Saturday, January 4, 2014

Going Green to Slim Down

With each new year there is an plethora of new fad diets offering promises to help us shed those unwanted pounds. Excluding food groups, drastically cut calories, eating pre-prepared meals or following a new celebrity trend, it may all sound enticing yet do these diets actually work? The answer is no. Fad diets may help you lose some weight in the short-term, but these approaches do not lead to long term success. Plus the weight loss often comes with consequences such as deprivation, frustration, nutrient deficiencies, fatigue, irritability, and eventually a sense of failure because the pounds creep back once the diet is over.

One dietary strategy that is healthy and seems to offer benefits for weight loss and disease prevention is going green, in other words, following a vegetarian diet.

Going Green for Weight Loss

Numerous studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of many chronic health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Mounting evidence has found this healthy way of eating can also help us slim down.

Vegans and vegetarians consume diets that are higher in fiber and lower in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol compared to people on eating a non-vegetarian diet-factors that reduce disease risk and help facilitate weight loss. In fact, a scientific review of 87 studies concluded that a vegetarian diet is highly effective for weight loss, independent of exercise.

The authors of this review found that the body weight of both male and female vegetarians is, on average, 3 to 20 percent lower than that of meat-eaters. The researchers also found that a low-fat vegan diet leads to weight loss of about 1 pound per week, even without additional exercise or limits on portion sizes, calories, or carbohydrates.

According to the authors of this review "There is evidence that a [vegetarian] diet causes an increased calorie burn after meals, meaning plant-based foods are being used more efficiently as fuel for the body, as opposed to being stored as fat." The reviewers also reported that insulin sensitivity increased for vegetarians, easing the absorption of nutrients into cells.

Choose Your Carbs Carefully

Advocates of low carb dieting spread the idea that carbohydrates were responsible for obesity, diabetes, and lots of other health problems. As a result, many dieters cut out vegetables, whole grains and fruits from their diet, thinking that these foods were making them fat. While this was a hot trend for many years, studies on low carbs diets yielded mixed results, and the health concerns (constipation, nutritional deficiencies, depression and bad breath) outweighed any short-term benefits. Plus it is now known that not all carbs are equal. Those that break down quickly into sugar, such as white bread and products made with refined flour, can cause rapid increases in blood sugar and insulin levels, which is associated with weight gain, increased risk of diabetes

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, such as those found in vegetables, whole grains, and beans are absorbed slowly and do not cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels. Although fruits naturally contain sugar, they are also high in fiber and thus are broken down into sugar more slowly in our bodies compared to refined starches and sweets (cookies, candy, and soft drinks). The bottom line is that carbs provide us with good nutritional value (vitamins, minerals and fiber) and they can play an important role in a healthy diet.

If you are thinking of going vegetarian, here are some tips on how to make the diet work with a busy lifestyle:

繚 Stock your cupboards with an assortment of dried and canned beans, nuts and seeds (almonds, cashews, sunflower and pumpkin seeds)

繚 Have brown rice, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, cous cous, hemp hearts, and barley handy

繚 For breakfast, protein shakes made with whey protein, berries (or other fruits) and yogurt will take only a few minutes to prepare. Oatmeal, whole grains toast with poached eggs or almond butter are other great breakfast ideas.

繚 Pack your lunch the night before so that you aren't stuck resorting to a fast-food lunch. Salads with grilled vegetables, chickpeas, beans and nuts are healthy and satisfying. Leftover soups and stews make great lunches. Or try sandwiches on sprouted bread or pita wraps with grilled veggies.

繚 Use a slow cooker. There are tons of great recipes for soups and stews and you can prepare the ingredients the night before, put it in the pot when you leave for work and have dinner ready for when you get home.

繚 Other quick, healthy dinner ideas include stir-fried vegetables, lentils, and tofu with steamed brown rice or baked vegetarian lasagna which can be prepared the night before. There are lots of great cookbooks for vegetarian meals in minutes.

繚 Bring along some healthy snacks to work such as veggie sticks, nuts, fresh or dried fruit, yogurt or energy bars.

Here are some other helpful tips to keep in mind:

繚 Don't skip breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day and studies have shown that those who do skip breakfast are at a greater risk of becoming obese and diabetic.

繚 Eat small frequent meals to keep energy levels high and blood sugar levels balanced. Aim for 3 meals and 2 snacks between meals so that you are eating something every 3 hours. This will also keep your metabolism revved and prevent hunger cravings.

繚 Try not to eat too late in the evening as our metabolism is slower in the evening and calories can be stored as fat rather than be burned for energy.

繚 If you are having difficulty getting enough fiber from diet alone, consider a supplement. Weight management formulas that contain soluble fibers such as glucomannan can help improve your feeling of fullness, and help stabilize blood sugar levels, which helps reduce cravings and appetite.

繚 Drink lots of water (8 to 10 glasses per day). Water works with fiber to fill you up, it helps cleanse the body and a lack of water (dehydration) can be mistaken for hunger.

繚 A vegetarian diet is a sensible and proven way to reduce to facilitate weight loss and improve many other aspects of health. For further advice on becoming vegetarian consult with a dietitian or nutritionist.

Shopping for Affordable Health Insurance in Washington

The search for affordable health insurance in Washington should involve a rather thorough search. You are kidding yourself if you believe that quality medical insurance at an affordable price is simply going to fall in your lap. Luckily, though, the search is not as difficult as you might imagine. There are many options available to suit most any set of circumstances.

Affordable Health Insurance in Washington: Options

As you shop for affordable Washington medical insurance, you will find you are inundated with options. There are numerous medical insurance companies across the state in which you can consider. Comparing these companies and their rates will help you to find the most affordable option for you. If you are having issues with income restrictions and/or medical conditions, you should look into options offered by the state. These options were developed to offer affordable health care coverage to as many residents of Washington State as possible.

Affordable Health Insurance in Washington: Washington Health Plan

Begun in 1993, the Washington Health Plan has as its goal to offer affordable health care coverage to Washington residents by providing an alternative to private health insurance. The plan offers a choice between either $75,000 or $100,000 worth of yearly health care coverage. You choose the coverage and pay the discounted premiums associated with that coverage. Choice is the name of the game with this program, so you can choose your own physician, and you can get coverage for maternity, chronic illness, preventative care, prescription drugs, hospital and ER care, as well as imaging and lab work. All residents of Washington State are eligible as long as you are not enrolled in another state-sponsored health care program or currently institutionalized.

Affordable Health Insurance in Washington: Washington Basic Health

Washington Basic Health offers an affordable, low-cost option for health care coverage to the residents of Washington State. Qualifications include:

  • Within 0 to 200 percent of federal poverty income guidelines

  • Ineligible for Medicare

  • Not getting benefits from Washington Medicaid

  • Not in an institution at the time of enrollment

  • Not enrolled in an educational institution

  • Not be on a student visa

  • Not enrolled in the Washington Health Plan

At times, the Washington Basic Health Plan has a waiting list. If that is the case, you will be placed on the list in the order in which you attempted enrollment. However, it is possible to by-pass the list if you meet any of the below criteria.

  • Certain maternity applicants

  • Foster parents

  • Health Coverage Tax Credit recipients

  • If you have been a member before and recently lost Medicaid coverage

  • Personal care worker

  • Recently serving Washington National Guard Reserves

  • Tribal sponsored accounts

Affordable Health Insurance in Washington: Finding the Right Option

No matter where you stand as far as health or income, your first step is to weigh all options available. To do this, you must first gather online rate quotes to compare rates and health insurance plans. While doing this, you may find that you do not qualify for private health care coverage or that insurance may be too expensive for your budget. If this is the case, then you can move on to the state-sponsored options mentioned above or seek out coverage through the federal high risk pool. Either way, the road to affordable health insurance in Washington begins with rate quotes to assess the situation.

Fertility Wonder Oil

Imagine building a house without some of the essential materials. Well it simply wouldn't work, it would be leaky, drafty, insufficiently insulated, and would probably collapse during the first storm.

Our cells are no different to a house. They all have a blueprint (DNA) and are meant to be constructed according to the plan. However when the body makes a request for a particular nutrient to complete the cell construction, it's gets a message that the reserves are empty or being held only for the key organs, needed to keep you alive.

One of those essential nutrients are 'Essential Fatty Acids' - Essential because our body can't make them, so we need to get them from food. Essential fatty acids (EFA's) are necessary for;

- Normal brain and nervous system function
- Visual acuity and cognition
- Hormone and prostaglandin regulation
- Healthy placental growth
- Brain and liver development in the foetus

The central nervous system starts to develop 21 days after conception; because of this it is essential that the mother's reserves are optimal before conception.

EFA's are also very important for;

- The health of breasts and mammary glands
- Growth of the uterus in the mother

EFA's can protect against SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and post natal depression and have been found to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis, heavy periods, cramping and mild depression. Deficiency has been linked to male infertility and can lead to congenital malformations and spontaneous abortions. Omega 3 and 6 are known as EFA's. Omega 6 is readily available in food (nuts and seeds and vegetable oils) but Omega 3 is harder to come by and the need for Omega 3 increases during pregnancy and lactation.

Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), are the building blocks of membranes of all cells in the body, and precursors of eciosanoids, hormones important in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, especially in women.

For example period crams a.k.a. dysmenorrhea, stem from disturbed balance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory hormones. By increasing the intake of omega 3 fatty acids your period cramps can vanish.

I speak here from first hand experience. As a teenager, I couldn't leave the house without a Ponstan (a painkiller) on the first day of my period. When I learned at college about omega 3's I started taking the supplement every day and within 2 cycles I never had to use Ponstan again, my cramps were gone.

Studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids;

" Facilitate pregnancy in women with infertility problems by increasing uterine blood flow.
" Promote fetal growth by improving placental blood flow.
" Lower the risk of premature birth, by increasing the length of pregnancy and birth weight.
" Facilitate the child's brain development.
" Prevent preeclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy).
" Prevent postpartum depression.
" Prevent menopausal problems.
" Prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis.
" Prevent breast cancer.
" Lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) - this is especially

important for women receiving hormone therapy, which can increase bad cholesterol.

Buyer Beware

When buying Omega 3 Fish oils, you need to make sure the product;

1. Contains antioxidants to prevent the oil from oxidizing and going rancid

(a.k.a. lipid peroxidation).
2. Has been tested for mercury, dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs), and

meets the established safety limits.

Fish that live a long time (e.g. swordfish, shark & tuna) have a longer time to accumulate environmental toxins. Try to make sure your fish oil comes from wild sardines or wild salmon.

What we all need to be mindful of, is, the ever increasing demand for the ocean fish reserves. Studies have shown, worldwide, the demand for wild fish is now greater than the ocean can supply and projections suggest complete reliance on aquaculture (farmed fish) by 2050.

A solution to this problem is Krill Oil - abundant zooplankton found in the Antarctic waters. Krill Oil is eaten by whales and other fish. It possesses a fatty acid profile comparable with fish oils. It is a more sustainable solution comparable to fish oils.

How much do you need?

The recommended therapeutic dose of Omega 3 (RTD) is 1000mg three times per day, with food. Never have them on an empty stomach, as they won't absorb properly.

How do you store it?

In the fridge.

If you get fishy burps, you can put it in the freezer and have the capsules frozen, this way they'll thaw out in your small intestines instead of your stomach.

Food Sources

Deep sea fish, wild salmon, red snapper, wild trout, herring, halibut, sardines, walnuts, almonds, nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil (only 20% gets converted into the active form), grass fed meat, hemp seed oil.


1. Arthur, R.'Omega-3 Sources'. The Journal of Complementary Medicine,
May/June 2009 Vol 8 No 3.

2. Saldeen P, Saldeen T. 'Women and omega-3 Fatty acids'. Obstet Gynecol Surv.
2004 Oct;59(10):722-30; quiz 745-6.

3. Keene, I. 2008. "Natural Fertility Prescription", Australian Natural Therapeutics,

4 Simple Steps To Help You Get Pregnant

When you decide that you are ready to get pregnant, you may not think that you can do it. There are a few simple ways that you can get your body to get pregnant.

Tip #1) Get Ready

When you are getting ready to have a baby, you may not know when it would be good to start preparing for it. The simple answer is right now, before you are pregnant so that you will be ready when the baby gets here.

Tip #2) Change Your Diet

If you are not eating the right things, you may have a hard time getting pregnant. There are many reasons that you may have trouble with getting pregnant with your diet. If you are eating right from the start, you may be able to get pregnant fast and easily.

Tip #3) Stop Your Bad Habits

If you smoke or drink, you will want to stop these now. This will help you to get pregnant faster and help with having a good and healthy pregnancy after that. This can be just what you may need to actually get pregnant.

Tip #4) Talk To Your Doctor

You may want to try and get pregnant, you will need to talk to your doctor so that he can give you advise on what to do to increase your chances of getting pregnant in the long run.

Take some time and get the things done that you need to, so that you are able to have that baby you always dreamed of.

Ovulation Signs Explained to Help Getting Pregnant Fast

So what should you know about ovulation signs? Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. It is a crucial step in the process of conception. There are many signs of ovulation and with a little practice, they can be easily recognized.

Rise in BBT

The influx of hormones during ovulation leads to an increase in Basal Body Temperature (BBT). Your BBT is your body temperature while asleep and not engaged in any physical activity or exercise. Since you are not going to take it while asleep however, it is best taken immediately you awake before going out of bed or walking about.

You need a special sensitive thermometer to do this. To notice the change, you need BBT chart. Start recording on the first day through the last day of your cycle. Your ovulation period is when a slight rise is noticed in the graph recording. Please note that the change is usually minute and the sharpest rise is noticed when you have already ovulated. That's why you need a sensitive thermometer and a good chart.

Change in Mucus Consistency

Cervical mucus consistency is another sign of ovulation. When you are ovulating, the consistency becomes sticker and has been aptly described as an egg-white consistency. The best way to notice is to start taking note of the mucus consistency a few days prior to your mid cycle date.

Rise of the cervix

In order to make things easier for the sperm when you ovulate, the cervix undergoes three "ups". It rises up, opens up and softens up! What great wisdom of the creator is here demonstrated! Other signs of ovulation include mild abdominal cramps and an increased libido!

How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Helps Getting Pregnant With a Success Rate of 40 - 60 Percent

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used to treat infertility for many years. The treatment revolves around natural infertility cure using Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture. Despite different theories and explanations, TCM has the same objective as Western medicine as to treat infertility and help patients to get pregnant.

According to Dr Lifang Liang, a professor at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, TCM helps infertility patients get pregnant at the success rate of 40-60 percent. In fact, with a younger group of patient, age between 28 and 35, the success rate is as high as 50-70 percent. An older group (ages 36-45) however has the success rate of around 30-50 percent. TCM can benefit a couple trying to conceive in many ways. It can help improving egg quality and quantity in women and semen quality and quantity in men.

TCM also helps relieve stress level which is quite critical in both men and women trying to get pregnant. In addition, TCM can help reduce side-effects caused by drugs that infertility patients take during IVF process. Apart from nutritional and emotional health of patients, hormonal balance, and factors affecting eggs and semen of a couple, the blood flow to ovaries is quite important. TCM can help increased blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries and therefore increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.

Although on average TCM produces a high success rate through natural infertility treatments, a combination of TCM and Western medicine may be recommended as both schools have the same goal of helping infertility couples to conceive.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Maternity Health Insurance - Fill Gaps With Additional Coverage

Many health insurance plans with maternity coverage come with unexpected holes. Group plans often come with hospital deductibles or co pays. Starting or growing a family is expensive enough without these extra bills. Hospital indemnity insurance is a great way to plug these holes. It pays a cash benefit directly to the insured for her normal labor and delivery, and may pay additional benefits in case of a hospitalization prior to delivery, due to delivery complications, for premature birth, and more.

As group health insurance premiums continue to spiral ever higher, employers look for ways to keep health insurance premiums in check. One of the favorite tricks is to introduce hospital deductibles and co-pays. The thought process works for the majority of employees. In a typical year 90% of employees or more will never step foot inside a hospital. Everybody enjoys slightly lower health insurance premiums, and only a handful of employees get stuck paying the hospital deductible or co-pay.

One group ends end feeling the pinch the most: couples planning a pregnancy. It's a normal step in many families' lifecycle. Even when mom and baby are perfectly healthy, a hospital stay comes as part of the package, and along with that comes a hefty deductible or co payment. Ouch!

But not every pregnancy goes as smoothly as hoped. Many pregnancies experience complications requiring mom to be hospitalized prior to her delivery, possibly adding to left over expenses. One out of eight babies is born premature, and may require a stay in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Many deductibles have individual limits, coupled with higher family limits. Just when you think you've satisfied your hospital deductible with mom's stay, your infant's stay bumps it even higher. And what if you have multiples confined to the NICU? Depending upon the policy, the extra costs can really add up.

Hospital Indemnity Insurance is a great way for couples planning a pregnancy to fill these holes, and rest easier at night. The programs pay a cash benefit directly to the insured for mom's hospital stay for her normal labor and delivery. Some programs pay a single lump sum per hospital admission, while others will also pay an additional benefit based upon the total days of hospital confinement. The benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium paid if timed well.

In addition, hospital indemnity insurance may also pay additional benefits if mom is confined to the hospital prior to delivery. Many policies will contain exclusions if you are re-admitted to the hospital for the same or similar condition within a specified number of days. A policy with a ninety-day exclusion might pay benefits for a hospitalization in during two different trimesters in addition to normal delivery.

Hospital indemnity coverage shines through when premature birth is taken into account. Your infant's hospitalization is often automatically covered during the first thirty days of birth. The extra benefit will really help out if you encounter some of the deductible scenarios noted above. In addition, multiple pregnancies often are delivered early. Pre term deliveries are most likely to result in a NICU stay. Your hospital indemnity policy may pay an additional benefit for each infant.

Make sure your coverage begins before getting pregnant.

Things to Do to Get Pregnant - 5 Simple Tips That Will Help You Get Pregnant

Are you looking for things to do to get pregnant? Here are 5 simple tips you can put to use today that will help you get pregnant.

1. Find out when you are most fertile

You are usually only fertile for about 2 to 3 days before and on the day of ovulation. After ovulation, you only have about 12 to 24 hours before the egg that got released during ovulation will disintegrate itself it it didn't get fertilized by sperm. This is why it is so important to find out when you ovulate to make sure there is sperm in the right place at the right time. One of the ways to find that out is to use so-called ovulation predictor kits. They are very similar to pregnancy tests, but look for a slightly different hormone that your body releases in great amounts just before you ovulate. Once you get a positive ovulation test you know that you are probably going to ovulate during the next 12 to 36 hours.

2. Think positive

This may sound like some strange new age stuff, but it's true. When it comes to fertility, positive thinking can make a difference. Just thinking "if I wish to get pregnant enough, I will get pregnant" won't get you anywhere of course, but it helps indirectly. A negative state of mind can directly affect your body. It can have effects on your hormone levels and your fertility, making it much harder to conceive. Try to stay positive and have happy baby thoughts. Whether you believe in it or not, it definitely won't hurt, will it?

3. Cough it up

Believe it or not, but some cough medicine can actually help you get pregnant. One of the ingredients in some cough syrups is guaifenesin that helps thin the mucus in your lungs. As a "side-effect" this substance not only thins the mucus in your lungs, but also in other parts of your body, including your cervical mucus down below! And thinner cervical mucus makes it easier for the sperm to swim through to get to your egg. Try taking one or two teaspoons a day, starting a few days before you ovulate, and see for yourself.

4. Reduce stress

Stress is never really good for you, especially not when you are trying to get pregnant. Excessive stress can reduce your fertility in several ways... it can affect the hormones that control ovulation, possibly delaying or stopping ovulation... it can cause your cervical mucus to dry up, the very same mucus that helps the sperm to swim all the way to your fallopian tubes... and it can obviously keep you from having sex at all. Who enjoys having sex when they are really stressed out, right? Reducing stress is easier said than done, but try to turn off and have some me-time whenever you can.

5. Confirm that you ovulate

We have already seen that there are quite a few reasons that could stop you from ovulating regularly or ovulating at all, so one of the most important steps when trying to conceive is confirming that you do actually ovulate. Luckily, you don't necessarily have to go to the doctor to do that. There is one method, and the only one apart from having blood tests, that can confirm that you ovulate. It's called BBT charting and BBT stands for Basal Body Temperature. Basically it is your body temperature at rest, in the morning when you wake up, before you do anything else.

Ovulation is triggered by a specific hormone, the same hormone ovulation tests look for. It's called luteinizing hormone and one of the side-effects this hormone has is that it raises your body temperature slightly. If you now keep track of your body temperature every morning by using a special BBT thermometer that can pick up even slight changes, you are able to see a small raise the day after you ovulate and it will usually stay high until your next period starts. Bingo! You have just confirmed ovulation.

Multiple Embryo Transfer Hidden Costs: Embedded Deductibles and More

Multiple embryo transfer is a common practice for couples undergoing In Vitro Fertilization. Several viable embryos are implanted to increase the odds of conception, and decrease the need for subsequent IVF cycles. One motivation is cost. IVF treatments are often self paid and most insurance plans limit the number of cycles covered, or more frequently cover nothing at all.

Multiple-pregnancy occurs more frequently when multiple embryos are transplanted. And these pregnancies can cost far more than an additional IVF cycle ever could. These costs are often hidden or ignored by couples desperate to have a baby: lost income, hospital deductibles, out of network costs, and amounts over usual customary and reasonable are all terms any couple should know before undergoing a multiple embryo transfer. A little advance planning can minimize costs.

Multiple Transfers Mean Multiple Pregnancies

Multiple transfers mean a higher rate of multiple pregnancies. The logic is simple. If more than one viable embryo is implanted in your uterus, more than one embryo may develop. Roughly one-third of multiple embryo transfer pregnancies IVF result in twins or triplets.

Multiple Pregnancies High Risk

Twins and triplet pregnancies are more likely to experience complications: incompetent cervix, placenta previa, iron deficiency anemia, gestational diabetes, and pre-eclamsia are all more common in multiple pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies. Mom may be ordered to stop working to take bed rest: meaning months of unplanned lost income.

Pre term labor occurs in approximately 50% of twins, and 90% of triplets. Premature infants are at a higher risk of hearing loss, vision problems, and developmental delays. Pre term labor is also the leading cause for infants to spend time in Neo Natal Intensive Care, and this is where the hidden costs reveal their ugly head at the worst possible time.

Surprise Hidden Costs

Parents sometimes learn about left over hospital bills the hard way when infants require specialized care in the hospital. At a recent comment brings home the point: "I was born weeks premature, and my family finished paying the hospital bills on my 25th birthday". These hidden costs come from three places: embedded deductibles, out of network fees, and amount over customary and reasonable.

Health insurance plans commonly contain a deductible. An embedded deductible contains two components: and individual deductible and a larger family deductible. With health insurance premiums rising rapidly, the most common method of keeping premiums in check is the introduction of larger hospital deductibles. A couple may plan to pay one individual deductible for mom's hospital stay. But when multiples are born prematurely and require NICU care there may be two or three extra deductible to satisfy.

Health insurance plans may also contain co-insurance for out-of-network care. People are most likely to go to an out-of-network provider when specialized care is required. High risk multiple pregnancies and deliveries are a common reason for out-of-network utilization. This may mean bigger bills than expected for co-insurance: sometimes 20% to 40% of charges.

Couples may face an even bigger surprise: amounts over usual customary and reasonable. In network providers agree to cap their fees according the insurer's contract. Look at any explanation of benefits and find the providers charges. Listed below are the allowed charges. They are usually 50% less or more. Guess who is responsible for the difference when using an out-of-network provider? The unsuspecting couple who emptied their bank account to pay for the IVF cycles needed to get pregnant with twins or triplets gets left with the bill.

Plan Ahead

Couples should anticipate these unexpected costs and purchase supplemental maternity insurance before getting pregnant. Short term disability insurance replaces mom's income if bed rest is required, and hospital indemnity insurance covers mom's normal labor and delivery, and pays an additional benefit for each infant confined to the NICU.

How Weight Gain Leads to Snoring

One of the major causes of snoring in modern times is obesity. If you look at obesity, the pandemic is cutting across all nations today due to the sedentary lifestyle and low exercise regimen that have become a bane of modern living. Excess weight gain can be also due to pregnancy, induced post natal weight, side effects of certain medications that tend to effect individuals, inclusion of junk food in regular diet, aerated drinks consumption and high stress levels that lead to a variety of psychological disorders, inducing weight gain by binging.

If you are a few pounds overweight, you might have started snoring. Contrary to usual belief a person who snores is not a heavy sleep, but that is a warning by the body of impending health hazards. Weight gain is not isolated in pockets, but all over the body layers of fatty tissue accumulation starts affecting the heart, compresses the throat region, creating narrow air passages that simulate snoring.

When you gain weight, you also lose toned muscles! Yes, snoring is a direct consequence of loose muscles of the throat and jaws, which indirectly let the tongue fall back into the throat. This obstructs normal breathing patterns when you are asleep. The constant vibration of the soft tissue in the throat region by the air pressure flowing through the narrow constricted air tracks causes the irritating noise, that we call snores.

Snorers stand a higher risk of being diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes, depression, and sleep apnea, cardiac and sleep deprivation related heath problems that knows no barriers of age, race and nationality.

On a regular day, most people who snore wake up to a headache, caused by low oxygen supply to the brain, dry mouth and throat as you snore through the mouth most times. The constant waking up through out the night does not let you get into REM sleep pattern, considered to be the deep phase of sleep.

Most of the people require 9 hours of sleep to rejuvenate but snorers, who wake up all through the night have issues of sleep deprivation. In most cases, the bed partner also suffers from sleep deprivation due to the constant tossing, coughing and interruptions all through the night.

Mostly sleep deprivation is often ignored as a minor problem. The major symptoms are constant drowsiness, poor alertness, low concentration, low productivity and relationship issues that crop up over time. Sleep apnea is a major concern for those who snore heavily on a regular basis.

However, the extreme stage of sleep apnea occurs when you ignore mild or medium snoring and over time the issue escalates to become a major health hazard. If you are still steps away from becoming a heavy snorer, it is time to take action and look for a good anti snoring remedy. You can choose from anti snoring pills, sprays, nasal strips, mouth guards and a variety of other ways to stop snoring. Part from that you can also refer about your condition with your doctor today.

Depression and Society

Many of the people we know and meet every day have experienced some kind of depression in their lives, it is not always the clinical and sever depression that we understand to be very dangerous and naturally dramatic in life events, a lot of people experience mild and sometimes passing phases of depression.

The understanding of how difficult it is to deal with depression once it hits is usually a part that is played only by those unfortunate enough to experience this mental condition, once a person realizes the effect a depression might have on a person they will immediately show great sympathy to anyone who is suffering any symptoms related to depression.

In our day and age it is very common to refer to medicine in almost any case of discomfort or disease, our society nurtures the feeling that for every physical or mental condition or disorder there is a chemical answer that sets things right, and that the materialism of human nature is once that takes care of itself. The case with depression is different, not saying that depression is not treated by medicine because it has been treated with many different kind of chemical solutions for the last few decades, but there are more ways to fight and beat depression, and many of these ways are not medicine related.

Many of the people who suffer depression in one part of their lives realize that this is a kind of condition that might return and hit them in later stages in life, this understanding makes depression patients seek answers that will have a significant effect throughout a long period of time. This is typical of people who suffered mild depression symptoms and overcame the depression with some psychological help and a lot of self work and efforts. Many want to keep living their life with a feeling that a non medical solution is available to keep depression from hitting again.

Help for depression is widely available in most of the world, the awareness to the dangers and destructive power of depression disorders have increased the efforts to help depression patients fight this condition, from traditional therapy to many new and modern approaches to physical activity and social connections, solutions that have been showing fairly good results in many cases and encourage depression patients to keep working on depression prevention instead of relaying on the easy use of chemicals.

The fact that depression can, in some mild and not clinical severe, be beaten and prevented on a regular basis using therapy and social connections, as well as physical exercise and workout routine, is very comforting for the many people who suffer mild depression around the world and that are not interested in developing any kind of dependency on chemicals and medicines for mental conditions. It is also said that the fact that depression patients are kept on a regular treatment and are aware of the reoccurring nature of depression phases is helping prevent and decrease the level of the depression frequency.

Increasing Support of Breastfeeding Mothers

Earlier this year, researchers in Scotland examined the disjunction between the idealism of exclusive breastfeeding and the reality that many families experience. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life for all babies. Other organizations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommend that all babies consume breast milk for the first 12 months of life for maximum developmental and immune benefits. According to the Scottish study, most women find these goals unrealistic, despite the known long-term benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby.

Breastfeeding can reduce the incidence of diabetes, asthma, obesity, ear infections, upper respiratory infections, and SIDS. In fact, the World Health Organization has been quoted to call colostrum-the breast milk that a mother makes in the first few days after a baby is born-"baby's first immunization" because of the immunological benefits that it confers to newborns. According to the authors of Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers, "exclusive breastfeeding for six months by 90% of U.S. mothers could prevent 911 infant deaths and save the U.S. healthcare system US$13 billion." Research has also shown that babies who have been breastfed excel in speech and language development and have higher IQ levels. Breastfeeding also provides myriad health benefits for mothers as well-there is a significantly lower incidence of aggressive breast cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, ovarian cancer, and diabetes in women who have breastfed.

If a mother and her infant have so much to gain from breastfeeding, why are exclusive breastfeeding rates at 6 months postpartum only at 15% in the U.S., according to the CDC? Despite much promotion of the benefits and joys of breastfeeding, these low rates are likely due to a lack of support within in the infrastructure of the health care system and in our communities at large. In fact, the mothers interviewed in the Scottish study said that the lack of support from healthcare providers, family members and friends contributed to their decision to stop breastfeeding before their baby was 6 months old.

The unfortunate reality is, not all healthcare professionals fully support breastfeeding and what's more-not all healthcare professionals are knowledgeable or skilled in providing breastfeeding support and counseling during nursing challenges. Many women receive some education in breastfeeding prenatally say, during a childbirth education class, but then get very little continued counseling during the postpartum. Furthermore, the women in the study are right when they said that many healthcare providers paint a rosy picture of breastfeeding, choosing only to speak of the beautiful bonding experience that the mother-baby nursing dyad has during breastfeeding or the long term health benefits. Too few of us actually talk about the common challenges and pitfalls that a woman may face while establishing breastfeeding out of fear of discouraging new mothers from getting started. In the end, however, the women who are challenged by getting a good latch, sore nipples, pumping at work, or getting chided in public while nursing often feel blindsided by these challenges or feel guilty about not achieving the "ideal picture" of a breastfeeding mother. These are but a few of the challenges that breastfeeding mothers may face.

To say that many women are not getting the support that they need from their communities to continue exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months postpartum would be an understatement. While some companies support breastfeeding by having on-site lactation consultants, clean places for expressing breast milk, and on-site day care centers, many employers still do not have good systems in place to support a mother who needs to express her milk every few hours to maintain her milk supply for her growing baby. Despite the fact that many states have laws that protect a woman's right to express milk in a clean place other than a bathroom-for up to 3 years after the birth of their baby-some women are asked to pump in the tiny stall of the company bathroom. Others struggle to get the break time that they need to express milk every few hours to prevent engorgement which can lead to a breast infection.

Breastfeeding mothers have been escorted off of airplanes, asked to leave restaurants and courtrooms, and shuffled into dressing rooms of major department stores while breastfeeding their infant. The reasons cited? Some members of the public find breastfeeding lewd, offensive or inappropriate. In Maine, the law states "a mother has the right to breastfeed in any location, whether public or private, as long as she is otherwise authorized to be in that location." Raised public awareness of the rights of nursing mothers is greatly needed to encourage mothers to continue breastfeeding and maximize the health benefits for her and her baby.

So where do we go from here? First we need to change the cultural attitudes around breastfeeding in the U.S. Breastfeeding our babies is the way that nature intended for us to nourish and nurture our offspring. There are often a number of key moments in the first 6 months of a baby's life where mothers are faced with the decision to persevere through the nursing challenges or to switch to formula or exclusively feeding solid foods. However, more support from knowledgeable, skilled healthcare providers who utilize a non-judgmental approach to counseling that extends beyond the first 6 weeks postpartum is paramount during these critical times. Let's be open and honest about the realities of breastfeeding-which can be hard and frustrating at times and beautifully transcendent at other time. By supporting one another, we can chip away at the goal of exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life day by day, one feeding at a time.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Where To Find Free Pregnancy Ultrasound in Ontario, Canada

You are pregnant and you just want to know as much information about your baby as possible. But the government of Canada only allows one free ultrasound scan (and that's only if you have an OHIP card), unless there is dire need of another one. What do you do?

If you do have health insurance and a valid OHIP card, you have two options:

1. Either you have to pay (if you can even get an appointment) - this can be pretty expensive.

2. You can get free pregnancy ultrasound at an institution that teaches ultrasound. Read on for details.

If you are not a Canadian citizen and don't have health insurance, the government will not even honor one free pregnancy ultrasound scan. However, you still have the second option of getting the pregnancy ultrasound done by an institution that teaches ultrasound.

These institutions are normally looking for pregnancy patients for instructing students during classes. Therefore, if you volunteer to get your ultrasound scan done by these institutions in front of students, the institutions normally reward you with a detailed pregnancy report and assessment. The ultrasound scans are performed by the instructor but the students get to watch what is going on.

One such institution where you can get a free pregnancy ultrasound scan is Mainz Ultrasound Training (located in Mississauga, near Toronto). Simply contact them using the "Contact" link at the top and they will gladly make an appointment for you as soon as they can.

Other places you might want to consider are Mohawk College and Michener Institute. Both these institutions also teach ultrasound and might regularly be in need for pregnancy ultrasound patients.

Hope this has been helpful.

Before Taking Fertility Drugs - Research Tax and Insurance Plans

Before taking fertility drugs keep in mind what often happens soon afterwards: you get pregnant, have a baby, go on maternity leave, and take on expenses for raising, feeding, and clothing your child. It pays to research tax impacts of your decision, and get the right insurance plans in place. Once you are already pregnant, your window of opportunity will be closed. Pregnancy is a preexisting condition for most insurance plans.

Tax Considerations

Many couples find that their insurance does not cover many fertility drugs and other forms of treatment. The IRS tax code allows you to deduct these expenses, or at least those un-reimbursed medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. If your planned infertility drug and treatment expenses are not expected to be that high, consider using your health care flexible spending account at work instead. You will get immediate tax savings on these expenses.

Get the Right Insurance Coverage

Double check your health insurance plan to verify what is and is not covered by your plan. Most plans will not cover infertility treatments of any kind, and depending upon your state of residence you may find large maternity related deductibles or co pays, and in some cases you may need to purchase a maternity rider to insure your basic medical needs are covered.

In addition, consider purchasing supplemental insurance which will help create maternity leave income, and provide added security during your pregnancy in case of complications. But be sure your coverage begins before you begin taking any fertility medications. Pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition.

Best Tips and Tricks to Avoid Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Developing stretch marks is almost inevitable during pregnancy. Actually, about 90% of pregnant females get them. Nevertheless, there are tips and tricks you can learn to prevent stretch marks.

An easy way to explain what stretch marks are, is that they are depressed streaks or tears in the skin that form due to rapid expansion during a short period of time. The elastic tissue beneath your skin breaks, which is essentially why we get stretch marks.

Avoid Before they Form

As soon as you get pregnant, you'll quit the bad habits of smoking, drinking and doing anything else that can harm your baby. What most don't know is that your skin care routine can be quite harmful too. It's essential to quit using products that contain chemical ingredients. The side effects of chemical ingredients aren't 100% known, but there are some that have been proven to cause birth defects. Keep to natural skin care products to avoid any awful side effects for both you and your unborn child.

Eating healthy isn't just good for you, but also for your baby. It's also one of the most important tactics to prevent stretch marks. Have a balanced diet of wholesome foods. This will lead to a healthy skin and bodily functions. Keep in mind that over-eating isn't good for you; it will only cause rapid weight gain which can lead to the development tears in the skin.

Start adding vitamins to your daily habits. This can improve your overall health and skin flexibility and hydration. Improving these help to avoid overstretching and remember that the healthier you are, the healthier your baby will be.

Exercising is also a really good advice. This will prevent rapid weight gain that can otherwise lead to stretch marks. Talk to your doctor and ask which exercises you can do without harming your baby. But don't overdo it, if you feel dizzy or other symptoms, stop exercising immediately.

Moisturizing is also a good tip. Use a natural skin care cream since creams that contain chemicals aren't the best choice for you during pregnancy. Do it at least twice a day to keep your skin moisturized and flexible.

Some areas like your stomach, sides, hips, upper legs, breasts and buttocks are at high-risk areas of developing marks. A great way to avoid is to massage the high-risk areas. Massaging is a natural and healthy way to prevent the skin from tearing.

Massage Your Baby's Eczema Away

With one in five children, including babies, suffering from eczema, and dry skin the most common trigger in an outbreak, finding an easy and cost effective therapy you can implement into your baby's daily skin care will work wonders for you both.

And there is nothing better than massage for babies who suffer from eczema. More and more new mums and dads are experiencing the wonderful pleasures massage can bring, not only in terms of relief, but the total sense of relaxation and look of pure happiness on their baby's face.

Science Says

Researcher, Dr Tiffany Field, Ph.D., from the Touch Research Institute in Miami, who has spent the past twenty five years researching massage therapy, conducted a study on young children with eczema who received daily massage from their parents, to see whether their symptoms decreased.

For one month, the parents of the first group massaged their children's prescribed skin treatments into their skin for 20 minutes each day. The second group applied the skin treatment to their children's skin with no massage.

The study found that the children from the first group who received the daily massage were less anxious and that the symptoms of redness, scaling, itching, thickening and skin abrasions had decreased significantly.

The parents also reported feeling calmer themselves after giving the massage. The second group had a decrease in the scaling of the skin but there were no other improvements seen.

Other research has found that baby massage also strengthens the baby's immune system, helps the baby sleep longer and deeper, develops coordination, relieves wind, colic, reflux and constipation, promotes weight gain in premature babies and can be therapeutic for mums suffering post natal depression.

Massage and your baby

While massage in the study was conducted for 20 minutes, this may be overly stimulating, so watch for cues as to when your baby has had enough. Indications may be crying, pushing your hands away, turning away or facial grimacing.

It's also important to only massage skin that is not broken and avoid massaging areas that are weeping, bleeding or have open sores.

Only use downward strokes, so from hip to ankle, upper back to lower back and shoulder to wrist as the hair follicles grow in this direction and as baby already has dry, inflamed skin massaging against the hair growth may cause infection and be uncomfortable.

Skin Sense

When massaging your baby, use either natural, organic cold pressed plant oil such as Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel or Sesame Oil, as these oils are rich in vitamins and minerals and may assist with the healing of skin irritations. Another good option is an emollient moisturising cream that has no fragrance or essential oils, and is suitable for sensitive, eczema prone skin.

UK based pediatric research has found that massaging with Sunflower oil has shown significant results in repairing baby's skin barrier.

With so many products on the market you may need to try a few until you find the product most suitable to your needs. So take time out each day for baby massage- it's precious time for you both and will result in a happier, healthier and more content baby.

What Affects The Costs Of Health Insurance Premiums?

If you are in the market to purchase a health insurance policy, you may be baffled at the array of prices of similar policies. There are a number of factors that determine the premiums on your health insurance policy. Each health insurance company will have their own actuarial team that determines the prices and classes of risks for each applicant. The applicants risk is a large part in what determines their risk class, but there are other aspects which causes fluctuation in premium prices.

One of the major factors that can raise health insurance premiums is the use of tobacco. Tobacco has been known to cause a number of health ailments that includes cancer. This factor can significantly increase the cost of health insurance. Knowing that cancer and smoking will decrease the average lifespan of a person, insurance premiums will rise. In some cases, health insurers will provide an incentive to help the insured quit smoking and cover smoking cessation products including nicotine gum, the patch, etc.

To qualify for health insurance, the applicant must be in reasonable health as well. This includes a proper height, weight and body mass index. People seeking coverage with a high body mass index, will have elevated premiums compared to those with an average BMI. Some insurance companies will not insure an obese person as it is not considered an insurable risk. Applicants looking to have the lower end of the premiums should be in the best health possible prior to applying for coverage.

An applicants age can have an ample impact on the price of coverage. The majority of younger people have minor issues with health issues. These may include common colds, a flu, ear infections, small accidents, etc. As a person ages, the likelihood of that person going to the doctor, needing critical care or becoming diagnosed with a chronic disease increases. The cost of major health issues becomes riskier for the company to insure. This is a direct result of increasing premiums as the person ages.

Pre-existing conditions for applicants will also raise the premiums on health insurance costs. Pre-existing conditions require more visits to a practitioner and greater risks for the insurance company to cover related claims to the pre-existing condition. Some insurance companies will only cover certain aspects of the pre-existing condition or won't cover anything at all.

Another factor that may increase an applicant for health insurance premiums would be their gender. Unlike life insurance, women usually pay higher premiums than men for coverage. The reasoning behind this is due to the fact that women go to the doctor more often, need an OB/GYN specialist, take more prescription drugs, have maternity costs and are subjected to certain chronic diseases. The average cost to deliver a baby range anywhere between $10k-$15K of which doesn't include the prenatal and postnatal medical care.

Other risks that the insurance companies factor in when determining premiums for the applicant are their lifestyle choices. These can range from a number of different topics including their profession, marital status, where they live and more. Insurance companies will take in all factors when determining a reasonable cost for insurance. For obvious reasons, a race car driver will be a much higher risk than an accountant. Insurance companies also are aware that married couples will live longer than single people. Other factors including the area code in which the applicant lives will be represented in the premiums. People that live in the same areas, tend to have similar eating, exercise and living habits.

Insurance premiums can be expensive, but insurance companies must manage risk properly and set a proper premium on applicants. Higher risk applicants will have higher premiums. Some variable that an applicant can control is eliminate tobacco use, exercise regularly and eat right for a healthy body mass index and have a safe occupation. Other factors including pre-existing conditions, family health history, gender, etc. the proposed insured won't have control over. If an applicant was to choose higher deductibles, then the premiums would decline. However health insurance can be costly, but if the right coverage isn't in place, a person could be exposed to a substantial risk.

The Best Ingredients For Hair Products

It can be difficult to choose the right hair care products, but if you try to focus on the ingredients contained within the products, you can choose a hair care product which satisfies all your needs. Whether you need moisture to combat dryness or a protective coating to help with damage control, there are certain ingredients which seem to be better than others.

Coconut oil is a natural solid oil which has been used for centuries in the sub-continent of India. It is an excellent natural conditioner and moisturizer because it penetrates the hair shaft and optimizes moisturization. Coconut oil can be found in hair and beauty products because of its great conditioning properties and it is also brilliant for the skin.

Sunflower oil derives from the seeds of sunflowers and it is very rich in vitamins and fatty acids. Having a thick and creamy consistency, sunflower oil is also beneficial for making detangling and combing easier, adding luster and shine and beautifying hair of all textures.

Another product for hair care is aloe vera, which is known to be either a juice or gel and has often been used to combat hair loss and stimulating hair growth. Its texture allows this plant to work as a natural alternative to gel or curl defining products.

Even if it is limited in supply, because of the rough procedure of extraction, argan oil is believed to have multiple benefits for hair, reducing frizz and improving the condition of damaged hair. Like many natural oils, it is rich with essential fatty acids.

Shea butter originates from the shea tree nuts of West Africa and it is known to be a natural and creamy butter. It has many fantastic properties for the hair, such as luster, shine and seal and it is also a brilliant moisturizer for the skin, because once applied to the scalp, prevents flaking and dryness.

If you want to be the next celebrity in the world, than try to use only the products which are recommended for your hair type, so choosing the right hair care company means getting professional results.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What Women Need To Know About Pre-Pregnancy Vitamins

The medical world has for decades seen the importance of good nutrition during the various stages of pregnancy that a woman goes through. It has found that pregnancy places huge demands on the body as the unborn baby goes through huge spurts of growth in the first nine months of its development in the womb. Studies have shown that the pregnant mother needs more than adequate amounts of nutrients during this stage and even if the amounts of vitamins and trace elements were missing in lesser dosages it would seriously impact on the baby's development. Studies have shown that small deficiencies of one nutrient such as omega 3, iron or vitamin B6 may affect the baby's brain development seriously.

Pregnancy and vitamin supplements:

The major growth burst start in the second and sixth week of conception where we see huge development of the baby's new organ system and the heart starts to beat at around the 4th week. For this to take place we see a huge growth in the cellular system of the new baby's body and there is a massive demand for the proper nutrients in the form of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to be at hand to help with the building blocks needed for proper development.

For the cellular growth to take place, the baby' s cells need adequate amounts of nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals in the right ratios and balances for optimum growth to take place. During pregnancy and the lactating months following the pregnancy the young mother has huge demands placed on her body by the baby she is caring and her body is depleted of vital nutrients by this so called loving "parasite that has invaded her body." It is prudent that the young mother to be looks after her nutrition as she is not only responsible for her health but that of the child she is carrying. Most prenatal vitamins for pregnant mothers seem to be inadequate with the amounts of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids they seem to have.

Young mothers-to-be must consult their physicians about what vitamins are safe for them. Unfortunately most physicians do not have a good in-depth knowledge of what is adequate and safe to take on the market. This is not their fault as nutrition does not play a huge part in the medical world. And this is unfortunate as studies are coming out that proves that nutrition is vital for cellular growth of the human body and we just cannot get the right amounts needed from our foods.

The importance of pre-pregnancy vitamins:

Women who are considering getting pregnant should start taking omega 3 fatty acids way before pregnancy to help the future development of the child they will carry to have proper brain development during pregnancy. This is important as the nervous system starts to develop immediately after conception and way before the woman even knows if she is pregnant.

Important vitamins such as omega 3 and folic acid has a positive effect on your health and that of the baby during pregnancy. By taking proper nutrition way before pregnancy you can almost guarantee that your pregnancy will have the proper nutrition for your baby's growth. It is like you are taking an insurance policy out for your future family. Keep in mind that the brain development takes place well past birth and so you should be taking omega 3 fatty acids during the lactating months to ensure your baby is properly nutrient.

Supplementing with folic acid during pregnancy helps to reduce neural tube defects by 50%. In order to protect the baby from such defects you should consider daily supplementation with folic acid way before the pregnancy.

Too much vitamin A acetate may lead to birth defects. Take a multivitamins that is free from vitamin A but rather has beat-carotene which the body can break down to vitamin A as and when it needs it. It is the safer alternative. Optimal nutrition helps to give you and your baby years of good health and happiness.

Remedies for Heartburn in Pregnancy

Heartburn in pregnancy occurs when progesterone is released into a woman's system when she becomes pregnant and many women are finding it difficult to find effective antacids that work for longer than 2 weeks. Some causes of heartburn in pregnancy include alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, chocolate, citrus, tomato, peppermint, fried and fatty foods, over-eating, stress, some medications, and being overweight. However, there are simple and natural remedies you can use at home to combat heartburn during pregnancy.

1. Eating smaller meals more frequently helps your stomach digest the food easily and will help stop your heartburn. Make sure to chew thoroughly and don't rush through meals, take your time as much as possible.

2. The most important thing is to drink lots of water during the day especially after any meal or snack that you eat. However, it is not advisable to drink water with meals as this adds to the pressure on the diaphragm.

3. Another simple remedy for heartburn in pregnancy is to eat some yogurt or thin butter-milk mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder.

4. Mixing a tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm milk is another simple, effective remedy.

5. Another simple way is to drink herbal tea e.g ginger which you can drink hot or cold. It has a very good effect on your digestion and cleans the stomach acids.

6. Half a glass of fresh pineapple juice taken after a meal helps in treating and preventing acidity.

7. Bananas, watermelon and cucumber have protective action against the acidity and heart burn in pregnancy.

8. Juice of one lemon mixed in half glass of water and 翻 teaspoon sugar if consumed before meals helps to relieve acidity.

9. Eating a cup of vanilla ice cream and drinking aloe vera juice is another way to fight heartburn in pregnancy.

10. Avoid pressure on your stomach as much as possible by wearing loose, comfortable clothing. This gives your stomach room to breathe, and is a great and simple change that could help your heartburn during pregnancy.

These few remedies will help stop heartburn and give u comfort throughout your pregnancy.

Getting Medical Aid If You Are Pregnant

Clearly, it is preferable to choose a medical aid scheme before you actually fall pregnant, since pregnancy usually requires quite a lot of medical intervention. There may be scans and consultations, as well as the birth itself. Medical aid is designed to cover the cost of your future medical treatment, so that you have to make monthly contributions into your medical aid scheme to be able to access the benefits. Once you're pregnant, the chances are you will be financially penalized, as these companies won't want to have to pay for your medical care and be left out of pocket themselves.

Indeed, not only could be penalized when it comes to the quotes you receive; the chances are you will have fewer medical aid companies to choose from, since there will be many that are unprepared to take on a pregnant client. If you do find a medical scheme willing to take you on, you will most probably be charged a late-joining fee, which means that your decision to avoid getting medical aid earlier on could cost you significantly more. As a pregnant woman, you will obviously have to choose a hospital plan, which may not be the cheapest option either.

Consequently, if you intend to get medical insurance when you're pregnant, you have to be prepared to pay extra for it. There is no question that you will have to visit your doctor and go to hospital quite soon, which means you won't have as long to contribute to your plan. Thus, each month you will be charged substantially more than if you had chosen a plan before getting pregnant. Once you're pregnant, however, it is too late to regret the fact you didn't look into your healthcare options sooner.

The medical care required during pregnancy and child birth is quite extensive and all the associated costs are large. You obviously don't want to be left paying for these costs straight out of your bank account if you can help it, since you will find yourself paying thousands and thousands of dollars. Just consider how much machinery is used during your pregnancy - from heart-rate monitors to ultrasounds. Plus, there is the potential for something to go wrong, such as a premature birth, which will also require the use of expensive equipment and well-trained staff. Overall, then, pregnancy isn't cheap.

If you don't want to resort to state hospital care, however, you have to be prepared to pay for your medical care. As a pregnant woman it becomes more difficult to find a scheme willing to take you on, but if you look around you may discover something that will help to cover the many costs associated with pregnancy. What is important to recognize is that decent health care doesn't come cheaply, which is why you need to plan ahead. Not only do you have to consider the healthcare costs associated with the pregnancy itself; you also need to find a medical aid plan which will offer you and your offspring enough coverage.

How to Have a Good Birth

smooth, easy birth is the best birth for your baby - and most women today want to have a good birth. Many magazines and pregnancy books make it seem like smooth childbirth is just luck (and some women aren't made to be lucky). Is that really true? Or can you take steps during pregnancy to have a good birth?

You'll be relieved to know that you can make a difference in your own birth. In fact, it's not hard to have a good birth. There are a few things that make a big difference, though. First, you need to choose the right team to be at your birth. Secondly, you need to take good care of yourself. And finally and most importantly, you need to prepare yourself for your baby's birthday.

Choosing the right team to be with you at your baby's birth can make a massive difference - it can mean the difference between an easy birth and major abdominal surgery (that's what a cesarean section is...). Notice I didn't say "choose the right doctor." This choice isn't just about one person - you can choose a doctor or a midwife. And you can also choose who else will be at your birth. Will you have a doula? Who will be your birth partner? When you're choosing your care provider look for someone with a track record for good births. High c-section rates or high transfer rates for a birth center or home birth midwife are warning flags for trouble.

A doula is scientifically proven to shorten your labor and make birth go more smoothly for both you and your baby. If you want to have a birth partner with you outside of a doula, make sure your partner is well prepared and ready to advocate for you - and do what you need during labor. Don't get somebody who is more concerned about their own comfort levels. Choose someone who is going to stand by what you want, no matter how hard it is for them to see you laboring. A fearful or panicked person can really undermine your labor.

Take great care of yourself during pregnancy. This starts with you eating for two. That's right. Ignore the information that says you need to "just eat a few extra calories." You are growing a second human being and he or she needs additional nutrition. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to eat a whole lot more food - but it does mean that you need to eat smart. Fact: your baby's brain is built on fat. Fiction: a low-fat diet is a good idea in pregnancy. Fact: junk food is bad during pregnancy. Fiction: eating plenty of healthy foods is still "eating too much."

What you eat makes a difference. Eat red meat or fish to give your baby a great start. Eat plenty of protein - it has been proven to help combat morning sickness, preeclampsia, and other pregnancy complications. You need at least 80 grams of protein daily. Go over 100 grams if you're battling morning sickness. You need fat, too. If you don't get enough fat, your body will begin to burn protein for energy. Your baby's brain is built from mostly fats. A "low-fat" pregnancy diet starves you and your baby. Eat good fats - coconut oil, butter, olive oil, bacon drippings, and the fat that comes with grass-fed meats. Avoid bad fats - vegetable oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, etc.

Eating well will prevent most pregnancy complications - and give you the energy you need for labor and birth.

What else can you do to have a good birth?

Make sure that you and your birth partner are prepared. You need to understand not just what happens during childbirth, but how you can help your body open up and your baby come down. Don't sign up for a childbirth education class that teaches you the stages of labor, how to ask for an epidural, and what to do during your emergency c-section. You're cheating yourself and your baby if you do. Use a childbirth course that really teaches what to do during labor so you open up and your baby is born smoothly and easily.

Bravado Clothes Help Pregnant and Post-Partum Women

During pregnancy, comfort is of extreme importance. As one's body changes and one's baby bump grows, having clothing that fits well ensures one's comfort all day long. When clothing is too tight, too loose, or pinches in all the wrong places, even the simplest of tasks can seem bothersome. This same mantra holds true after one's baby is born, as one is in the full swing of nursing and starting to get back to one's pre-baby weight. In order to ensure their comfort, many women spend a great deal of time finding the perfect nursing tops and pants. While this is very important, they tend to overlook one important aspect: the undergarment. Well-designed and perfectly fitting bras and panties are of the utmost importance during maternity and nursing, as one wears them every single day and they are the first thing one feels touching one's skin. Bravado, known around the world for their well-made nursing and maternity tanks, bras, and panties, is a designer who truly understands the woman's body during and after pregnancy, and whose designs ensure one's comfort throughout the day.

Having some essential tanks in one's maternity and nursing wardrobe is a good idea, as they can be mixed and matched with a variety of outfits. Bravado's Nursing Bra Tank is THE ultimate tank, as it is designed for nursing but can be worn during maternity and postpartum as well. Super stylish, it makes mom's feel great both inside and out. It's V-neck has a slimming effect, and the ruching at the bust adds a dainty feminine detail. The soft cotton and spandex fabric has flexible sizing, so that it molds beautifully to one's changing shape. As functional as it is fashionable, the tank has a seamless molded bra that provides excellent bust support. Its thin and cushioned straps are adjustable so that it can be fitted perfectly to one's changing shape and the subtle nursing clips provide full easy and discreet nursing access. This tank is a smart buy as one truly gets one's money's worth. With such great construction, it can be worn simply hanging around the house or dressed up for heading out. Pair it with your favorite boot-cut jeans and blazer, and an instant stylish outfit is created. Comfortable and stylish, the Nursing Bra Tank is an essential in every mother's wardrobe.

Having a well-fitting and extremely well-designed nursing bra is a must, as it will make one's daily life much easier. Bravado has perfected several great nursing bras, each designed with the mother's comfort in mind. Their Original Nursing Bra is a fabulous choice, as it is comfortable and supportive. Oftentimes certain bras work well only for certain bust sizes, but this one is designed in three different versions so that small, medium, and large bust sizes are accommodated. Each version is designed especially for different sizes, but they all have some of the same important features. Made out of cotton and spandex, there is superb breathability and stretch which allows it to mold to one's changing breast shape. Non-irritating seams and wide under-elastic provides excellent bust support while ensuring that the bra does not slip. Flat-laying clips allow for full nursing access. No matter one's size, this bra makes nursing much easier. Another gorgeous option is the Sublime Nursing Bra, which is feminine and sexy while still providing great nursing access. The beautiful lace detailing in the Black Cherry or French Vanilla color is accented by a dainty black bow at the bust. Functional as well, the double cup size and flexible fabric adjust to one's changing bust size and flat-lying nursing clips are easy to use. For a glammed up feel while still maintaining the highest level of comfort, Bravado's Sublime Nursing Bra is an excellent choice.

As one's body changes during pregnancy, having panties that fit well and make you feel great is a must. As they are something one wears every day, investing in some great pairs makes a lot of sense. Bravado's Original Bikini Panty is great for maternity and nursing. With a full seat that stays put and wide leg openings that don't creep up, comfort is guaranteed all day long. For those who want to make sure to avoid any underwear lines, the Original Thong is a good choice. For long-lasting comfort designed specifically for one's changing body, Bravado's underwear designs meet the criteria.

From tanks to bras to panties, Bravado creates garments that are comfortable, stylish, and sure to make one feel great throughout the day.

Suffering From a Restless Sleep Pregnancy? 5 Tips to Help You Sleep Like a Baby When Pregnant

Are you suffering from a restless sleep pregnancy? How ironic is it that just when you need the most sleep is when you are having the most difficulty sleeping? You are not alone. Many expectant mothers experience difficulties sleeping but you can get a peaceful night's sleep by following some easy tips.

There are a number of reasons why mothers to be may have difficulties sleeping. The primary reason is that the growing size of the fetus causes pressure and discomfort that makes it difficult to get comfortable. As your baby grows it may become impossible for you to sleep in your favorite position, especially if you are a back or stomach sleeper.

You may also have difficulty sleeping due to frequent urination, heartburn, nausea, backache, or leg cramps. Yikes! How is an expectant mother ever to get a good night of sleep? Rest easy, the following tips can help you to get the sleep you need.

  1. Avoid drinking any caffeinated beverages in the afternoon or evening. It seems logical but be careful not to drink caffeine as it can add to restless sleep.

  2. Get into a sleeping routine. Try your best to keep a consistent sleeping routine so your body learns to relax at the same time every day.

  3. Avoid any kind of exercise before you go to bed. Instead do something relaxing like taking a warm (not hot) bath (no longer than 15 minutes) before you go to bed.

  4. Make sure you get your fluids but try to drink most of them earlier in the day to avoid frequent bathroom trips during the night.

  5. If you are having difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position, try a Maternity Pillow. These pillows are specially designed for pregnant women to help them maintain a comfortable sleeping position.

If you are having a restless sleep pregnancy try these tips to help you get some much needed sleep. It is important for you to get your sleep when pregnant. Do not get stressed out about your lack of sleep. Remember it is very common for expectant mothers to experience sleep problems.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Doing Yoga Exercises While Pregnant Will Help Your Pregnancy (See the Benefits)

Yoga is already known through out the world, but some people still doesn't know what is allowed and what is not allowed when you are going to do yoga. One of them is, " Are Woman allowed to do Yoga when they are pregnant ? ". The answer is Yes of course. Yoga will even help you during your pregnancy and the birth of your baby.

In yoga there are many poses, for pregnancy it is best yo practice Yoga Asanas. By practicing yoga asanas, it have a tremendous effect to your pregnancy. It could ensure you to have a smooth pregnancy. It also helps you to have a natural childbirth. And a lot of women after giving birth will gained a lot of weight, Yoga Asanas could also help you to reshape your body after childbirth.

I will tell you some of the benefits while doing Yoga in pregnancy,

  1. In the last month during pregnancy, usually woman will have cramping and fluid retention ( edema ) almost all the time. If you are doing Yoga, it will relieve your edema and cramping.

  2. Yoga could help you slowing the metabolism to restore your calm and focus, by Raising the level of energy.

  3. While pregnant, a lot of woman experiencing nausea, morning sickness and mood swings. Doing yoga with the combination of pranayamas ( yoga breathing ), it will help you reduce all of them.

  4. You could influencing the baby position and turning it in advance, if you want to do that. Massaging and strengthening the abdomen, will help you to stimulate your appetite and bowel action.

  5. It will also help you to relieve the tension around your cervix and birth canal. It also help you to opening your pelvis in order to make your labor quicker and easier.

  6. After giving birth, Yoga will help you to restore your abdomen, uterus and pelvic floor. And will help you to relieve the upper back tension and also breast discomfort.

These are some of the benefit in doing Yoga for your Pregnancy. It is advised to do this while having an expert guidance by taking a prenatal yoga class. And you could find some books to help you doing the practice. Some of them even have a picture to help you doing all the yoga exercises. So, for those who are pregnant, Yoga is a good exercise for you. Yoga will help you a lot during and after the pregnancy.

ADHD Symptoms and Hormonal Changes

Do your ADHD symptoms get worse during certain parts of the month? Do you get organized and efficient after your period, and forgetful the week before your period starts? Experts on ADHD noticed that there seems to be a relation between hormonal fluctuations and the severity of ADHD symptoms. Hormones' influence on ADHD doesn't just happen every cycle; they can last over an entire lifetime. In fact, the average age a female adult gets diagnosed for ADHD is between ages 36 to 38.

Doctors who evaluate women with ADHD rarely factor in hormonal fluctuations when they construct a treatment plan. But an increased awareness of ADHD and the effect of hormones are starting to change this. Here are the four major stages of a woman's life, the hormonal changes that occur at these periods, and the best ways to manage symptoms.


During puberty, the female body produces higher levels of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. These "raging hormones" often lead to risky behavior, rebellion, and increased impulsivity. During their early teen years, girls with ADHD are more likely to experience academic problems, experiment with drugs, and display aggressive behavior. You can help your daughter by keeping an eye out for signs of worsening symptoms. When you notice this happening, encourage her to accomplish tasks, study for a big test, or write a paper a week in advance. Identify her strengths and skills, and emphasizing these during the emotional lows of her cycle. Try to patient with her if she begins to get argumentative; instead of yelling, show her a better way to handle the situation.

The reproductive years

During the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels rise. This hormone is responsible for the release of neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, and can explain why women are better at managing their ADHD symptoms at this point of the cycle. At the third and fourth week, progesterone levels increase and start canceling out the benefits of estrogen. Experts believe that women with ADHD are more likely to experience severe pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) than women who do not. The good news is that proper ADHD management gets rid of PMS too.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy is a period of hormonal change. Not only does the placenta produce more hormones; it stimulates the thyroid and adrenal glands to increase hormonal production as well. During the first few months of pregnancy, expectant moms with ADHD are more likely to experience anxiety, mood swings, and fatigue. The good news is that these symptoms improve as the pregnancy progresses. After childbirth, hormone levels drop and can cause postpartum depression or mood swings. Make sure that any ADHD treatment you are taking is safe while pregnant or nursing.


During menopause, or the last period, your estrogen levels would have dropped by 65%. This drop in hormones does not occur immediately; rather, it is a gradual decrease that takes place during perimenopause, or the ten years before menopause. Women with ADHD going through perimenopause tend to experience fatigue, memory lapses, irritability, and moodiness more than women without. Look for natural ways to stabilize your hormone levels, such as eating food with phytoestrogens (plant estrogens). Get a lot of exercise as well. While it might be tempting to seek hormone replacement therapy, this may actually cause a hormonal imbalance that will aggravate the effects of perimenopause and contribute to your ADHD symptoms.

The Truth about PMS

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Headaches, depressions, anxiety, uncontrollable crying spells, fatigue, fluid retention, abdominal cramping, heart palpitations, weight gain, irritability, panic attacks, forgetfulness, migraines, backaches, decreased work or social performance, sleep problems, food cravings, breast tenderness, clumsiness, confusion . . . Sounds like a nightmare existence, doesn't it?

Are you one of the 40-80% of women for whom this scenario, or at least a portion of it, is everyday life for one to two weeks out of every month of their lives from puberty to menopause? What disorder could possibly result in these varied, and often dehabilitating, symptoms for so many women?

Premenstrual Syndrome! That's right! It's that old friend, PMS, the subject of so many jokes and putdowns. You know - that "catch-all" phrase that, according to "so-called comedians," covers all the "imaginary" problems that women "invent" as excuses to spend the day on the couch "watching TV and eating bonbons."

Let me assure you that, while it is true that doctors and researchers have not found a specific lab test that can identify PMS, this disorder is definitely neither "imaginary" nor is it "invented." Serious medical research has been going on for years to identify the definitions, diagnosis, causes, and cures for this disorder. Here are two of the resulting definitions:

1. Dr. Ellen Freeman of University of Pennsylvania Health System describes PMS as a "cluster of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms that have a cyclic pattern related to the menstrual cycle, becoming severe in the week or two preceding menses and abating with menstruation."

2. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists defines PMS as "the cyclic occurrence of symptoms that are sufficiently sever to interfere with some aspects of life, and that appear with consistent and predictable relationship to the menses."

How do you know if you or a loved one has PMS, if there is no real test for it? Across the board, researchers and doctors agree that the identifying factor overall in this disorder is the fact that the symptoms stop once the menses begin or once a woman becomes pregnant.

You should know that doctors have identified two serious forms of PMS that have effects far beyond those of normal PMS symptoms:

1. "Postpartum Depression" is a severe depression that some women experience after giving birth. Women with this disorder suffer a severe let-down from the high pregnancy-levels of hormones, and, because of the disruption to their nervous systems, they may actually harm themselves or their babies.

2. "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder" (PMDD) brings about serious and disabling depression, anxiety, tension, and angry irritability, intense mood changes in the week or two before the onset of menses, and women suffering from this disorder exhibit at least five of PMS's physical symptoms as well. Like regular PMS, PMDD symptoms disappear with menses.

You may have heard that doctors find it helpful for women to keep a daily diary of symptoms throughout the month when they are attempting to diagnose PMS. What should you look for when keeping a daily diary or considering the possibility that you or a loved one has PMS? Well, PMS carries over 150 possible symptoms that affect women in both the physical and the emotional realms in varying degrees.

Physically, symptoms can range from light, as in headache, fatigue, and slight abdominal swelling, to severe, as in migraines, severe cramping, and an inability to function normally. Emotionally, you may experience symptoms relating to anxiety (irritability, irrational crying, or emotional swings), depression (withdrawn, fearful, or altered libido), cravings (for sweets, dairy, or alcohol), and fluid retention (headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, and weight gain).

I can tell you that although doctors still have not determined the exact cause of PMS, they agree that hormones and neuro-chemical changes within the brain are prime suspects. Estrogen hormones, for example, can contribute to increased brain activity, retention of salt, and drops in blood sugar, because it has a central neurological effect on the brain.

What do you do if you realize that you or a loved one suffers from some level of PMS? Obviously, if the symptoms are severe, you should seek your doctor's advice. Doctors today may prescribe either psychiatric (psychotropic drugs, tricyclics, tranquilizers, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), medical treatments (anti-estrogenic hormonal medications), or a combination of both for severe cases.

However, if you believe that your symptoms are manageable, or if they are intermittent, here are a few tips that might help you alleviate some symptoms.

- Eat six, small, high in complex carbohydrates, low in simple sugars meals at three-hour intervals to help keep energy levels and blood glucose levels steady. Complex carbohydrates are found in foods eaten in their natural states like oatmeal, cornmeal, barley, and wheat germ, or in foods like pastas, brown rice, root vegetables like potatoes, whole grain breads and cereals, etc.

- Reduce caffeine, alcohol, salt, fats, and simple sugars to help diminish fatigue, tension, depression and water retention bloating.

- Add calcium, controlled levels of B6, B complex, magnesium, and Vitamin E to help maintain normal moods and reduce fluid retention, cramps, and back pain.

- Exercise three times a week for at least 20-30 minutes to improve mood, blood circulation, sense of well-being, and alleviate the build-up of tension and stress.

- Learn to relax with deep breathing exercises, music, quiet time alone, or yoga, to decrease symptoms and help with coping. In addition, spend time with an understanding friend, get a solid 8 hours of sleep regularly, and keep track of the menstrual cycle on the calendar to prepare for the onslaught of symptoms to help yourself cope.

- Adjust your schedule around the menstrual cycle to avoid heavy decisions, stressful appointments or events, or even arguments during PMS to help both your PMS time and your relationships.

- Investigate the use of herbs. Much research is going on in the field of herbal remedies for PMS. Evening primrose oil, chaste tree berry, dong qui and other herbs may have an effect on PMS symptoms according to personal testimonies of women who have tried them.

For best results, I recommend a combination of all of these areas. A lifestyle including a balanced diet, proper amounts of necessary vitamins and minerals, plenty of healthy exercise, proper rest and relaxation, good mental attitudes, and appropriate herbs gives you the best defense against PMS symptoms. However, if all else fails, by all means, throw in a couple of bonbons. Women for centuries have insisted that chocolate is a miraculous cure-all!

The Pros and Cons of Using a Midwife During Pregnancy

A midwife strikes up imagery of labor and delivery in the Middle Ages, but they are still very much with us in the 21st century. A midwife is a health care professional who specializes in reproductive health. They are responsible for providing prenatal care to expecting moms, and they also attend the birth and then give the mother and new child postpartum care. By tradition, midwives usually help women to have a natural birth experience.

The specific services that a midwife offers depend on her license credentials and certification, as well as any restrictions imposed by the specific state. A nurse-midwife will provide the most extensive array of services, since they have the added nursing license. The services might include family planning, preconception care, gynecological exams, prenatal care, labor / delivery support, menopausal management, and newborn care. Midwives also often provide reproductive education for the mother, pertaining to subjects such as nutrition, exercise, pregnancy health, contraception, and breast feeding.

There are several different types of midwives. All must receive certification through the North American Registry of Midwives. Here are the different types:

  • CNM: Certified Nurse-Midwife. This is a person who has been trained in nursing as well as being a midwife. They have received a bachelor's degree and have American College of Nurse Midwives certification.

  • CRM: Certified Professional Midwife. This is a person who has been trained as a midwife and has met the standards provided by the North American Registry of Midwives.

  • DEM: Direct-Entry Midwife. This is a person trained as a midwife through self-study, a midwife school, apprenticeship, or a college program.

  • CM: Certified Midwife. This is a person trained in midwifery. She has a bachelor's degree and is certified through the American College of Nurse Midwives

  • Lay Midwife. This is a person with no official certification, but who has been informally trained in midwifery through either apprenticeship or self-study.

Benefits of Midwives

The main benefit for most women who select a midwife is that they want to go through the birthing process in a natural way. Also, midwives usually offer some kind of easy payment plans or sliding fees. Plus, in the end, the maternity costs are considerably less when you use a midwife.

Drawbacks of Midwives

There are some times when using a midwife are not recommended. These all revolve around situations in which complications with the pregnancy arise. Most midwives are not equipped to handle situations that require a medical intervention.

The American Pregnancy Association says that choosing to use the services of a nurse-midwife will be a good choice for low-risk pregnancies where there is not likely to be a major medical complication. Sixty to 80 percent of pregnancies will fit in this category. APA also cites a review of 800,000 births, in which it was discovered that a standard hospital approach to birthing offers no significant advantage to giving birth over a midwife setting. Just be sure to discuss the matter first with child-care and medical professionals to determine if this is the right choice for you.

Considering Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

Whether she's always gone to a chiropractor or she's contemplating going for the first time, a woman who is expecting has special concerns about whether a chiropractic adjustment is safe for her baby; after all they are dealing with her back and spine, the main mechanism that is supporting her and her baby during the time that the most stress is being put on her body. She probably also has questions about whether there are any specific benefits or risks in pregnancy. The good news is that all chiropractors receive training specific to caring for pregnant patients, learning techniques that avoid putting too much pressure on the belly; many have taken additional courses in fertility, prenatal and postnatal care. Some chiropractors even have special treatment tables that provide extra room and support for the pregnant belly. Seeking chiropractic treatment during pregnancy is one of the most beneficial steps a woman can take to ensure a comfortable pregnancy and easier delivery.

There are many reasons why having chiropractic treatment during pregnancy is a great idea. Spinal manipulation can increase overall wellness for everybody, but a pregnant patient has special needs and concerns, as pregnancy makes tremendous demands on the spine and the growing baby puts new stress on bones and joints. Chiropractors can resolve nausea, help improve posture (which makes carrying the extra weight up front easier), relieve joint and back pain, and can even reduce the amount of time spent in labor and delivery, as a misalignment reduces the chances of the baby being in the right position for birth, making a caesarian section a real possibility. Not only can regular manipulations increase the chance of a natural birth, there is even a special manipulation called the Webster Technique that can only be done by a chiropractor to prevent and right a breech or posterior birth.

Whether under the care of an obstetrician or any other health care provider, pregnant women will find that most pregnancy professionals encourage the use of chiropractors. Chiropractors help their patients overall wellness, often eliminating undue stress. Chiropractic manipulation treatments are able to relieve much of the pain and lack of balance that the growing uterus has put on her joints and spine, and a specially trained chiropractor may be able to offer specific stretching exercises for use between treatments, and adjustments designed to help problems of sleeplessness, which is a fairly common problem in pregnancy.

Herbs For Infertility - 7 Simple Steps to Help You Get Pregnant Easy

When having problems getting pregnant, couples often think something large needs to be done to rectify the problem. More times than not, it is the small simple changes you implement that make a most significant difference on your fertility journey.

Here are 7 Simple Steps to Help You Get Pregnant Easy

1. Use Mother Natures Herbs for Infertility

The ancient Eastern cultures have been recording successful pregnancy results for centuries. All contemporary synthetic medicines are derived from plant substances and properties which mother nature provides. Combat your infertility safely and naturally with a quick and easy herbal regime. Simple solutions such as drinking green tea can improve your fertility. Nettle Leaves, False Unicorn Root, Chasteberry (Vitex), Black Cohosh, Evening Primrose Oil and Ginseng are herbs also used for infertility issues. Most herbs are significantly more effective when combined together and very simple to acquire.

2. Know Your Window Of Opportunity

If your periods are irregular and you are not aware of your most fertile window of opportunity is, rest assured it is simple to take steps to rectify this. Basal temperature, calendar counting and knowing the changes in your own cervical fluid can dictate when the ideal time to have intercourse is. You are most fertile 14 days before the start of your next period. To get pregnant successfully, the ideal time to have intercourse is 2 to 3 days prior to your ovulation seeing as sperm can easily remain active for more than 48 hours.

3. Rule Out Medical Problems

Visiting your doctor is important for males and females. For men, you want to ensure your sperm count and motility is healthy. For women rule out endometriosis, cystic fibroids or any other medical condition which might be contributing to your infertility. If any results come back positive, they can also be dealt with quickly and efficiently with the help of herbal remedies or pharmaceutical medicines.

4. Enjoy you Partner

Enjoy being with your partners sexually whenever you can. It is always encouraged to have intercourse shortly before ovulation and during ovulation to increase your chance of getting pregnant. When having difficulty getting pregnant, it often produces feelings of stress, disappointment and inadequacy which all deplete sexual urge. The irony is, the more sexual contact, the greater your chance of getting pregnant.

5. Think about Your Baby

Maintain positive thinking while trying to get pregnant. It is proven, negative thoughts change the chemical and hormonal balance within your entire body which makes it more challenging for your body to conceive. The mind body connection is powerful and you want to ensure your staying positive and thinking of the wonderful day your baby arrives. Never underestimate the power of your thoughts.

6. Enjoy Foods Which Enhance Fertility

Foods provide you with the nutrients your body requires to function properly. This also includes the optimum functioning of your reproductive system. Foods such as broccoli, raspberries, black sesame seeds, walnuts, flax seed oil, barley, and apples are known to increase nutrients the body desires when trying to conceive. There are also many known delicious simple recipes which can aid in getting pregnant.

7. Take a Stroll

Find a favourite place such as a museum, lake or garden and take a stroll. In today's society, much emphasis is put on getting as much done in a 24 hour period as possible. This is one of the simplest things you can do yet many people feel it is a waste of time or feel guilty for taking time for themselves. If you are serious about getting pregnant, know your body can not and will not function optimally if it is stressed, tired and run down. You need to make the effort to relax and enjoy yourself.

Implementing small simple steps will make a difference in your fertility. Herbs for infertility produce positive results for couples having difficulty conceiving and may also aid you in the above suggestions, therefore was listed #1 on our list. Herbs can be used to relax your nervous system, regulate your menstrual cycle, encourage hormonal balance, increase your libido, and provide additional energy which will all aid in helping you get pregnant.

We wish you success on your pregnancy journey!