the end, we must admit to our self and each other that ultimately we all want the same things. We want a family with some type of cohesion, we want healthy kids, and we want to be able to enjoy our lives and continue to experience the good of life versus wondering if we are doing enough. Here are five strategies to help quell the anxiety that we might feel trying to be that Super Mom because she doesn't exist and she will be glad to hear that she is off the hook!

1. Decide what is important to you and to your family and use that as your barometer. There are a hundred and ten million different ways to raise a healthy and well adjusted child and run a home, not every way is right for you. Don't stress that your 7 year old isn't taking violin just because the neighbor kid who reads a level above your child is. Your child has mentioned an interest in art and,drawing; sign him/her up for that! Trying to plug your family or child into a square peg to attempt to obtain a possibly unrelated result is not going to make anyone happy.

2. Don't sweat the day to day, beds don't have to be made every day, floors are going to be muddy when it has been raining, and dishes can sit. You know your kids and spouse will be fine with tuna sandwiches and some chips for dinner. Why don't you throw in some raw baby carrots or slice up whatever fruit is in the house and have done with it! Just because dinner isn't gourmet and perfectly, perfect, doesn't mean that it didn't provide for your family.

3. Set limits and boundaries. Don't feel you have to explain why your grade school child gets to bed at 7:30 on a school night to a mother who allows her same aged child to stay up till 10:00. You know your child and you know that they need those hours of sleep. In the same breath, don't judge that family for having a more lax bedtime routine, again, that may work for their household.

4. Build on what you are good at naturally. Maybe you are not the person with nerves of steel to be a field trip chaperone on a bus with 60 loud and enthusiastic kids, but perhaps you are more comfortable collating worksheet handouts for your child's teacher from home. Teachers are immensely grateful for any additional help. Offer what is convenient for you. You will feel good about being involved and glad you didn't volunteer for something you dread!

5. Find like thinking friends/moms and use them as your sounding board. Nothing beats validation. When we are surrounded by people who can empathize, listen and offer healthy and solicited advice we feel that we are not alone in our trials as a mother. Find moms who have similar values, similar goals and seek them out when you feel you need the outlet.

Over all know that you are a work in progress. You have the luxury of learning from mistakes remember life does not come with an instruction manual. Learn to write your own manual making sure those instructions need to involve keeping your expectations realistic.

Top 10 Tips and Advice for Easing Pregnancy for Scoliosis Sufferers

Back pain during pregnancy is not a new concept, but for people who suffer from scoliosis require a second thought to be given before, they plan to go through the process of pregnancy. Scoliosis is the disease of the spine in which the posture of the spine is deviated to form S or C shaped curvature, which can turn to be quite painful during pregnancy. However, this is not a reason that why you should postpone your pregnancy, as you can still go through pregnancy by using proper pain management techniques.

Back pain during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that requires no fear. All the discomforts that you will be facing during pregnancy are because of the pressure that your little one inside your tummy is going to cause. Moreover, if you are a scoliosis patient then the chances of increased back pain is higher than what you would normally expect leaving you with a question of whether the back pain is owing to scoliosis or pregnancy. On the other hand, you will find pregnancy stabilizes scoliosis because of the transition that your body will be going through as a result of the hormonal fluctuations. If only you can follow these top ten tips to manage your back pain during pregnancy, and care should be taken with your scoliosis prescription, which may occasionally cause birth defects.

However, the discussion on back pain management tips will help to alleviate the problem of scoliosis. But before that there are three types of back pain - acute if the back pain does not last longer than three months, recurrent if the back pain occurs repeatedly and chronic back pain, which lasts longer than three months.

The kind of back pain that you will be facing during pregnancy and scoliosis is low back pain, which is found to occur in three different locations. Lumbar pain that may or may not spread down to your legs, sacroiliac pain occurs in the distal and lateral regions of the spine and nocturnal pain are the ones that occurs in the lumbar regions only during night. As mentioned elsewhere, the culprit for the pain could not be abruptly blamed on scoliosis or pregnancy for the possibility could be due to both of them.

1. Practice good posture:

You will find that the center of gravity shifts with the development of your baby and may force you to fall forwards. This could cause a strain on your spine with scoliosis increasing the curvature and the pain. There are some simple things that you can do to help you to alleviate the symptoms of back pain like:

• Stand up straight and tall
• Hold your chest high
• Keep your shoulders relaxed and at the back, do not lean forward.
• Stop locking your knees.
• Sit on a chair that will support your back or use a pillow.

2. Wear the correct clothes and accessories:

What you wear also matters while you are pregnant and is a victim of scoliosis. Some of the clothes that can help you in alleviating the back pain during pregnancy when you are a scoliosis sufferer are the use of maternity pants and supportive waistbands. This is also advisable to wear low-heeled flat shoes to remove the strain that high-heeled shoes can cause on both your spine, back and neck.

3. Lift properly:

Whether you have scoliosis or not you are always asked to lift objects as per the size and weight of the objects in a proper manner to prevent not only back pain, but also to be gentle on your delicate spine. And if you have scoliosis, and on top of that if you are pregnant, see that you lift objects appropriately, for example, lift heavy objects by sitting to the level of the object and then stand up slowly and steadily. If you did ask what to do, I will ask for a second or a third hand too!

4. Sleep properly:

The good thing while you sleep is to have a deep sleep but conscious by developing the habit of sleeping on one side. The doctor will advise you which side to sleep depending on the posture of the baby. This is also advisable to keep your knees bent while you sleep, and place pillows between them (there is no point in giving heed to cultural taboos, just ignore them even if you are hurt), and use another pillow under the abdomen to bear the whole weight and/or use a full length pillow.

5. Try heat or cold or massage therapy:

I will strongly recommend this to anyone suffering from pain for this helped me when I was suffering from severe neck pain. A good hot mat under the area of pain relieves not only the pain but also the fear of catching cold when you use a cold mat. In contrast, the cold massage therapies are also equivalently good and choose the one that works the best for you. Alternatively, you could also ask someone to massage a balm or pain relieving ointments, but only after consult a doctor, for the doctor may suggest a professional massage therapy if required. Listen to your gynecologist and chiropractic, and see that you link both of them.

6. Follow a gentle exercise regime:

These days people become pregnant in their thirties and forties, that they get pregnant pass through their age and are therefore vital that you regularly check with your gynecologist. Besides, if you are suffering from scoliosis, the chances of the back pain becoming severe are higher, despite the established fact that there is no relationship between scoliosis and pregnancy. This is good that you take advice of your gynec to schedule some gentle exercise, which not only helps in making delivery much easier, but might also have a positive effect on your scoliosis condition, alleviating the curvature. Some of the gentle exercises recommended are walking and/or swimming, lower back stretching exercise and other stretching exercises as recommended by the physician.

7. Alternative therapies:

The option of choosing an alternative therapy has to be done only after consulting your chiropractic and gynec. One of the main alternative therapies that have been believed to be of some use in relieving pain is acupuncture therapy. This therapy involves the use of needles to prick at energy points, which in turn somehow happens to activate the natural pain relief system. You will be expecting to be pricked with needles, which will have the pain of a pinprick, and may or may not require several visits to get complete relief from the pain, at least until you deliver the baby to the outside world. Sounds awful, but many who have undergone this therapy recommend and prefer this better than medicines that might have side effects.

8. Yoga:

Prenatal yoga has been described and prescribed by many as one of the best way to tone parts of the body that will be affected by performing yoga. They have found out that the position that is attained during the yoga practice promotes the relaxation of back muscles and relieves the strain of carrying the little one in its bag.

9. Chiropractic care:

The chiropractor could be of immense help, especially if you are already aware of your condition, scoliosis, then this will do good for you to discuss frankly with your physician about your idea of having a baby. This is also best to go to the gynecologist directed by him/her, who will understand the treatment being given and will be helping in giving you a holistic approach to handle the back pain efficiently. While the chiropractor will help in relieving the stress on the nerves, which adds to the already existing woes of scoliosis, and since he knows you before the pregnancy, during the pregnancy and after the pregnancy, stick on to the same chiropractor.

10. A Balanced Nutrition and a Holistic approach:

Whatever you do there is nothing like being healed naturally by boosting your body's immune system and recuperative power. This is the procedure that has been described in detail by a chiropractor, Dr. Kevin Lau, who overcame scoliosis following a strict and disciplined diet based on his body metabolic requirements. However, when this comes to pregnancy, he has been using the same holistic approach of combining the western medicine and the traditional treatment methods of scoliosis with simple pregnancy exercises and appropriate food, which you will be able to formulate only by frankly discussing with your doctor.

Now is that you have ten important and best tips that anyone else can give you to relieve your back pain. As you would have noticed all these tips only tell you what you can do and where you can find some relief from your back pain. Try some of the simple tips like heat or cold pad to relieve the back pain initially, and if these does not help you, never ever venture into something new without consulting your doctor.

IUI Pregnancy Success Tips

Getting pregnant through IUI might seem like a very difficult task, but if things work out properly, it's almost like getting pregnant naturally. If you're shooting for an IUI pregnancy within the next few months, there are a few things that you can do to prepare your body to undergo the treatment better and to increase your chances of success with IUI. These five tips are pretty easy and natural, so get started on them as soon as you can.

1. Acupuncture Therapy to Help You Conceive with IUI
This might not be the first option your mind jumps to when you think of enhancing your IUI success, but it has been shown to help in many studies and anecdotal cases. Basically, this ancient Chinese medicine regulates the hormones in a way that scientists haven't quite pinned down yet. Women who undergo acupuncture end up with less stress and even with more and higher quality eggs, which makes IUI more likely to be successful.

2. Visualization Techniques of IUI Conception
Many infertility clinics are actually using this type of therapy for their clients now. Basically, when you are going through IUI, you simply visualize what is going to happen with the sperm and the egg in your body. As with acupuncture, scientists haven't pinned down the way that visualization works, but there is evidence to show that the mind has great power over the body.

3. Watch Your Food and Drink for Pregnancy Success
One of the main ways to prepare your body for conception is to eat a healthy diet. This holds true no matter whether you're trying to conceive naturally, through IUI, or through any other ART techniques. The documentation of the link between diet and fertility just keeps building up. You don't have to obsess over every single thing you put in your mouth, but here are a few tips that will keep your body in good shape before IUI:

* Focus on getting enough whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
* Get one or two servings a day of full-fat dairy products through milk, yogurt, or cheese, since this has been linked to increased fertility.
* Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and toxin-free.
* Get a lot of protein from vegetable sources and nuts, but don't be afraid to work lean proteins from meat into your diet, either.
* Take a daily multivitamin that contains folic acid.
* Avoid alcohol, which can reduce overall fertility and increase your risk of miscarriage.

4. De-stress However You Can to Optimize Fertility
There is a lot of evidence that extreme stress - like the kind that comes from trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant - can reduce your chances of getting pregnant and increase your chances of miscarriage. Besides this, the stress that comes with IUI can make your life a nightmare. Instead of simply living with it, find ways to reduce stress before, during, and after IUI. Taking long walks, doing yoga regularly, and joining a support group are all good options.

5. Take an Expectorant to Help You Get Pregnant with IUI
Cough syrup for IUI? That's right. This is a good step to take, especially if you're taking Clomid during an IUI cycle. Clomid - and some natural conditions - can cause cervical mucus to become thick and too hostile to allow sperm to survive. Cough syrup like Robitussin doesn't just thin out mucus in the lungs, but it can also thin out cervical mucus.

The dosage that you should take varies, but you will want to take a little bit of cough syrup with the active ingredient guaifenesin for a couple of days before your insemination is going to occur. Many women with hostile cervical mucus have had excellent luck with this simple fertility-enhancing step.

Recurrent Miscarriage, Fertility Issues and Post Natal Depression - Find Out How to Address These

Over the years I have discussed thyroid antibodies with patients and how it relates to their fertility. When suggested to some physicians that these should be tested due to various studies about thyroid antibodies and fertility issues, I have heard them say, "Not worth the time or money. If TSH is normal, then thyroid antibodies can't be elevated."

But now, to my pleasant surprise in the New York Times there was an article by a prominent doctor in the United States that has been studying the relationship of thyroid antibodies to fertility issues for years. Apparently he sees in a certain percentage of patients that the thyroid antibodies can be elevated with normal TSH and seem to be correlated to miscarriage as well. His conclusions have been the same conclusions in several studies around the world.

How they treat this issue in one study out of Italy, I believe, was with thyroid medication, i.e. thyroxine. This treatment changed the miscarriage rate of those with elevated thyroid antibodies to similar numbers seen in women who do not have thyroid antibodies. So a huge difference was made through this treatment.

However, its important to look at other reasons for elevated thyroid antibodies and address those to not only improve fertility but to optimize thyroid health for the future. If thyroid antibodies are present for a long period of time (i.e. if the body continues to make antibodies which attack the thyroid, a disease called Hashimotos) then the thyroid is likely to fail and need medical support for life or in some cases the thyroid is surgically removed. So if you can do things to avoid surgical removal and the failure of the thyroid why not atleast try.

Other areas that should be assessed and addressed along with or instead of utilizing thyroid hormones like thyroxine, are diet and adrenal health.

It is common for gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance i.e. Coeliac Disease to be associated with elevated thyroid antibodies. So if your antibodies are elevated, make sure you remove gluten from your diet.

It has also been demonstrated that adrenal insufficiency and thyroid antibodies are associated with one another. Your adrenals sit on top of your kidneys and help you respond to stress. But too much emotional and or physiological stress can take its toll on these endocrine glands. Therefore supporting and promoting optimal adrenal health with stress management, herbs and other nutritional supplements is extremely important in improving thyroid health, cardiovascular health and fertility as well as post partum health too.

If you haven't had them already, have the thyroid antibody tests (there are 2 or 3), TSH, FT4, and FT3 to assess thyroid function and a morning serum cortisol test to begin to assess adrenal function. If these levels are on the middle to bottom half of the normal range then further tests would be warranted OR if you are fine in the morning and exhausted by the middle of the day then further assessment of adrenals through saliva tests are also warranted.

Remember your cortisol levels are associated with your progesterone levels (this is true of thyroid hormones as well). Therefore even if you don't have elevated thyroid antibodies if your progesterone levels are not optimal or the lining of the uterus is thin, the thyroid and adrenals should be assessed and addressed if needed.

By improving the health of the thyroid (in both men and women) you can improve fertility, decrease the risk of postpartum depression and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long term. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Good Motherhood Qualities

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother once in their lives. Starting from pregnancy, a woman is already experiencing changes in role and responsibilities in preparation for motherhood. The most beautiful and interesting part of a woman's life is bringing up her child from conception to birth until the baby grows up and live his life. This is what we called motherhood. Though beautiful and interesting, motherhood is also a difficult role to partake. It entails a lot of effort, sense of responsibility and most especially love and care for the child.

Nowadays, there are so many support groups available in our society to have adequate knowledge about a good motherhood. Some conducts a mother's class to orient them. There are also books available for motherhood and some are readily available online where you can surf and buy them anytime. Aside from that, good motherhood guides are found easily in the Internet. So being a new mother, it will really help you to seek for advice, assistance and guidelines to experience an effective motherhood. These few ideas below will help you.

Firstly, do not do anything that will harm your baby during pregnancy. Take good care of yourself. Everything that you take will directly go to your baby such as food and medications. It is best that you visit to an expert so that you and your baby's health will be monitored from time to time. Have a healthy diet. Do not eat unhealthy foods that won't bring profit to you and the baby. Follow the diet that is recommended to you. Do regular exercise as prescribed. This will help you facilitate a good circulation to the body including the baby. Diet and regular exercises are the two most important things that you should consider during pregnancy. It is your responsibility to take good care of yourself for your baby.

Secondly, be comfortable to your environment all the time. Wear clothes that make you feel at ease. Maintain a position where you can breathe well and relax. Avoid stressful and strenuous activities. Always be ready. Do not be anxious about the delivery. Put confidence in yourself. Being mentally prepared for the baby's arrival will lead to positive insights that will help you promote a good mother and child relationship or bond.

Finally, be safe always. Ensure safety. Bring no harm to the baby. Remember that the baby is very delicate and sensitive therefore, take proper caution and protection. Do the best you can to give everything that the baby needs especially the love and care. Motherhood is enjoyable. You will feel real happiness if you will be able to lead the child a good life.

Motherhood is a very complex task once a woman conceives. Support from the husband is really helpful for the new mother to adjust to this responsibility. Family members, friends and relatives must extend help or advices to the new mother so that she will be encouraged and challenged to this new responsibility that she'll going to face for herself and the baby.

Mom and Baby at 23 Weeks Pregnant


Wow - can you believe that your baby is now a whopping 1.1 pounds? That's about the size of a small baby doll that you might purchase for a little girl. Your bundle of joy is now around 11 inches long (only an inch away from being a foot long!). It's amazing to think that your baby used to weigh less than one ounce!

  • Though your baby's skin is still quite red and heavily wrinkled, this will soon change, as more fat deposits underneath his/her skin. It won't be long before your baby is an adorable, chunky "monkey!"

  • With each week that passes in your pregnancy, your baby continues to fill out and look more proportional.

  • Turn on the radio or play your favorite song. Sway to the music. Or better yet, dance with your significant other. Your baby's sense of movement is well developed by 23 weeks, so he/she can feel you dance. Since your baby is bigger now, you might even be able to feel (or see!) his/her reaction to your dance.

  • By pregnancy week 23, your baby can pick up noises from the "outside," so don't be surprised if you feel your baby squirming around a bit when you're vacuuming or you are in a loud setting. His/her ears are almost completely developed this week, and the bones in the middle ear are starting to form.

  • The blood vessels in your baby's lungs are developing this week. The lungs are one of the last organs to mature, and they won't be fully mature and ready for life on the outside until after 37 weeks of pregnancy (or when your baby is "full-term").

  • Your baby still has plenty of room to move around freely in your uterus. His/her movements are probably quite strong at this point. You will probably feel lots of flipping and flopping, and you might even notice your stomach moving about sometimes.
Fun Fact:

If your baby were born prematurely this week, he/she would have between a 10 and 20 percent chance of survival. With each day that your baby stays in the womb, his/her survival rate increases 3 percent.


As your uterus continues to grow and expand, you may have gained up to 15 pounds by pregnancy week 23. (However, keep in mind that some women will gain less and others more.) Your uterus is probably about 1.5 inches above your navel.

With all the extra weight that you're carrying around, you may find that you're feeling less graceful on your feet. You might even feel very unbalanced. Remember to take it easy and to get as much rest as you can.

At 23 weeks pregnant, you should take some time to yourself and enjoy feeling your little one moving about in the womb. Since baby can now hear, rub your belly and talk to your baby. This is a wonderful way to bond with him/her. Plus, rubbing your belly in a circular motion may even help ease the tension on your skin and prevent stretch marks.

If you're genetically disposed to stretch marks or if you've gained a lot of pregnancy weight very quickly, you may start to notice that these unattractive pink or purple lines appearing on your belly around pregnancy week 23. Though unwanted, stretch marks are common during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, and they affect over 50 percent of all expectant mothers.

Unfortunately, there is no 100 percent foolproof way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. But there are certain stretch mark creams and lotions (such as Belli Skin Care's Elasticity Oil) that you can slather on trouble areas, and these may help improve the look of your skin. Plus, Belli Skin Care is completely safe during pregnancy and it contains almost all-organic and natural ingredients.

In addition to stretch marks at pregnancy week 23, you may start to experience swelling in your ankles and feet, especially at the end of the day. This is called "edema," or swelling during pregnancy. It's caused by the slugging circulation in your legs, paired with changes in your blood chemistry (i.e. you have more blood flow when you're expecting baby). Not to worry - this swelling will go away after you deliver your baby.

Helpful Tip:

To help you cope with swelling during pregnancy, you should avoid sitting or standing in one place for too long, pop up your feet when you're sitting or lying down, exercise regularly to help improve your circulation, and wear maternity support stockings.PREGNANCY 411

Dealing with Emotional Issues During Pregnancy

In the second trimester, you may find that your physical changes are the least of your problems. Your significant other and family members may find that you are hard to live with, due to your rollercoaster of emotions. You may find that it's difficult to control your emotions when you're expecting. You may be happy and normal one second, sobbing hysterically the next, and full of rage minutes later.

While this whirlwind of different emotions may exhaust, it is just another normal pregnancy symptom. You may feel very emotional in the second trimester due to your worries that you won't be a good parent, or that you don't know if you can handle caring for more than one child at a time. Or you may be nervous about labor and delivery. Your baby may seem more real to you now, since you can now feel him/her moving around in your belly.

To help yourself feel better as you handle this flood of emotion, you may want to share how you're feeling with your partner or a close friend, or perhaps a pregnant friend who is going through the same thing. If you don't have any other pregnant friends, consider joining a childbirth class or prenatal class, where you can meet other pregnant women like yourself.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Getting the Required Certified Nurse Midwife Training

Midwifery brings to mind old-fashioned home-attended births, but today certified nurse midwife training opens a door to a mixed bag of birthing options for women and comprises a variety of occupational choices for nurse midwives. Some of the employment options include:

  • Independent childbirth and well-woman care.

  • Healthcare team practice.

  • Hospital associated practice.

  • Birthing centers.

  • Health departments.

First, let's look at the training for how to become a nurse midwife. This role of nurse midwife is a master role in nursing, so it requires study and practice for certification beyond an RN or a BSN. It's important to find the right fit and location for this very demanding nurse-midwife program.

When training to be a midwife, there are many of the same requirements as becoming a master's-level nurse of any kind. However, beyond general nursing practices, the focus of certified nurse midwife training will be on women's care through labor and birth, as well as prenatal and postnatal care. In addition, there will be classes in pharmacology, and women's health across the lifespan.

On any given day, a nurse midwife might conduct a gynecologic exam, prescribe drugs, measure a uterus, check a newborn, deliver a baby, and perform an episiotomy.

Some training programs are online, and may allow a student to enter the nurse midwife program with a bachelor's degree in another area of study. In these programs, there will still be some demanding science prerequisites needed before applying.

Many schools require up to a year of experience in a labor and delivery setting. Some prospective students take this first step by becoming doulas. A doula is a trained companion hired by the client to coach her through a birth without pain medication. The doula attends labors and deliveries but does not perform any functions except encouragement. A nurse considering certified nurse midwife training might follow this track for a year to be sure.

Babies come at all hours of day and night, so it helps to know ahead if your energy level is up for this demanding vocation. The student will also have an extensive practicum before completing a graduate degree in this field. Practicum is based experientially on attending at least forty births along with all the other visits leading up to and following those births.

Additional gynecologic visits, and peri/post-menopausal care is also required as part of the practicum. Practicing these skills under supervision can take as long as two years.

The American Midwifery Certification Board provides guidelines for certification and requires re certification every five years, requiring proof of continuing education credit. Certification exams are administered regularly in a computer-based format at testing centers around the country. Exam cost is about $500, so it's important to be prepared both academically and financially for the certification exam.

Of all the nursing professions, pursuing certified nurse midwife training accesses the widest array of nursing care skills from birth to death to include regular exercise of basic surgical procedures. Choosing midwifery as a nursing vocation carries with it both monetary and spiritual rewards far beyond other nursing choices.

Top Five Christmas Gift Ideas for Teenager Moms

Looking for Christmas gift ideas for mom could be a bit difficult, most especially if the recipient is a young mom. Well, of course, you could not just buy a typical gift items for moms like cooking gadgets and other stuff because young moms may have different interests and taste considering that she is still a teen despite the fact that she is already a mom. Well, worry no more because this article aims to help you with this kind of dilemma. Here are the top 5 Christmas presents for mom in her teens:

1. Necklace to celebrate motherhood - If you have a friend who is a young mom then for sure you understand how hard it is for her to cope up with the changes in her lifestyle so you could help her a little by giving a present for mom that is still appropriate for her age. The fact that she is already a mom does not automatically mean that she should forget about her likes and dislikes. Most teenagers love accessories so a young mom would definitely appreciate a necklace to celebrate motherhood. It would b a great idea to come up with a necklace with pictures of her and the baby. She will definitely use this all the time.

2. Home spa gift set - This young mommy is surely having difficult time adjusting to the new lifestyle. Now she stays up until wee hours not because she is partying with friends but because she tries so hard to keep the baby asleep. It would be nice and sweet of you if you will give her a home spa gift set that she could use to relax once in a while.?

3. Book about motherhood - She certainly needs lots of tips about raising a kid and taking care of a baby so a book about motherhood is indeed one of the best Christmas gift ideas for mom that you could offer.?

4. Scrapbook - Most young and first time moms love to keep scrapbook to record different "firsts" of the baby - first time talking, walking and so many others.?

5. Post natal exercise videos - You should understand that it is hard for most women to look in the mirror and see excess fat in the body. One of the main goals of young moms after giving birth is to go back to her original weight before pregnancy. You will be able to support her with this goal by giving her some postnatal exercise DVD videos. This way, she will be able to lose weight and exercise even if she is at home taking care of the baby.?

These are five examples of Christmas gift ideas for mom that you could give to any young/teenage mom that you know.

Please Help Me Get Pregnant

Help Me Get Pregnant - Ways You Can Improve Your Chances

Helpful Tips On Getting Pregnant

You and your spouse have finally decided that it's time to work on starting or adding to your family. So you stopped whatever form of birth control you were using each month you waited expectantly for your monthly visitor to not make her appearance, only to have it show up and dash your hopes. At first you don't think too much about it, but after the months go by with no luck at seeing a positive on a pregnancy test you start to worry. So you start thinking, how can someone help me get pregnant?

Before you start to worry remember that sometimes it can take a few months for your body to regulate itself after coming off most forms of birth control. Some women are lucky and get pregnant the first month off, but most it takes a few months for things to regulate. Once you have made the decision to work on becoming pregnant it is a good idea to start taking care of yourself. Good health can help you get pregnant sooner. One thing to do is to start taking a good prenatal vitamin as soon as you decide that you want to work on conceiving a child. Not only is it good for your health, but folic acid is known to help prevent some types of birth defects.

Another thing that will help with your thought of help me get pregnant, is to stop smoking and drinking lots of caffeine. Both of these have been shown to affect fertility in a not so good way and could cause problems with conceiving if they are used regularly. Another thing that will help is to get to know your cycle. By knowing your cycle you can pinpoint the best times in it to conceive and know exactly when to do the deed to maximize your chances.

And finally, if you are wishing for a fairy to wave a magic wand whilst thinking 'please help me get pregnant', just remember that you have to learn how to de-stress and relax. Stressing over not getting pregnant can actually affect ovulation and make getting pregnant even harder. Stress can also cause performance anxiety in males, which can cause difficulties in conceiving. And do not be afraid to make an appointment with your doctor at anytime. Doing so can ease your mind and allow nature to take its course.

Kangaroo Mother Care Promotes and Supports Breastfeeding

The practice of kangaroo mother care, where there is regular skin to skin contact between mother and child, helps naturally promote breastfeeding. The benefits of nursing are multiple, for both the new mother and her infant. You can increase your likelihood of successful nursing by using the kangaroo mother care technique, and see many other benefits as well.

Breastfeeding is a natural and healthy way to provide the nutrition your baby needs. It provides your newborn with the antibodies needed for a healthier life, and has been shown to reduce the risks of obesity and type II diabetes. Breast milk has been referred to as the perfect food for infants because it is easy to digest and contains the right combinations of nutrients for your baby. Babies who are born prematurely can also tremendously benefit from breast milk, and if natural feeding is not possible then manual expression can allow you to still provide breast milk for your preemie. This natural food source also helps create a loving bond between you and your child, and can even help new moms by reducing their own risks of certain breast and ovarian cancers.

This wonderful and healthy method of feeding your child can sometimes be difficult or awkward to begin, especially for new moms. There are several things that mothers can do to encourage their infants to nurse, and to help themselves feel more relaxed and confident about the choice. Nursing an infant takes patience and practice, and rarely does it happen instantly after birth and continue without issues.

The first step to take is to relax and enjoy the special bond with your newborn. Using the kangaroo mother care approach can help to provide a natural way to do this with your baby and be able to successfully nurse. Even if you are unsure about whether or not you will exclusively breastfeed or formula feed, taking time for skin to skin contact will help create that special connection between you and your child. It may even lead you to nurse when you see the reaction from your newborn.

As soon after birth as possible, have the baby placed on your chest, providing that important skin to skin contact. Your child will be comforted by your heartbeat, your warmth, and even your scent. It will create a natural and cozy environment for nursing. Kangaroo mother care will also help provide ways for you to learn hunger signals from your child, as most will naturally root around looking to suckle when cradled in this loving way.

If breastfeeding does not occur easily, don't give up. Continue to use the kangaroo mother care approach and bond with your baby, frequently placing her on your chest. If you have preemie or baby with a health concern, speak with your doctors and request that you still be allowed to use kangaroo mother care for all of the benefits it provides.

The benefits of breastfeeding are many, for both mother and child. Increase your chances of successfully using this natural feeding option by implanting kangaroo mother care. You and your child will have a healthier, happier connection.

Infant Sleep Training, Three Important Steps

Are you exhausted from trying to rock or jiggle your baby to sleep? Only to have them wake the minute you lay them down. Parents are told that you can't spoil a newborn. This depends on your definition of the word spoil. I believe parents are constantly training their babies whether they realize it or not. It is possible to teach your newborn baby to fall asleep easily on their own with very little help from Mom and Dad.

As a certified infant specialist I am called on to help exhausted parents solve their baby's sleep issues. Many times these babies are 3 months of age or older. Most infant sleep issues could be easily avoided if parents understood the three necessary steps a baby passes through on their way to a sound sleep.

The most important thing you can do to help your baby learn healthy sleep habits is to lay them down while sleepy but awake. Rocking and holding your baby to sleep is something that even a newborn will quickly get used to. You are teaching them that they need this to be able to fall asleep. It is much better to reserve holding and rocking for when your baby is awake and alert.

There are three very definite stages that a baby passes through on the way to sleep. Understanding and recognizing these stages is critical in the success of sleep training your child.

1. The Wiggle Waggle Squirm Stage: This is the point where your baby is still awake and possibly fussy. They may grunt, squirm and fight the swaddle. Many parents tell me their baby hates the swaddle because they seem to fight it. This is actually a normal part of the learned process of falling asleep. This stage will last longer if you choose not to swaddle, as baby will startle and flail. The result will be a baby who takes longer to pass through the first stage of this process. Allow your baby at least 10 to 15 minutes to settle and move on to step two. Make sure that you have white noise playing loudly nearby. The white noise allows the babies nervous system to calm down and relax. If your baby is crying the white noise should be as loud as baby's cries.

2. The Five-Mile Stare: Once baby has passed through the fussy stage, they will get very still and stare into the distance. I call this the five-mile stare. Baby may lay quietly, looking into space for up to 15 minutes. If a noise startles baby when they are in this stage, they will most likely move back to stage one and squirm and fuss for a bit. It is very important that you do not pick baby up at this point. As long as they are not crying loudly for more than five minutes allow them to cycle back through to the five-mile stare. You can jiggle the baby in their swaddle and loudly shush in their ear, but try not to pick them up. This is a crucial step in baby learning to self soothe.

3. Sweet Sleep: Babies eyelids will begin to slowly close. They may yawn or slowly open and close their eyes several times. This is a sure sign that your baby is well on the way to sleeping peacefully.

Most parents do not realize that falling asleep on their own is a learned behavior. It is a very important and necessary skill that can be taught from the earliest days home from the hospital. Laying baby down while sleepy but awake and allowing them to fall asleep naturally is the most important first step. Understanding the normal stages that a baby passes through on their way to a deep sleep will help you be successful in sleep training your new baby.

Can Acupuncture Really Help You to Get Pregnant?

If you are having troubles getting pregnant, how does the idea of having a bunch of needles stuck into your body while you pose as a human pin cushion strike you? Well, many people believe that acupuncture can help increase the odds of them getting pregnant. And it appears as though some researchers have begun to agree with them.

At the current time, approximately 3 out of every 20 woman in the U.S. have problems conceiving and are participating in some sort of infertility treatment. Since the Chinese have used acupuncture for centuries to regulate the female reproductive system, it was inevitable that at some point acupuncture would become one of the solutions that researchers looked at in the U.S.

Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing disciplines in the world and has been practiced in China as well as other Easter countries for over five centuries. Although it's main emphasis is on prevention, it focuses on cures as well. The way it works is that the acupuncture expert inserts fine needles at specific pressure points throughout the body in an effort to balance and restore the body's life force or energy - also known as Chi.

Acupuncture has been the focus of many clinical studies in the U.S. and has proven to be able to reduce certain types of pain as well as treat a variety of chronic conditions. In the United States, acupuncture is rarely used as the main form of treatment. Instead, it is used as a complementary treatment.

Fertility clinical trials in the United States have primarily focused on the use of acupuncture with in vitro fertilization or IVF. This process involves removing a woman's egg from her uterus and fertilizing it in the laboratory. The egg is then placed back into the womb. The procedure is very expensive and success is not guaranteed. To improve the odds, researchers have studied and experimented with a number of different and outside the mainstream complementary techniques. Acupuncture is one such technique that has shown promise.

So far, in over seven clinical trials involving over 1300 women, acupuncture when used in conjunction with In vitro fertilization has increased pregnancy rates. The why is not precisely known but the theory is that it somehow affects ovulation and fertility through the elevation of beta-endorphin release which helps to improve the release of estrogen and progesterone levels from the ovary. Thus far, the studies show that the odds of a woman conceiving increase approximately 10% if she uses acupuncture as part of the IVF process.

It should be noted, however, that a more recent study led by fertility expert Dr. LaTash Craig at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, has cast a bit of doubt on previous studies. Her study consisted of 46 women and concluded that acupuncture does not increase the odds of conception and in fact may decrease them.

The discrepancies and contradictions in these studies may very well lie in exactly at what point in the IVF process the acupuncture was administered, the skill of the acupuncturist, or some as yet unknown factor. Needless to say, however, this only increases the uncertainty and anxiety of the woman with fertility problems trying to get pregnant.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Proper Way of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things a mother would experience after giving birth. It is the safest and best milk she can offer to her baby. Just what nutritionist experts have said "Breast milk is still best for Babies up to two years and beyond" Several mothers may experience difficulties or strange feelings during the early stage of the sessions of breastfeeding to their babies, increased anxiety and constant worry for them thinking if she could produce enough milk but eventually they will soon be used to it. Breastfeeding may take around 20 to 45 minutes per session for the first three months of a new born baby.

There are lots of benefits for the infant, greater immune health through breastfeeding about 0.25-0.5 grams per day IgA antibodies go by through milk. Colostrums are one of the most important feature breast milk formed for babies. It also contains several anti-infective factors such as protecting amoebic infections, and inhibiting growth of intestinal bacteria.

Studies show that breastfeed infants include a lower risk of infections than those non-breastfeed infants. It also reduces sudden death syndrome because infants have improved stimulation from nap at 2 to 3 months. Less diabetes, infants completely breastfeed contain a fewer possibility of developing diabetes mellitus than peers by means of a shorter period of breastfeeding and prior exposure to an formulated cow's milk.

Maternal bond are strengthen during the breastfeeding period because of the released of the hormones. World Health Organization (WHO) recommend breastfeeding for the baby's up to six months of their life and continued feeding with appropriate foods up to two years old and beyond. It is the best food for the baby for it provides complete nourishments. It is also very convenient and affordable for the mother to breastfeed their babies. Babies who are breastfeed are more active, smart, intelligent, they also have good teeth and because of the time spend by mothers to their babies bonding are intact, closeness to their parents as they grow older. A baby feels that they are cared and loved. Mothers are enjoying taking care of their babies at the same time they are also providing and protecting their babies free from sickness.

The following tips are the proper way to breastfeed your child:

• It is important to be at ease, calm and be ready. Make sure that the room is comfortable for the said activity/session. You have to move away if the room is crowded, or if it is cold get additional blanket. Once all set, be certain to make use of a comfortable chair to provide a firm support. Lying down may be also suggested.

• The baby needs to be comfortable as well, for you as a mother to check the right position if it is sitting or lying down. It might be stressful for the baby that he may refuse to suck your nipples. He feels aware if your body is anxious or if it is calm.

• Placing pillows behind your back and under the arm for a relaxed position when you breastfeed your baby is the most common breastfeeding position. Your baby's head should rest on your hand and other hand over the baby's thighs or buttocks.

• To maintain its position child's face must be in front of your chest so it will be comfortable while sucking. Let your nipple touch the baby's cheek, automatically the baby will turn his face towards where the touch came; the baby will open his/her mouth to suck its milk.

• Letting the baby know that it is routing time for his breastfeeding. Feeding the baby regularly as he grows a bit older, will help regulate and be at ease between meals.

It is how you offer your breast, proper sitting, and how you hold your little ones affect them on how they suck properly. This fact shows how you will be relaxed and comfortable during breastfeeding.

International Health Insurance - How To Select A Plan That Is Right For Me? Part I

In order to answer this question, you need to first ask yourself the following questions:

1. Am I traveling or relocating?

2. Where will I be traveling to?

3. What are the medical cares that I may need while overseas?

4. How much am I prepared to fork out for these medical expenses?

5. Are there better alternatives to manage the risks?

Let's examine each of the above questions separately.

1. Am I traveling or relocating?

If you are traveling to a foreign country for vacation or business, then what you need is an International Travel Medical Insurance. On the other hand, if you are relocating to a foreign country, then what you need is an International Health Insurance or sometime known as Expatriate Health Insurance or Global Health Insurance.

International Travel Medical Insurance typically comes in two (2) different plans; one that covers single trip and the other is an annual plan that covers multiple trips.

Single trip International Travel Medical Insurance plan may be obtained for an insurance period of 5 days to 12 months and some plans will allow renewal of up to 36 months.

Annual plan is ideal for corporate executives and business owners who require International Travel Medical Insurance coverage for numerous trips during the year and making sure that their coverage is always in place for those last minute international trips. In terms of premium, there will be some cost savings for purchasing an annual plan over multiple single trip plans purchased separately.

If you are relocating to a foreign country, then it is advisable that you obtain an International Health Insurance which offers comprehensive coverage for hospital inpatient as well as clinical outpatient care. International Health Insurance may also offer other benefits such as maternity care, wellness benefits, mental health benefits, physical therapy, organ transplant, and pre-existing conditions.

In short, International Travel Medical Insurance is designed to protect unforeseen medical needs that arise while a person is traveling outside his/her home country whilst International Health Insurance covers medical care that can be either emergency or routine in nature.

2. Where will I be traveling to?

Due to the high medical costs in the North America, typical International Health Insurance will have 2 separate plans; one covers USA & Canada and the other excludes. Obviously, plans that cover USA & Canada cost more than those that don't.

3. What are the medical cares that I may need while overseas?

This question is even more relevant if you have a pre-existing condition. Simply put it, pre-existing conditions are medical conditions that have manifested before you purchase the insurance policy. Be sure to check whether or not your International Travel Medical Insurance policy or International Health Insurance policy covers pre-existing conditions.

Even without any pre-existing condition, there are other health risks associated with overseas traveling and living. Such health risks may be linked to lack of basic hygiene or sanitary standards to a more serve outbreak of pandemic such as avian flu.

Beside illnesses, there are risks of accident that could happen in a foreign country or in a remote location that may require you to be medically evacuated. Such emergency medical evacuation can cost as high as US $100,000.

More importantly, when you are in a foreign country and run into a medical situation you want to be able to know where you can obtain quality health care. Hence, it is utmost important when selecting an International Travel Medical Insurance or International Health Insurance plan, to choose a plan that offers 24/7/365 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year) customer assistance that speaks your language. The Plan should also provide worldwide toll-free or call-collect number allowing you to get customer assistance from anywhere in the world, around the clock.

Belli Skin Care Products - Safe Enough to Use During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time when women worry only about their unborn child and oftentimes neglect their skin. One of the reasons that women often neglect their skin during pregnancy is simply because there are a lot of products out there that are not safe to use during this time. Belli Skin Care is one of the few creams that are endorsed by OBGYN's all over the country. It is a cosmetics line that is one hundred percent safe enough to use with out any ill side effects on the mother or the child. Since this cosmetics line likes to work under a holistic philosophy, these creams are a great way to pamper yourself during pregnancy when you start to feel really uncomfortable.

When you are pregnant, there are a million things on your mind and often women just don't have the time to devote to their skin care. Pregnancy will put your skin through a lot of changes and can even put a lot of stress on your changing skin. Belli Skin Care products can help alleviate some of that stress on your skin and help you prevent some of the more common skin issues that happen during this time. A large percentage of pregnant women will develop a skin condition called melasma. This is when the UV rays will discolor the skin on your face and is often called the mask of pregnancy, but using this product, will protect the rays from penetrating the skin in the first place.

Another concern during pregnancy is the appearance of stretch marks on different areas of the body. This often happens from the rapid weight gain and can be itchy, irritating, and unsightly to the woman. Using Belli Skin Care products throughout the pregnancy can really help reduce the visability of the stretch marks and can even help repair the torn skin. It will also help you regain the original shape of your skin post delivery.

So using Belli Skin Care products can really help you take of two things during your pregnancy. It can help you take good care of your skin without any ill effects on your child and also can give you a pampered feeling while you are in an uncomfortable state.

Nagoya Hospitals and Medical Care

Nagoya is a major city in Japan situated on the Pacific coast. It is the capital of Aichi province and one of the most important ports of the country. This beautiful city is a leading economic, trade and industrial center of Japan. Nagoya provides its visitors with many good public and private hospitals that deliver excellent treatment for any health issue. The major hospitals in Nagoya offer the services of English speaking staff. Here is a note on some of the leading hospitals in Nagoya.

Nagoya Daini Red Cross Hospital is a leading hospital in the city that offers medical care at par with international standards. This hospital was founded in 1914 and gives special attention to the rights of its patients. The 76,116 square meter hospital offers excellent medical care in every medical discipline by employing 299 doctors, 877 nurses and 6 registered dietitians. The hospital is accredited by the Japan Council for Quality Health Care is a nationally recognized center for cancer treatment, blood stem cell and bone marrow transplants.

The hospital's well-equipped surgery unit offers service in all major fields. The National Emergency Medical Center is also located on this hospital campus. A modem and spacious new emergency center include a stroke center (SCU), operation rooms, various Intensive Care Units (PICU, CCU, NICU) and a high-care unit which was opened in 2001. Telephone: 052-832-1121

Nagoya University Hospital is another well-known modern hospital in the area. This hospital was originally founded in 1871 and has since undergone many modifications to become one of the most distinguished health care facilities of the country. The hospital offers a wide spectrum of diagnostic and clinical services. The surgery department is also well equipped to carry out every type of operation including vascular surgery, gastroenterological and transplantation surgery. Effective service is offered in the departments of endoscopy, blood transfusion, maternity and prenatal care. The emergency medicine center and ICUs of the hospital have all the newest facilities including many life saving devices. The radiology department is also well equipped. The hospital has very friendly payment desk and they receive all major credit cards and bank transfers. This is a major center of medical education, training and clinical research. Tel: (052) 741-2111

Meijo Hospital situated at Naka-ku, Nagoya city, Aichi Prefecture, is another reputable health care facility that offers modern and cost effective medical service. Meijo Hospital, approved by Japan Council for Quality Health Care follows global standards on quality and patient safety. The surgery department has six operating rooms and all modern facilities. The center is located in a quiet, picturesque place and provides luxurious accommodations. TEL: 052-201-5311

Post Natal Depression

What is post natal depression?

There is no doubt that the introduction of a baby into your life, no matter how loved and wanted, can cause a lot of emotional and physical stress if you are not prepared.

In our western culture, support for new mothers can be lacking because relatives often live far away and our friends may not be our immediate neighbours. Also, when your friends and family are with you, you may find that their expectations about how you should be feeling are not necessarily the same as yours. Alternatively, your feelings may not be as intense as you expect them to be immediately after birth and for some women, it can take some time before the feelings of love for the new baby develops.

For many women the pregnancy may have been a difficult one and the baby may not have been planned. Many things can influence the way that you initially feel about your new baby. These emotional stresses combined with a less than optimal level of nutrition and the obvious hormone changes that you will be experiencing post birth with perhaps a poor sleep pattern due to the babies demands can lead to post natal depression, and it is very common.

There are ways to both prevent and treat depressive thinking effectively without resorting to drugs.

So what are the symptoms of post natal depression?

Well it is no different from the symptoms of general depression, these can include:

o A lack of motivation

o Vivid dreaming

o Waking early feeling exhausted (this may be a normal part of early life with your baby of course, especially if he or she is not a good sleeper)

o A lack of pleasure in usually pleasurable activities

o Anxiety

o Black and white thinking (everything bad happens to me, everything good to others etc)

o Negative introspection and worrying

o Excessive guilt

o A loss of appetite

o Lethargy

o Reducing pleasurable activities

o A loss of libido

So how can you help prevent post natal depression?

The first thing to state is that most women don't actually get full depression but they tend to classify feeling weepy and a bit low as depression. This is quite normal and will pass after a few weeks so don't get too concerned if you do have mood swings or if you don't feel your usual self. It is probably due to the hormones changes that occur after birth as your body begins returning to normal, and remember you have been sharing your body with your baby for nine months and many women express a feeling akin to grief at this parting. So this is normal and will pass.

If you are concerned or you have suffered from depression in the past and want be prepared what can you do?

Well the good news is that relaxation and can be very effective at de-conditioning the emotional arousal that happens during depression. So planning time to practice active relaxation and using the techniques on the Second Nature Birth Programme will certainly be beneficial and will help you to prepare mentally for the birth.
Practicing the techniques will make it easier to relax after the birth and will be a powerful aid to de-stressing. We are far more able to cope with stress if we have a tool or method to help us relax.

Keep up some form of physical exercise. For example, if you are practicing yoga, do not give it up after birth. Go for long walks with your baby as soon as you feel comfortable enough and strong enough to do so. This would usually be at least three weeks after the birth and longer if you have had a caesarean. (consult your midwife for advice if you are unsure)

Join a local support network prior to the birth of your baby. A mother and toddlers group may offer exactly the support and shared experience that you need after the birth and a group like the National Childbirth Trust in the UK would be ideal.


Remember your diet is as important if you are breast feeding as it is when you are pregnant. The following is especially pertinent to maintaining mental health through diet:

a. Supplement vitamins and minerals during pregnancy, particularly calcium, magnesium and zinc.

b. Eat a lot of oily fish, herring mackerel, sardines salmon and tuna are all good.

c. Supplement omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

d. Eat a lot of raw fruit and vegetables (organic if possible) and seeds.

e. Make up this mixture and use on breakfast cereal and in soups, one tablespoon a day. Make up equal quantities of sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and then three times the amount of flax (linseeds) together in a blender. Grind them until they are granulated and store the mixture in the fridge.

f. If you are constipated you may wish to use a few more flax seeds during the day separately as these will aid the digestion.

What else can you do?

Talk to your partner. Friends and family and discuss any concerns that you have before they arise. Do not wait for issues to sort themselves out as they have a habit of hanging around.

Plan for the birth. This may seem obvious, but what we mean are the less obvious aspects like:

Find out who among your family and friends will be willing to baby sit or offer you support you in other way. Knowing this will be very reassuring.

When you cook, double the quantities. This means that you will only need to cook half the time.

Talk to other mums and learn from them about what they did to cope with a new baby.

Book your nursery place well in advance if you are planning a return to work. If you are not then you will want to plan intellectual stimulation when you are at home with your baby especially if you have had a challenging career.

Treating post natal depression.

Most post natal depression disappears after a few weeks or months, but you will want to avoid unnecessary suffering, so seek help early. As psychotherapists, we see people with depression every day and know how effectively to help. So seeing a brief solution focused therapist may be the answer for you. Visit our site
for more information.

Steve Griffiths DHyp Psych GHR HA. HB Prac. Steve is a brief solution focused psychotherapist working in Brighton and Hove

Article © 2005 Sussex Natural Childbirth. All rights reserved

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For Both Women And Men, Rates Of Major Depression Are Highest Among The Separated And Divorced

For both women and men, rates of major depression are highest among the separated and divorced, and lowest among the married, while remaining always higher for women than for men. The quality of a marriage, however, may contribute significantly to depression. Lack of an intimate, confiding relationship, as well as overt marital disputes, have been shown to be related to depression in women. In fact, rates of depression were shown to be highest among unhappily married women.

Reproductive Events

Women's reproductive events include the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, the postpregnancy period, infertility, menopause, and sometimes, the decision not to have children. These events bring fluctuations in mood that for some women include depression. Researchers have confirmed that hormones have an effect on the brain chemistry that controls emotions and mood; a specific biological mechanism explaining hormonal involvement is not known, however.

Many women experience certain behavioral and physical changes associated with phases of their menstrual cycles. In some women, these changes are severe, occur regularly, and include depressed feelings, irritability, and other emotional and physical changes. Called premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), the changes typically begin after ovulation and become gradually worse until menstruation starts. Scientists are exploring how the cyclical rise and fall of estrogen and other hormones may affect the brain chemistry that is associated with depressive illness.

Postpartum mood changes can range from transient "blues" immediately following childbirth to an episode of major depression to severe, incapacitating, psychotic depression. Studies suggest that women who experience major depression after childbirth very often have had prior depressive episodes even though they may not have been diagnosed and treated.

Pregnancy (if it is desired) seldom contributes to depression, and having an abortion does not appear to lead to a higher incidence of depression. Women with infertility problems may be subject to extreme anxiety or sadness, though it is unclear if this contributes to a higher rate of depressive illness. In addition, motherhood may be a time of heightened risk for depression because of the stress and demands it imposes.

Menopause, in general, is not associated with an increased risk of depression. In fact, while once considered a unique disorder, research has shown that depressive illness at menopause is no different than at other ages. The women more vulnerable to change-of-life depression are those with a history of past depressive episodes.

Specific Cultural Considerations

As for depression in general, the prevalence rate of depression in African American and Hispanic women remains about twice that of men. There is some indication, however, that major depression and dysthymia may be diagnosed less frequently in African American and slightly more frequently in Hispanic than in Caucasian women. Prevalence information for other racial and ethnic groups is not definitive.

Possible differences in symptom presentation may affect the way depression is recognized and diagnosed among minorities. For example, African Americans are more likely to report somatic symptoms, such as appetite change and body aches and pains. In addition, people from various cultural backgrounds may view depressive symptoms in different ways. Such factors should be considered when working with women from special populations.


Studies show that women molested as children are more likely to have clinical depression at some time in their lives than those with no such history. In addition, several studies show a higher incidence of depression among women who have been raped as adolescents or adults. Since far more women than men were sexually abused as children, these findings are relevant. Women who experience other commonly occurring forms of abuse, such as physical abuse and sexual harassment on the job, also may experience higher rates of depression. Abuse may lead to depression by fostering low self-esteem, a sense of helplessness, self-blame, and social isolation. There may be biological and environmental risk factors for depression resulting from growing up in a dysfunctional family. At present, more research is needed to understand whether victimization is connected specifically to depression.


Women and children represent seventy-five percent of the U.S. population considered poor. Low economic status brings with it many stresses, including isolation, uncertainty, frequent negative events, and poor access to helpful resources. Sadness and low morale are more common among persons with low incomes and those lacking social supports. But research has not yet established whether depressive illnesses are more prevalent among those facing environmental stressors such as these.
Depression in Later Adulthood

At one time, it was commonly thought that women were particularly vulnerable to depression when their children left home and they were confronted with "empty nest syndrome" and experienced a profound loss of purpose and identity. However, studies show no increase in depressive illness among women at this stage of life.

As with younger age groups, more elderly women than men suffer from depressive illness. Similarly, for all age groups, being unmarried (which includes widowhood) is also a risk factor for depression. Most important, depression should not be dismissed as a normal consequence of the physical, social, and economic problems of later life. In fact, studies show that most older people feel satisfied with their lives.

About 800,000 persons are widowed each year. Most of them are older, female, and experience varying degrees of depressive symptomatology. Most do not need formal treatment, but those who are moderately or severely sad appear to benefit from self-help groups or various psychosocial treatments. However, a third of widows/widowers do meet criteria for major depressive episode in the first month after the death, and half of these remain clinically depressed 1 year later. These depressions respond to standard antidepressant treatments, although research on when to start treatment or how medications should be combined with psychosocial treatments is still in its early stages.


Even severe depression can be highly responsive to treatment. Indeed, believing one's condition is "incurable" is often part of the hopelessness that accompanies serious depression. Such individuals should be provided with the information about the effectiveness of modern treatments for depression in a way that acknowledges their likely skepticism about whether treatment will work for them. As with many illnesses, the earlier treatment begins, the more effective and the greater the likelihood of preventing serious recurrences. Of course, treatment will not eliminate life's inevitable stresses and ups and downs. But it can greatly enhance the ability to manage such challenges and lead to greater enjoyment of life.

The first step in treatment for depression should be a thorough examination to rule out any physical illnesses that may cause depressive symptoms. Since certain medications can cause the same symptoms as depression, the examining physician should be made aware of any medications being used. If a physical cause for the depression is not found, a psychological evaluation should be conducted by the physician or a referral made to a mental health professional.

Types of Treatment for Depression

The most commonly used treatments for depression are antidepressant medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two. Which of these is the right treatment for any one individual depends on the nature and severity of the depression and, to some extent, on individual preference. In mild or moderate depression, one or both of these treatments may be useful, while in severe or incapacitating depression, medication is generally recommended as a first step in the treatment.11 In combined treatment, medication can relieve physical symptoms quickly, while psychotherapy allows the opportunity to learn more effective ways of handling problems.


There are several types of antidepressant medications used to treat depressive disorders. These include newer medications--chiefly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)--and the tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The SSRIs--and other newer medications that affect neurotransmitters such as dopamine or norepinephrine--generally have fewer side effects than tricyclics. Each acts on different chemical pathways of the human brain related to moods.

Antidepressant medications are not habit-forming. Although some individuals notice improvement in the first couple of weeks, usually antidepressant medications must be taken regularly for at least 4 weeks and, in some cases, as many as 8 weeks, before the full therapeutic effect occurs. To be effective and to prevent a relapse of the depression, medications must be taken for about 6 to 12 months, carefully following the doctor's instructions. Medications must be monitored to ensure the most effective dosage and to minimize side effects. For those who have had several bouts of depression, long-term treatment with medication is the most effective means of preventing recurring episodes.

The prescribing doctor will provide information about possible side effects and, in the case of MAOIs, dietary and medication restrictions. In addition, other prescribed and over-the-counter medications or dietary supplements being used should be reviewed because some can interact negatively with antidepressant medication. There may be restrictions during pregnancy.

For bipolar disorder, the treatment of choice for many years has been lithium, as it can be effective in smoothing out the mood swings common to this disorder. Its use must be carefully monitored, as the range between an effective dose and a toxic one can be relatively small. However, lithium may not be recommended if a person has pre-existing thyroid, kidney, or heart disorders or epilepsy. Fortunately, other medications have been found helpful in controlling mood swings. Among these are two mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, carbamazepine (Tegretol®) and valproate (Depakote®). Both of these medications have gained wide acceptance in clinical practice, and valproate has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for first-line treatment of acute mania. Studies conducted in Finland in patients with epilepsy indicate that valproate may increase testosterone levels in teenage girls and produce polycystic ovary syndrome in women who began taking the medication before age 20.12 Therefore, young female patients should be monitored carefully by a physician. Other anticonvulsants that are being used now include lamotrigine (Lamictal®) and gabapentin (Neurontin®); their role in the treatment hierarchy of bipolar disorder remains under study.

Most people who have bipolar disorder take more than one medication. Along with lithium and/or an anticonvulsant, they often take a medication for accompanying agitation, anxiety, insomnia, or depression. Some research indicates that an antidepressant, when taken without a mood stabilizing medication, can increase the risk of switching into mania or hypomania, or of developing rapid cycling, in people with bipolar disorder. Finding the best possible combination of these medications is of utmost importance to the patient and requires close monitoring by the physician.

Herbal Therapy

In the past few years, much interest has risen in the use of herbs in the treatment of both depression and anxiety. St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), an herb used extensively in the treatment of mild to moderate depression in Europe, has recently aroused interest in the United States. St. John's wort, an attractive bushy, low-growing plant covered with yellow flowers in summer, has been used for centuries in many folk and herbal remedies. Today in Germany, Hypericum is used in the treatment of depression more than any other antidepressant. However, the scientific studies that have been conducted on its use have been short-term and have used several different doses.

Because of the widespread interest in St. John's wort, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is conducting a 3-year study, sponsored by three NIH components--the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the Office of Dietary Supplements. The study found that St. John's wort was no more effective in treating major depression than placebo (inactive sugar pill). Another NIH study in underway looking at St. John's wort for the treatment of minor depression.

The Food and Drug Administration issued a Public Health Advisory on February 10, 2000. It stated that St. John's wort appears to affect an important metabolic pathway that is used by many drugs prescribed to treat conditions such as heart disease, depression, seizures, certain cancers, and rejection of transplants. Therefore, health care providers should alert their patients about these potential drug interactions. Any herbal supplement should be taken only after consultation with the doctor or other health care provider.


In mild to moderate cases of depression, psychotherapy is also a treatment option. Some short-term (10 to 20 week) therapies have been very effective in several types of depression. "Talking" therapies help patients gain insight into and resolve their problems through verbal give-and-take with the therapist. "Behavioral" therapies help patients learn new behaviors that lead to more satisfaction in life and "unlearn" counter-productive behaviors. Research has shown that two short-term psychotherapies, interpersonal and cognitive-behavioral, are helpful for some forms of depression. Interpersonal therapy works to change interpersonal relationships that cause or exacerbate depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps change negative styles of thinking and behaving that may contribute to the depression.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

For individuals whose depression is severe or life threatening or for those who cannot take antidepressant medication, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is useful.11 This is particularly true for those with extreme suicide risk, severe agitation, psychotic thinking, severe weight loss or physical debilitation as a result of physical illness. Over the years, ECT has been much improved. A muscle relaxant is given before treatment, which is done under brief anesthesia. Electrodes are placed at precise locations on the head to deliver electrical impulses. The stimulation causes a brief (about 30 seconds) seizure within the brain. The person receiving ECT does not consciously experience the electrical stimulus. At least several sessions of ECT, usually given at the rate of three per week, are required for full therapeutic benefit.

Treating Recurrent Depression

Even when treatment is successful, depression may recur. Studies indicate that certain treatment strategies are very useful in this instance. Continuation of antidepressant medication at the same dose that successfully treated the acute episode can often prevent recurrence. Monthly interpersonal psychotherapy can lengthen the time between episodes in patients not taking medication.


Reaping the benefits of treatment begins by recognizing the signs of depression. The next step is to be evaluated by a qualified professional. Although depression can be diagnosed and treated by primary care physicians, often the physician will refer the patient to a psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker, or other mental health professional. Treatment is a partnership between the patient and the health care provider. An informed consumer knows her treatment options and discusses concerns with her provider as they arise.

If there are no positive results after 2 to 3 months of treatment, or if symptoms worsen, discuss another treatment approach with the provider. Getting a second opinion from another health or mental health professional may also be in order
Here, again, are the steps to healing:

o Check your symptoms against the list on page.

o Talk to a health or mental health professional.

o Choose a treatment professional and a treatment approach with which you feel comfortable.

o Consider yourself a partner in treatment and be an informed consumer.

o If you are not comfortable or satisfied after 2 to 3 months, discuss this with your provider. Different or additional treatment may be recommended.

o If you experience a recurrence, remember what you know about coping with depression and don't shy away from seeking help again. In fact, the sooner a recurrence is treated, the shorter its duration will be.

Depressive illnesses make you feel exhausted, worthless, helpless, and hopeless. Such feelings make some people want to give up. It is important to realize that these negative feelings are part of the depression and will fade as treatment begins to take effect.

Along with professional treatment, there are other things you can do to help yourself get better. Some people find participating in support groups very helpful. It may also help to spend some time with other people and to participate in activities that make you feel better, such as mild exercise or yoga. Just don't expect too much from yourself right away. Feeling better takes time.


If unsure where to go for help, ask your family doctor, OB/GYN physician, or health clinic for assistance. You can also check the Yellow Pages under "mental health," "health," "social services," "suicide prevention," "crisis intervention services," "hotlines," "hospitals," or "physicians" for phone numbers and addresses. In times of crisis, the emergency room doctor at a hospital may be able to provide temporary help for an emotional problem and will be able to tell you where and how to get further help.

Listed below are the types of people and places that will make a referral to, or provide, diagnostic and treatment services.

o Family doctors

o Mental health specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or mental health counselors

o Health maintenance organizations

o Community mental health centers

o Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatient clinics

o University- or medical school-affiliated programs

o State hospital outpatient clinics

o Family service/social agencies

o Private clinics and facilities

o Employee assistance programs

o Local medical and/or psychiatric societies

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Help Falling Pregnant? - 3 Tips You Can Use Today

Increasing your chances of conceiving a baby does not mean you have to have complex procedures and/or costly hormonal treatments. Some of the simplest tips like avoiding unhealthy habits and carefully watching your ovulation calendar can go a long way toward helping you fall pregnant. Here are a few pregnancy tips that you can get started with.

Tip One: Stay away from cigarette smoke - even second hand smoke

Studies have shown that smoking decreases fertility. According to the British Medical Association, female smokers are 40% less likely to conceive than women who do not smoke. Researchers hypothesize that some of the hundreds of chemicals found in cigarettes initiate an imbalance of hormones, which can create irregular menstrual cycles or lack of ovulation. In addition, chemicals in cigarette smoke may also cause abnormalities in mature eggs. A final note about smoking: if a smoker does get pregnant, she's still at a higher risk of an early miscarriage than her non-smoking friends.

Just because you are a non-smoker does not necessarily mean you are in the clear. Passive smoking, or inhaling secondhand smoke, has also been linked the increased likelihood of infertility or miscarriages. To protect yourself simply stay away from cigarette smoke. This is true even if your partner smokes. One thing you can share with him is that cigarette smoke has been linked to lower sperm counts.

Tip Two: Use foreplay to liven your sex life up

A normal problem for couples that are trying to conceive is a lack of excitement in their sex lives. With the stresses of work, the pressure of a ticking biological clock and busy daily routines, sex simply may not be as juicy as it used to be. So, instead of going straight to intercourse, experts recommend spending time in foreplay. Foreplay has been shown to increase your fertility in a couple of ways. First, foreplay will help you relax more. Second, longer foreplay also encourages natural vaginal lubrication. This is especially important if you are on fertility drugs as they tend to cause vaginal dryness.

Tip Three: Use sex positions that help conception

When trying to fall pregnant experts also recommend that you use a position to make conception easier. The traditional sex position with the male on top is one of the best because sperm need only to travel a short distance to the uterus. Another positive position for conception is the rear entry position, with the woman either on her hands and knees or on her stomach. One final suggestion from fertility specialists is that women lie down on their backs after intercourse and "bicycle" for several minutes. This is reported to help the sperm arrive faster.

Hoarding Disorder - How to Tell When There is a Problem

Hoarding disorder is a compulsive psychological condition which causes the individual to feel that everything around them or that they see should be saved or rescued, and is classified as a form of obsessive compulsive personality disorder. There is another type of hoarding disorder that is caused by delusional issues, where the person is completely out of touch with the world as we see it. These are quite serious and debilitating conditions, and require the expert and long term care of both a medical and psychological expert. Dealing with the messes and nests of those with hoarding disorder is a very painful and horrifying experience for the person inflicted, making the recovery process excruciating. Clean up and monitoring are both extremely important.

To view the home of a person with hoarding disorder can be a difficult and often unsanitary thing to deal with as well. It is quite normal to see every corner, crevice, surface, and all floor space covered to the top with junk. Some hoarders are rather orderly with their presentation and storage of odds and ends, but this will eventually spill over into mayhem as well. It will become impossible for even the most meticulous hoarder to hide the disorder for too long, and any warning signs should be tended to right away. Again, this is not a condition of laziness or selfishness, this is a very real and serious mental condition which takes over easily and is difficult to overcome.

Hoarding disorder can be a dangerous and unsanitary condition to deal with as well, especially when litter, garbage, food, or animals are involved. Food hoarders are highly susceptible to invasions from bugs and wild animals, while animal hoarders are putting themselves and innocent living creatures at risk of ill health, starvation, over crowding, and death. Some victims of this disorder are a bit luckier in the obsession which chooses to take them over. Bibliomania is a form of hoarding disorder, for example, and because books are such a common and well loved thing to so many people, it can be considered normal for people to collect great numbers of them over the years. The absolute stock piling and storing of them until there is no room left in the cupboards, on the shelves, on the sofa, or along the walls on the floor is a great indication of an obsessive compulsive hoarding disorder.

When there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to the things that a person is hanging onto, the hoarding disorder that they suffer is usually classified as the delusional type. This type of condition knows no logic or order, the person is just unable to see what's around them in a common on proper context. The disorder of this nature is basically a result of nothing ever leaving the home.

Newborn Baby Clothing - Where and How to Get the Best!

Let's face it shopping for funky newborn baby clothing is so much fun! And every new mummy wants their new offspring in super cool threads.

Well... there is no shortage of choice, there are literally thousands of shops and online stores that sell newborn baby clothing.

Finding the best shops and stores that you like, suit your taste, quality standards and budget is the hard part.

The good news is our team have spend hours trawling around hundreds of these shops and stores and have established a list of favourites that we recommend, trying to meet all the above requirements.

As well as finding funky newborn baby clothing we have also established an 'essentials' items kit that must be on every new mums list of 'must haves'. These are the extra comfortable, practical newborn baby clothing items for optimum newborn sleep and days at home.

The newborn baby clothing we have found is certainly a little bit funky, a little bit cute, quality is good, prices are affordable, and they are definitely a little bit cool!

The newborn 'essentials' clothing kit on our favourites list includes things like, singlets, socks, hat, bodysuits, wraps and more. With this 'essentials' newborn baby clothing kit you also receive a newborn 'essential items' free baby samples bag, that includes things like, a soother, milk/food storage cup, disposable change mat, baby wipes, breast pads, creams and more - free.

All favourites on our list cover baby boy clothes and baby girl clothes.

Having a newborn baby is such an exciting time, it can also be quite a challenging time, expending all your time and energy. As well as providing newborn baby clothing information and places which is so much fun. We also provide essential free information to assist all the beautiful new mummy's out there. Just about every baby subject is covered, such as breastfeeding, postnatal depression, newborn sleep, crying baby information, baby weeks and stages, newborn care and generally baby information, and if its not we will help find the answer for you!

Certified Nursing Assistants - CNA Job Description and Outline

Do you want to work as a certified nursing assistant but just can't make up your mind yet? There are so many careers in the medical field but how do you know a nursing assistant it the right career choice for you?
A CNA is a certified assistant that helps registered nurses and other members of the medical team. A nursing assistant will follow orders made by his superiors as well as proceed with his regular CNA job descriptions just like the following:

  1. A certified nursing assistant will follow orders that are given by registered nurses, nurse practitioners and other members of the health team. He understands basic medical terminologies and proceeds with precise skill when it comes to taking care of patients. A registered nurse or a head nurse closely supervises a certified nursing assistant's work and he reports directly to his superiors for any questions or concerns about his job and about patients directly under his care.

  2. He is not allowed to make nursing or medical decisions on his own and is not allowed to give medications to patients. A certified nursing assistant however may be allowed to provide or administer medications and various treatments under the close supervision of a registered nurse like nebulization for asthma, topical medications for skin conditions, eye medications like eye drops and many more.

  3. A part of a CNA job description is to take care of patient's personal needs from the time the patient is admitted to the time he is discharged. He changes bed linens, assists patients as they bathe, do personal care activities like brushing, shampooing and even dressing up when the patient is unable to do so due to his medical condition.

  4. A certified nursing assistant will help patients as they are advised to visit specialists in the hospital premises or when the patient is transported to various diagnostic departments in the building. He does not leave the patient behind; he endorses the patient with care to the receiving nursing assistant or hospital employee and comes back when the procedure is over.

  5. A part of a CNA job description is to support patients as they ambulate or move on their own after a major surgery or any other procedure that may impair a patient's ability to move for several days. He may also transport the patient as per order of the attending physician to rehabilitation departments or physical therapy departments for continuous support.

  6. Certified nursing assistants will assist in transporting patient to other treatment facilities within the hospital like the surgical suite, maternity or delivery suite, the nursery, dialysis centers, etc. He may also be advised to accompany patients in recreational places within the hospital facility like indoor or outdoor parks, the cafeteria, the chapel, the library and many more. He is made aware of the patient's condition and he is also able to check for untoward signs and symptoms that may merit an emergency.

  7. Also included in CNA job descriptions is providing excellent care and accommodation as the patient stays for a very long time in the hospital. He is compassionate especially to the less privilege and spends time comforting patients who may be disturbed or depressed about their medical condition.

  8. Certified nursing assistants have different CNA job descriptions depending on where they are assigned in a hospital setting:
    Delivery or maternity suites - they are assigned to change linens, make sure that supplies and materials needed for delivery are prepared, cleaned and sterilized, accommodates mothers as they are anxious about delivery and many more.

    Nursery - certified nursing assistants must be able to clean, bathe, feed, burp and change newborns during their short stay in the nursery. Nursing assistants may be asked to bring newborns as they room-in with their moms.
    Surgical suite - change linens, clean and sterilize surgical equipments, pack instruments for sterilization, clean and sterilize the surgical suite, make sure all supplies are complete and in order before and after a surgical procedure is over, assist in lifting, moving and transporting patients and many more.

    Wards - a nursing assistant helps change linens, assist patients for primary care and instruct patients in the rules of their short stay at the hospital.

    Emergency room - certified nursing assistants assist nurses in cleaning patients, mobilizing patients, administering nursing procedures like inserting catheters, giving enemas, providing tepid sponge baths, getting the patients vital signs and monitoring intake and output. Patients involved in accidents, medical emergencies and acute cases need quick responses from the medical team and a certified nursing assistant's help is perfect in case there is a high volume of emergency cases coming in.

    Geriatric care - old patients need to be monitored closely as they move about, eat, take their medications, adhere to medical treatments and in various physical activities. Nursing homes need certified nursing assistant to help assist seniors in their daily activities as well as assess for the current state of health of their patients.

    Doctor's clinics - certified nursing assistants may also be assigned to doctor's clinics where they can work as medical receptionists. They will find patient's records as the patient arrives, weigh the patient, assist the patient as the nurse takes his temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure and many more. He may also prepare the doctor's office as a new patient arrives by changing soiled linens, preparing diagnostic instruments and many more.
    Pediatric area - children may be harder to manage in a hospital compared to adults and parents need the help they can get. Certified nursing assistants may help giving young patients a bath, a sponge bath, grooming and even feeding. He may also assist the nurse as the vital signs of the patient is taken as well as the intake and output for regular shift monitoring. Kids are listless and may complain as they are confined for days in the hospital. Certified nursing assistants must learn how to accommodate adult patients as well as pediatric patients to make their stay at the hospital a pleasing and relaxing one.