Saturday, July 27, 2013

Baby Care - Breast Feeding

Breast-feeding the Baby. In the first two to three days after birth the mother's breasts produce a substance called colostrum. Colostrum resembles melted butter, is high in protein, and contains antibodies that protect the baby. It helps to clear the bowels easily of meconium, a substance in the bowels of all newborn babies. There is no artificial substitute for colostrum.

Breast Milk. Breast milk is easily processed by the infant's digestive system and helps to prevent allergies. Unlike cow's milk, breast milk leaves an acid residue in the bowel and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. Breastfed babies usually do not suffer from constipation, provided there is an adequate supply of milk. For the first few weeks, bowel movements may be frequent, but these may decrease to two dirty diapers a day.

Although initially some women may experience discomfort, most women find breast-feeding a pleasure once it is established. Emotionally, it ensures a closer bond with the baby; physically, it helps the womb to return more quickly to its normal size. Successful breast-feeding depends on the mother's attitude; prenatal preparation of the breasts and nipples and their postnatal care; a good, balanced diet, with plenty of fluids; rest; and patience.

Prenatal Breast Care. A well-fitting bra should be worn both day and night from the seventh month of pregnancy onward. Starting at that time the nipples should be washed well each day and gently rubbed with a towel after a bath. Some physicians advice applying a bland ointment.

Flat nipples should be drawn out and rolled between thumb and forefinger. At about the eighth month, the breasts should be gently massaged, and a little colostrum should be pressed from each nipple. This helps to open the milk ducts.

Women with inverted nipples can wear devices popularly known as "shells" inside their bras during the last three months of pregnancy. If no improvement takes place, a natural nursing nipple shield is helpful when nursing.

Breast-feeding. Before putting the baby to the breast, clean the breast with a cotton swab dipped in warm water to remove any ointment. Start each feeding on the side opposite the last.

After the feeding, wipe the nipples with cotton dipped in warm water and apply an ointment or spray. Try to avoid using plastic-backed, milk-retaining pads inside the bra because they can make the nipples sore.

The First Week. Patience and perseverance are needed during the first week of breast-feeding when difficulties may arise. Nursing mothers should be aware that it may require a few weeks to establish a steady milk supply.

In the first two to three days the baby sucks colostrum. At this stage the mother does not experience much change in her breasts. Usually between the third and fifth day milk comes in and, as the breasts enlarge, there may be some discomfort or even pain. Should the milk come in with a rush, the baby should be allowed to nurse frequently; this will prevent engorged breasts. Different babies have different needs, and you will have to work out the best schedule for your baby by trial and error.

Hospital Cost Amongst the Insured Vs Uninsured

Most people assume that if they have to go to the hospital that it will be a costly experience. While this thought process has some merit, it becomes a bit more complicated when you consider the disparity in hospital cost amongst insured vs. uninsured.

Hospitals charge the highest fees to those who are uninsured. Fees can range from 2 times to 5 times more than those fees charged to individuals who are insured. In fact, those who are insured or those who are on Medicare typically receive discounted medical services. There are instances where hospitals provide "self pay" discounts. However, many times these discounts mean little or nothing when you consider the initial rate that a "self pay" individual is charged. When a person has insurance, the insurance companies will often negotiate bills for the insured (if the charged price seems excessive). That being the case, hospitals will typically charge a reasonable price (initially) for those who are insured. On the other hand, if you are not insured, you must negotiate the payment yourself. Unfortunately, most people do not have any education or experience in negotiating a medical bill. Think about successful do you think a person would be negotiating a purchase of a new car if they had no one to refer to except the entity selling the car? Though my point is driven home by this analogy, it's truly unfair...there are many more people to turn to who have purchased automobiles than individuals who are versed in negotiating hospital bills.

In a 2005 60 minute expose, Dan rather reported on Carlos and Peggy Ferlini. The family did not make enough to purchase a health insurance plan (or chose to budget other things as a priority). Carlos installed and repaired gutters for a living. Unfortunately, during the line of work, Carlos fell off of a roof and was rushed to the hospital. Mr. Ferlini suffered from a fractured skull and ribs and punctured one lung. Mr. Ferlini spent more than 2 weeks in the hospital before he was sent home. Soon after, the Ferlini's received a bill for $246,000! Imagine a family, who has decided that their monthly budget could not withstand the cost of health insurance, receiving a bill for $246,000! The family contacted Forbes (a community activist) who stated that the charges could be equated to "price gouging". Also, that "what happened to the ferlini's is all to common".

Forbes and staff analyzed the Ferlini's bill based on info that American hospitals are required to submit to the federal government each year. The result of the findings were that "while the hospital was charging the Ferlini's almost a quarter of a million dollars, it would accept just under $50,000 as full payment from an insurance company for the same treatment." Shameful!

There is a popular misconception by many who choose to utilize county hospitals due to their lack of health insurance. Many individuals believe that they can simply go to the county hospital, get treated and "walk" on the bill. Actually, county hospitals have been known to sue individuals who have not paid. The result of losing a lawsuit could lead to court ordered payments, liens being placed on an individuals home and/or garnished wages.

Finally, there is a disparity of treatment between the uninsured vs. the insured. Treatment begins with what the uninsured is charged by no means is limited to that. The Obama health reform requires all United States citizens to have health insurance by 2014 or be penalized. Hopefully, this will help. However, if hospitals have been charging higher rates to the uninsured for years, then you can't help but assume that they have profited due to the higher charges (either by actual profit intake or the ability to write off losses of those who never pay). That begs the question..."where will they make up the difference?" The healthcare plight and debate continues to evolve. Stay tuned and stay informed! Go to for the latest healthcare info.

How Much Maternity Leave Pay Do You Need?

How much maternity leave pay do you need? The only viable answer to this question is: "it depends". The amount of maternity leave pay needed depends upon several factors: the income of your spouse, your level of fixed spending already in place, the health of your pregnancy, and your overall health as well. Most American women fall woefully short in allowing for their lost income. Short term disability insurance is a great way to close the gap.

Income of the Spouse

The income of your spouse is an important consideration when planning and budgeting for a pregnancy and new baby. Many husbands are the primary bread-winner. In the past it was expected that the man of the house would be the sole earner, while the lady stayed home. Things have changed to say the least. While many husbands earn enough to cover everyday living expenses in the traditional manner, many more households now see the woman as the primary breadwinner. In these households it becomes vital to put in place a plan to replace mom's income during her maternity leave.

Existing Spending Level

Even more common these days are two income households were expenses exceed income. Although both husband and wife are working and earning an income, spending habits keep them behind. Many two income households have stretched to purchase homes, furniture, cars and other items on credit. Banks are happy to lend money to credit worthy households with stable incomes. And two income households present more reliable income streams to repay these loans. Until of course a couple decides it's time to start a family. Mom's pregnancy means at least six weeks of lost income, on top of the extra medical bills, and in addition the added costs of feeding and clothing a new child.

Health of Your Pregnancy

A pregnancy means at least six weeks of lost income during maternity leave, but a large percentage of pregnancies come with far more missed time from work. Roughly thirty percent of pregnancies deliver via c-section which is invasive surgery requiring an additional two weeks of recovery, while introducing the risk of infection. Approximately twenty-five percent of pregnancies will experience one or more complications, requiring mom to miss unplanned time away from work prior to delivery. In addition many women need to extend their maternity leave in order to recover from a host of delivery complications including: postpartum hemorrhage, depression, etc.

Finally any one of us could get sick or hurt at any time causing us to miss extended time from work. Lost income is a factor in every one of these situations.

Partial Maternity Income Not Sufficient

Most couples fall short in budgeting for these events when planning a family. We all want and look forward to a healthy happy pregnancy, delivery, and baby. But reality suggests that complications can and do arise. If a couple falls into the majority who's spending exceeds income, the financial consequences can be devastating. In these cases, partial maternity leave pay for normal delivery may not be enough.

Short Term Disability an Answer

Short term disability insurance is a must-have for many couples planning a family; it creates additional maternity leave pay, and security just in case. Some couples work in one of five states with mandatory coverage providing partial income replacement; they find that short term disability provides a higher level of income replacement.

The majority of couples need to purchase short term disability on their own to have any maternity leave income at all. When purchased prior to conception short term disability insurance covers mom's normal labor and delivery, plus time missed due to pregnancy complications, delivery complications, accidents, and illnesses.

How to Get Pregnant in Just Within 2 Months With the Help of Pregnancy Miracle

Deciding to get pregnant and starting your own family is really very exciting. It requires a lot of attention, care and emotions. Giving birth of a child is a very natural process. Some women get pregnant very easily without any difficult. In today's generation there are huge quantities of that couples who are struggling to become parents for a long time. Some women try to get pregnant but not able to do so. There are many reasons behind why she cannot give birth of her own child? So, here is a product that will really help you in getting pregnant in just within 60 to 90 days. This pregnancy miracle teaches you step by step program to get pregnant fast when you are suffering from the any reason of not conceiving. Pregnancy miracle will help you in some cases such as:-

• Age over 40
• Endometriosis, Tubal obstruction or Ovarian cysts
• Diagnosed with high level of FSH
• PCOS for years
• Ovarian Cysts Or 'Lazy Ovaries' Or Acyclic Ovaries (An ovulation)
• A History of Miscarriages - again this is failure of correct implantation
• Uterine Fibroids or Uterus Scarring - these can interfere with the implantation process
• Undergone years of conventional infertility treatment without success

So, above you have learned how this miracle book helps you in these types of problems and makes you get pregnant in just within 2 months. This miracle book is written by Chinese medicine researchers, alternative health and nutrition specialist, health consultant, and former infertility sufferer Lisa Olson. If you go through this book and follow the step by step program, you can treat your infertility forever.

Hiking to Health: Physical and Mental Benefits of Walking

Walking, hiking, rambling or roaming: whatever you call it - it's free, it's enjoyable, it takes you through some of the most scenic countryside on offer and it is good for your physical and mental health and well-being. Walking has long been recognised as a gentle yet extremely effective means of exercise, accessible to all ages and levels of fitness. Cardiovascular and calorie burning is only one part of the health benefits it offers. Explored here are some of the beneficial properties of putting on those hiking boots and getting you and little one outside.

Happy feet, happy heart

Walking has long been recognised as an aid in improving cardivosacular health, reducing blood pressure and decreasing the risk of heart disease. Even a short stroll each day can have major benefits and it is never too late to start. A study by New England Journal of Medicine found that walking was inversely related to coronary events with women walking 3 or more hours a week at a brisk pace were 30-40% less at risk. The study also showed that sedentary women who became active later in life also reduced their risk of heart related illness compared to other women who remained sedentary - so get those boots on ladies! Men too can benefit, with the Honolulu Heart Study showing that mortality rates of non-smoking retired men who walked 2 miles (3.2km) or more a day were half that of those who walked less than 1 mile (1.6km) (New England Journal of Medicine, Jan 8th, 1998)

Fighting fit

Walking has been linked to reductions in diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. A study carried out at University of Glasgow suggested that 30 minutes of walking a day could significantly reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, with a high level of physical activity associated with a 20-30% reduction in the risk of developing the disease. '(Physical activity and the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus'; Gill & Cooper;Sport Medicine, 1st October 2008). The World Cancer Research Fund recommends the equivalent of 30 minutes brisk walking a day in order to help reduce incidences of cancer, with greater length of exercising yielding greater benefits. They have found convincing evidence that increased activity reduces the risk of colon cancer and probable evidence that it has an impact on reducing breast and endometrial cancer. Getting walking also helps in the fight against osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises like walking, helps produce an increase in bone mass, with Dr Rozental of Harvard's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre recommending 20-30 minutes of walking 3 times a week to help maintain good levels of bone density. Walking outside also helps boost levels of Vitamin D - itself linked to playing a role in the prevention of a large number of major diseases.

Get out in the green to beat the blues

How many times do you hear people say they need to get out for some fresh air to clear their thoughts? Walking has an undeniable therapeutic effect on the mind. Research backs this up with those staying active benefiting from reduced depression and anxiety and an increased sense of well-being. 'Ecotherapy: The green agenda for mental health' (Mind, 2007) report looked at the effect of green exercise such as walking and gardening on mental well-being. 94% of participants in the study reported an increased feeling of well-being after taking part in green exercise, with 90% of participants commenting that the combination of exercise with the natural environment was important in determining how they felt. A further 71% reported feeling a decrease in depression after walking through a country park, 90% said they felt increased self-esteem and 88% felt an overall improvement in their mood after the walk. The Mental Health Foundation even promotes the use of gentle exercise as the equivalent of a mild anti-depressant in treating depression, as set out in their information leaflet 'Up and running' (MHF, July 2005).

Spice up your sex life with a stroll through the fields!

No - this is not a recommendation to heat things up al fresco but you may be interested to know that research indicates that walking by day can liven up the bedroom by night! A nine year study of 600 men undertaken by Dr Irwin Goldstein of Boston University School of Medicine showed that those men who continued exercising or started exercising from middle age reduced the risk of impotence. Unlike smoking, alcohol consumption and other factors, it is never too late for men to benefit from increased exercise with Dr Goldstein's study suggesting an invigorating 2 mile walk a day would go a long way to prolonging men's sexual life. Numerous other studies also reinforce the link between exercise and sexual health and activity, with factors such as improved energy, circulation, and feeling good about yourself all resulting from exercise and boosting sexual activity.

Still not hit that hiking trail yet?

As if all the above were not reason enough to grab your coat and your baby and head out that door, walking is also fantastic postnatal exercise. It is gentle enough to ease postnatal ladies gently back into exercise whilst at the same time helping to lift spirits and provide increased mental well-being. The existence of parent and baby walking groups also plays an important part in helping form support networks for new parents and an outlet for sharing experiences and socialising. Walking is also great for baby. The great outdoor helps to stimulate the senses. Social contact with others can help to speed along speech and other social development and any parent can attest to a good walk helping to settle a restless baby! Walking also helps increase baby's levels of vitamin D - an important factor in their development and qualitative research has shown that parents feel taking children out for a walk regularly can reduce crying and moody behaviour. Whatever you call it, the health benefits of walking and hiking are undeniable for all ages.

Immediate Health Insurance Coverage

It is easy to grow tired of all the bureaucracy that is part and parcel of the application for health insurance coverage. The seemingly endless piles of paperwork to go through, the investigations into your family's medical history, and the physical examinations are only a few of the many steps one has to take when seeking health care. Luckily, advancements have been made to reduce the amount of red tape you have to go through so that the application process becomes as painless as possible. Here are a few helpful suggestions to speed along the process of getting health insurance.

Temporary health insurance

These kinds of plans are perfect for you if you are in between jobs but expect to be employed within the next six months. Some policy providers even offer next day approval on your application. This is necessary because the policies themselves terminate quickly, so the sooner you get your policy, the better for everyone concerned. Your medical history will not matter so much as physical examinations are kept to a minimum, thus giving you the fastest solution to your health care needs.

Internet applications

The power of the Internet has greatly sped up the process of application for health insurance coverage. Investigations into your medical history no longer requires poring over piles of medical records. Some companies will simply send e-mails to hospitals and doctors asking about an applicant's medical history. For the applicant, taking the drive down to the local insurance policy provider's office is no longer necessary. Forms can be completed online after which a quote is immediately generated for the applicant to select. This also eases the difficulty of looking for the provider that can offer you the best rates. It will make it easy for you to compare the rates of one provider to another. Also, if you feel anxious about having to pay for your policy online, most policy providers offer free online quotations that you can print out and take to their office for contract signing.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Getting Pregnant After 40 - Do You Know the Problems?

In the current society, the number of women getting pregnant after 40 is increasing. The truth is ladies are still attending college and finding their place in the working society when in their 20s. By the point these women have the opportunity to find their Mr Perfect, after a string of unsuitable men, they will quickly be in their 30s.

With the biological clock ticking, it is common knowledge that mature mums, specifically those getting pregnant after 40 experience more fertility problems compared to their younger counterparts.

However, getting pregnant after 40 with normal, healthy pregnancies and no complications can be done. It is only that statistically, ladies who get pregnant after 40 encounter increase threat of fertility difficulties and complications and are therefore put through a battery of checks that tend to be non-compulsory for younger ladies.

For anybody who is in your 40s and trying to conceive, it is important to understand the considerations and options accessible to you so that you can better your experience and maternity success.

Supply of Ovum

The natural decrease in the production of ovum is the main reason ladies take more time to achieve success in getting pregnant after 40. During puberty, women have around 300,000 - 400,000 ovum. This amount decreases by 13,000 year on year. Through the late 30s, ladies may have less than 10% of the eggs that they had at puberty. Additionally there is an exponential decline in ovum supply during early 40s and mid 40s.

The production of eggs is really at its tail end when the woman gets to her 40s and consequently the odds of getting pregnant after 40 is very slim.

Studies have observed that women over 40 have a 40-50% chance of getting pregnant inside a year of trying, as oppose to a 75% chance of success for a lady in her 30s.

Quality of Eggs

The tail end supply of ovum is also generally flawed and genetically defective. This causes implantation problems and genetic abnormality. As a result, older ladies tend to experience miscarriages, have increased possibility of having a downs syndrome child or a baby with birth defect.

Women over age 35 are offered genetic amniocentesis or chorionic villus checks in the 3rd or fourth month of pregnancy. This requires extracting amniotic fluid from the sac for genetic testing. As it is an invasive examination, there exists a minimal (.5%) danger of miscarriage involved in this kind of analyze. Chorionic villus sampling will involve the removal of a little amount of placental tissue, that can then be examined for genetic abnormalities.

You will need to look at the risks and advantages of these kinds of checks with your gynaecologist at the beginning so you have enough time to make a knowledgeable option.

Possibility involving Miscarriages and Still Birth

For women getting pregnant after 40, preconception care is extremely crucial to minimize these risks. It is strongly advised that you and your partner get examined to make sure that there aren't any genetic flaws, that you have a healthy uterus and ovaries and that most of the sperms are normal. If you are undergoing IVF cure, doctors can also screen your embryo and select just the healthy ones.

Another element of pre-natal care is to boost your way of life and diet plans. This entails abstinence from alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and caffeine, frequent exercise plans and intake of a wholesome balanced diet plan.

Once you are expecting, you must attend regular ante-natal classes to make certain that all development is advancing adequately and that and exceptions can be addressed in early stages.

Problems at Birth

Getting pregnant after 40 means that it's likely you'll have any of the following:-

• Premature delivery
• Cesarean birth
• Premature detachment of the placenta resulting in hemorrhage
• Placenta previa
• Meconium-stained amniotic fluid
• Postpartum hemorrhage
• Malpresentations (breech or other positions apart from head down)
• Preeclampsia
• Gestational diabetes

You must review your unique conditions with your specialist and make well-informed decisions and plan of prevention or action early on.

Car Travel During Pregnancy

You are pregnant and you are cautious. This does not mean a road trip with your family is out of the question. As long as you have clearance from your doctor, you should be okay to enjoy yourself. Still, it is advisable to remember that traveling during pregnancy does present with its own share of challenges.

If you arm yourself with a few tricks in advance of hitting the open road, you are likely to have a much easier time of it. Some of the things to keep in mind before heading out include:

Consider your route carefully - It is a very good idea to map out a route that affords a lot of rest stops and stretching breaks. While frequent restroom breaks might not be required, it is better to err on the side of caution. Plus, it is very easy to get cramped up and uncomfortable if you do not stop frequently to stretch. Try to avoid long stretches of highway that are barren of gas stations, hotels or restaurants.

Learn to use the seatbelt right - It is much safer to travel with this on rather than off. To wear it correctly during pregnancy, put the lap belt under the baby belly. Going without a seatbelt, even during pregnancy, is illegal in most areas.

Bring snacks and water - It is a good idea to stay well fueled and hydrated during a road trip, especially during pregnancy. Having healthy snacks along can help you resist the urge to stop at fast-food places. This, of course, is always better for the baby. When you do stop for meals, try to choose wisely. Too much junk food on a road trip can make you feel terrible, no matter your condition.

Dress correctly - Long road trips call for comfortable clothes. This is especially so if you are pregnant. Wear comfortable shoes, pants and a loose-fitting shirt.

Avoid sitting too close to the air bags - Unless you absolutely have to in order to drive, scoot your seat back from the air bags as much as you can. Air bags provide built-in safety, but you do need more clearance from them when you are pregnant.

Bring medical information along - It is not a bad idea to have your medical information along with you just in case. Your current prenatal record and insurance card can come in handy if an emergency does arise.

Pace yourself - Traveling while you are pregnant can be a big challenge. Do not expect to make it halfway across the country in a day. Build in time for plenty of rest stops and pace the trip accordingly. This will take stress off you and help you enjoy the ride a whole lot more.

Bring pillows - It is a good idea to have travel pillows along for the ride. You can use these to slightly elevate your feet while you are riding as a passenger. You can also use them to lessen lower back pain if this has become an issue.

Traveling during pregnancy is generally just fine to do. If you plan on going by car, prepare in advance to make the journey more enjoyable.

Provider Choice in International Medical Insurance

Private international medical insurance is hugely important for providers, particularly around the end of the year - those who do not provide this option are encouraged to read ahead and research this option further.


If you already represent a number of sectors, you might wonder how the addition IPMI could make any kind of impact on your existing numbers.

The IPMI market, especially in Asia, is one of the last growth areas for health insurance. With five out of the top 10 countries in the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey 2011 located in Asia, there is a clear signal that Asia continues to be a favoured location for IPMI's classic target audience. Many providers are now also able to offer cover to local nationals as well as expats, which widens the target base even further.

The products and regulatory framework are relatively simple, which means that it's a quick process to learn and get any of the necessary approvals.

Retention rates for this market remain high, with the market average around the mid-to-high 80% range, so customers are likely to stay once they've bought.

Commission rates start at around 15% for new business and are also payable on renewal, so a USD 100,000 book could earn USD 60,000 in four years.

Assessing your customer's needs

So with an existing book of customers to review, what's the best way to assess if your customers have a need and what kind of plan would fit the bill?

There are three simple steps to take:

Review any existing cover already in place
It's likely that many of your clients will already have some kind of health insurance in place and it's important to start with an assessment of the current cover.

If your client has a local plan in place, a review of the annual maximum benefit limit, the sub-limits and any excess or deductible, against their current lifestyle and expectations is the best place to start.

Expat or local national?

Expat clients often have a clear need for IPMI because they want the option to return to their home country for treatment.

The most recent development within the IPMI customer base is the addition of local nationals to the mix. Many providers are now able to offer customers resident in selected locations the opportunity to buy. Assessing the demand for this segment is not as clear-cut, since the desire to seek treatment internationally is driven by more emotional needs such as wanting better quality care and more choice and control over treatment plans. A good way to start with this segment is reviewing any second homes or international business travel.

What kind of product?

There are three basic elements in assessing your clients' needs:

• Do they need access to out-patient care or is in/day-patient care sufficient?
• Do they need access to routine and complex dental care?
• Do they need access to routine maternity care?

It's worth noting that dental and maternity benefits are always subject to waiting periods before the benefits can be accessed. If you have a client on a similar plan however, they may be transferred onto a new plan with no break in cover and all waiting periods removed.


Of course, your client can tell you that they need top-end out-patient, dental and maternity benefits but if the premium is out of their range, there are a number of things you can do to maintain the levels of cover without breaking the bank.

Many providers provide a wide range of excesses on plans to reduce the premium. These can be anything from zero to USD 15,000 or more.

There are also co-insurance options, where clients pay a portion of costs with the insurance provider, which can also provide significant cost savings.

Some providers also offer significant discounts if they are prepared to seek treatment in a semi-private hospital room as opposed to a private one.

Choosing a provider

So once a full assessment of the client's needs has been completed, who are the best providers in the market and what's the best way to choose them.

Making sure that you ask the right questions is key. Common complaints in this market are mostly claim-related. The time it takes to reimburse claims, the instance of declined claims, getting underwritten at the point of claim, are some of the most common.

A checklist for finding the right provider could be:

- Are they a big insurer with an international division or a specialist?
- What are the maximum limits on their plans, especially the sub limits?
- How do they underwrite customers? Full medical underwriting or moratorium?
- What are their turnaround times? i.e. how quickly do they pay claims and make decisions?
- What claim tracking tools do they have in place?
- How extensive is their medical provider list?
- Do they manage claims from one location or are there on-the-ground experts?

Massive opportunity

What is true about the IPMI market is that it is one of the last insurance segments that can demonstrate continued and sustained growth with solid retention rates and margin-rich commission levels.

You could make important gains with IPMI with relatively little effort - why wait?

Pregnant Teen Help - Three Steps to Getting the Help You Need

Unplanned pregnancy is not an uncommon problem.

Did you know that one in three girls will become pregnant before turning 20? This is almost always an unplanned pregnancy and it creates stress and trauma in the teens' lives as well as those of their families. Deep emotional feelings of denial, shock, fear, guilt, worry, anger, disappointment, embarrassment, depression, excitement and nervousness are common for both the teen and their family.

Where can a teen turn for help when this happens?

First and foremost: Tell your parents! Even when emotions run hot, they are still your best support! Give them some time to get used to the situation, then listen to them and their advice. They love you and want to help you. Work it out as a family. You're young and the wisdom of parents with more experience in the world will be the best place to start.

After you tell your parents, you may wish to follow, or look into the following three areas to get the outside help you will need during your unplanned pregnancy.

1. Get medical advice. Find a doctor that will best fit your particular needs. Someone who will be honest and forthcoming with options you will need along the way. Take a prenatal vitamin, one your doctor prescribes, and take it regularly. It will boost your energy and give the baby you carry needed nutrients.

Get plenty of rest and eat right. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and dairy products with calcium and iron will be most helpful.

Exercise daily to help prevent stress and depression. Your doctor will be a wealth of information on how best to take care of yourself and the baby during your pregnancy.

Don't know which obstetrics (OB) doctor to choose? Your local hospital or your own family doctor can suggest names. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Remember, unplanned pregnancy is not that uncommon. No one will think you're weird.

2. Find an unplanned pregnancy support group through your school, your doctor, or your clergy. There are many ways to get information that will help arm you against worry and fear during your pregnancy.

3. Begin thinking about your options after the baby is born. Will you keep it? Will you look into adoption? I, for one, would hope that you would choose to take the pregnancy to full term and not abort. Abortion has its own set of serious problems that arise long after the baby is taken out. The financial problems that result go far beyond the cost of the procedure, and the emotional and social price you pay are devastating.

Will you marry the father? If you do, ask yourself, "Will he really be a good husband and father," or will his frustrations and the pressure of parenthood turn him into someone you barely recognize? It happens more often than you think.

Will you offer the baby up for adoption? There are thousands of wonderful people out there who are mature, financially secure, and are yearning for a child they can call their own, and nurture to maturity. Additionally, it gives you a chance to still have your youth, plan for a career, and when the time is right, start your family openly and intentionally. Adoption is often the best option for all involved: you, the child, and the new parents.

If you choose this option, be sure you involve a reputable adoption agency that has access to the best adoptive parents, can and will counsel and help you through the process, and will stand by you during birthing and the recovery days afterward.

Also, if you choose to adopt out, don't worry that you "abandoned" your child. Quite the contrary, you will have made a tough decision that gives that child a chance for a full and happy life, one of plenty and peace instead of a life of hardship because of your limited means. That's just as much "love for your child" as any other sacrifice you could make for them.

In the end, do what is best for you and your child, but make sure you really know the likely future for each decision before you settle on one course of action. Remember that you are deciding for two.

Many years ago, a friend of mine had an unplanned pregnancy. Her mother made her marry the father. Looking at the results, it's hard to believe that the mother was right. The young couple were divorced after a year and she had the baby while living at home with her family.

Because of the responsibilities of parenthood while she was too young, a lot of educational and social options were out of her reach. Her life has been a struggle to make money and support her baby. She is living with the natural consequences of the choices she made long ago.

So, what are your goals? What do you want to accomplish in your life? Don't forget that you are important, too, even as you try to make the best decision for the baby. Strive for the win-win situation, and you really can have a happy future!

Essentials That a Newborn's Mother Must Have!

Some of the essential items that mothers of newborns should have are:

Breast pumps: Breast pumps are mechanical devices that help lactating women extract milk from their breasts. There are two main type of breast pumps, manual operated and electric or battery operated. Unlike dairy milking machines, breast pumps don't suck the milk out from the breast instead they stimulate the milk ejection response. Most women use breast pumps to continue breast feeding after they have returned to work and to keep up with their toddler's unusual feeding timings.

Skin cream: The newborn baby needs constant care and attention. Diaper rashes and dry skin are some of the common ailments that affect babies. A variety of skin creams are available to tackle this. Post-pregnancy, women also use anti-marks creams to reduce the stretch marks around their abdomen.

It's a good idea to buy these products before the baby is born. All such products should be checked thoroughly to ensure that no hazardous chemicals or allergenic substances are used in them. A good idea is to check with your friends and family for recommendations. Your doctor could also recommend some creams. If you use cloth diapers, then the baby could get a nappy rash which causes them great discomfort. A diaper rash cream which soothes them is the perfect solution. The baby's skin is still very soft and requires constant care and hence using a baby lotion or oil is a good idea.

Maternity wear: During pregnancy, expectant mothers need to wear clothes that are loose and comfortable. Also post pregnancy they need clothes that will suit their body size. Nowadays maternity clothing is available in various styles and sizes which means that pregnant women do not have to wear dreary gowns to be comfortable. Various tops and stretch pants are available in a variety of fabrics that are suitable for pregnant women.

Mothercare Products: These are products that make it easier for the mother to care for her new born. These include items like new mother clothes, baby soother nipples, disposable breast pads that help feed toddlers, feeding bottles, pacifiers, baby bath lotions,shampoos and baby products, pregnancy pillows that are specially shaped to accommodate expectant mothers, maternity belts which help pregnant women avoid back pain and spasms, nursing bras that help mothers feed their babies.

These are just some of the multitude of products that are available for expectant mothers. Nowadays most of these products are available online and can be delivered to your doorstep. However one thing that must be noted is that all these products should be researched and checked before being used. The health of the new born and the mother is paramount.

Early PMS Pregnancy Symptoms

There are commonalities between early PMS and Pregnancy Symptom(s). It is important that if you even suspect you might be pregnant, go to your doctor to find out and also to make sure there is no underlying cause if you aren't pregnant. The commonalities that is shared between early PMS and pregnancy symptoms doesn't stop with the symptoms that might be presented. There may be some treatment protocols that are shared as well.

PMS Definition and Symptoms

PMS is the period of approximately one week before and a few days during a woman's menstrual period. PMS comes with some uncomfortable complaints. The complaints are believed to be caused by either low serotonin levels or the fluctuation of hormones during this time.

Low serotonin (a derivative of Tryptophan), may include mood swings, aggressive behavior, irritability, and anger. Concentration problems, increased appetites sleep problems, and anxiety and depression among other symptoms.

Hormonal changes symptoms may include anyone of the following: migraines, headaches, sore breasts, weight gain, back ache and bloating among many others.
There are more than 100 symptoms that have been noted as being related to PMS. Please note that symptoms will vary from one woman to another and from one month to the next.

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

The most typical sign that you might be pregnant is if you've missed one or more periods in a row. There could be other reasons for a missed period so if you do miss one or more, have your doctor check you out to determine if you are pregnant or there is another problem going on.

Many women experience the proverbial "morning sickness," nausea and/or vomiting. Sore breasts or nipples may also be pregnancy signs. Headaches, fatigue, and mood swings have also been noted to be related to early pregnancy. Food cravings and food aversions have also been reported during pregnancy. You may have increased urination as well. Some women will experience aversions to particular smells.

Early PMS Pregnancy Symptoms

There are similar symptoms with PMS and early pregnancy. These can include mood swings, headaches, food cravings and an increased appetite. Weight gain, sore breasts, and fatigue are also symptoms shared by early PMS pregnancy symptoms.


Early PMS pregnancy has associated symptoms that are the same. You should seek medical care if you suspect you might be pregnant for a couple of reasons. First to determine whether you are pregnant, and second if you are not pregnant, to determine the causes of any missed or irregular periods is reason to get medical treatments. These symptoms can also be connected to other health conditions. Even more important is that once you determine you are pregnant, you should seek prenatal care so that you and your baby can be healthy.

Check out PMS Pregnancy Symptoms treatments at the menopause source for further information.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Improve Your Chances of Becoming Pregnant: Things You Need to Know

Pregnancy is arguably the biggest accomplishment that a woman can achieve in her lifetime. Women, want to get pregnant because this is heralds the start of a new chapter in their lives. Getting pregnant paves a way for having children and starting a family of your own. Pregnancy is indeed a celebration of womanhood. While some women get pregnant easily, others have a more difficult time. Thus, it is very important that regular check-ups with your doctor are done to help you identify if there is a problem.

With today's technology, you might think that pregnancy problems can be sorted easily. However, it can be a very complicated process. Some couples have looked after their health and lifestyle and have just the perfect timing. For some other couples, however, health and stress-related issues get in the way of the woman conceiving. While doctors can be very helpful with some of the ways related to a successful conception, there are ways and certain times that can increase your likelihood of becoming pregnant. Below are some tips that you may find useful or you will want to share with a friend:

• Break bad habits. Having a healthier lifestyle is crucial to getting pregnant. Smoking and drinking alcohol can cause serious reproductive health hazards thus decreasing your chances of conceiving. If you want to get pregnant easily, it is better to choose a healthier lifestyle. Stay away from your vices.

• Keep your mind and body healthy. Engage in various activities that can help your body become fitter and healthier. Also, eating healthy foods can help you achieve your plans of getting pregnant. Learning to do meditation can be helpful with any stress and keeping positive as well. Having a sound mind helps you relax from all the stress that you encounter in your social circles. Stress is a very big hindrance to becoming pregnant. Learn to give yourself much deserved breaks and time to relax by yourself, to relieve any anxiety and stress. A stress-free life will definitely help increase your chances.

• Foreplay is better than synthetic lubricants. Engage in foreplay with your partner as this allows your sexual act be more sensual and more invigorating. Your vagina has natural lubricants that can help the sperm perform more efficiently.

• Engage in sexual acts when you are at your most fertile. Knowing your menstrual cycle by heart is an important factor, because you will know when conception is most likely to be successful. You can calculate your most fertile time by knowing your average monthly period cycle and your ovulation time to determine this.

• Douching your vagina can have detrimental effects. The natural environment of your vagina is an excellent environment for your husband's or partner's sperm. Douching also affects your vagina's normal lubrication. Douching decreases your chances of getting pregnant.

If you follow the tips that are specific for your needs, together with your doctor's expert advice, you will increase your chances of conceiving. It is very important to have a healthy mind and body all the time, so that your reproductive system will not be affected negatively. Technology may have some other options to having a baby, but you can achieve it on your own. The result will be far more rewarding, and there will be less chance of complications or unexpected happenings, such as twins, etc. Both of you need to stay positive and clean up you act to have a healthy diet and lifestyle, then pregnancy will happen when the time is right. When the day comes you will look back and say it was all worth it.

Compare Health Insurance Companies' Rates to Find Affordable Options

When trying to compare health insurance companies' rates, Texas insurance companies are going to provide you with a lot of different resources. Of course, it will take time to check out all of the different companies and plans that are available if you want the best policy out there. The key to finding affordable coverage is simply taking that time and looking at the options that you have. Instead of focusing just on the cost of insurance, you should look at different elements of the policy to make sure that you are getting affordable, effective coverage and not just cheap insurance. There is a difference.

When you compare health insurance companies' rates Texas, you want to look for:

-Coverage that you are getting. While the actual price does matter, you have to check out the types of coverage that are included, the levels of coverage that are included, and whether that suits your needs or not. Make sure that you check on extra coverage options, as well, such as maternity insurance or mental healthcare that might not be implicitly included.

-Coverage that is NOT included. For example, if you get a great quote for a policy, but it excludes treatment for your asthma because it is a pre-existing condition, this is not the policy for you. Make sure that the exclusions and riders that you are presented with do not kill the deal.

-The actual cost of the policy. In some cases, you can lower the premium by taking higher deductibles, and vice versa. You have to consider which is better for you, because everyone has different needs. Also, when you look at rates, you will be able to rule out anything that is obviously out of your price range.

-The reputation and service of the company offering the policy. If you get a really cheap health insurance quote from some company you've never heard of, you might want to check out a more expensive policy from a company that has a better reputation or that is more established.

These are all different things worth looking at when you are trying to compare health insurance companies' rates Texas. With so many factors that will influence your decision, you owe it to yourself to do a little research. When it comes to finding ways to compare health insurance companies' rates, Texas insurance quotes online are a great way to see what your options are.?

Natural Child Birth - Hospital, Birthing Center Or Home Birth Pros and Cons

Deciding where you want to give birth can be a little overwhelming. The important thing is to find what you feel is right for you. The best way to go about making this big decision is the good old pros and cons list. Its simply, easy and clear!

Hospital birth, Birthing Center, Or Home Birth?

Let's review some of the pros and cons. Hospital birth pros:

  • Suggested birthing place if high risk.

  • If anything goes wrong you have immediate medical assistance.

  • You can get some rest while the nurses take care of your baby.

  • The room service is always nice!

Hospital Birth Cons:

  • Chance of being coaxed into getting drugs is high.

  • You are not usually able to move freely and birth in different positions.

  • Getting stuck with needles and signing paper in between contractions is never fun!

  • Births are usually viewed as a medical condition rather than being viewed as natural.

  • Risks of being induced, cesarean section and unnecessary medical intervention is higher!

  • The initial bonding between parents and babies is delayed.

  • There is always...the hospital food!

Birthing Center Pros:

  • They Support natural birthing!

  • Its sorta like getting the best parts of a hospital birth with a home birth feel.

  • Health care providers include nurse-midwives, direct-entry midwives, or nurses working with an obstetrician.

  • You will not get coaxed into an epidural or other drugs.

  • Low Hospital Transfer Rate!

  • May be free-standing, on hospital grounds or inside a hospital building.

  • More birthing options such as positions, birthing balls and water birthing.

Birthing Center Cons:

  • Not recommended for high risk pregnancies!

  • If medically necessary you will have to be transferred to a hospital.

  • If you change your mind about birthing naturally there usually are no drugs available.

Home Birth Pros:

  • You are in the comfort of your own home! This can be very stress relieving!

  • No signing of papers or fetal heart monitors holding you down!

  • Midwifes are educated on handling problems that may arise.

  • You can give birth to your baby and climb right into your own bed.

  • More birthing options such as positions, birthing balls and water birthing.

  • Bonding between baby and parents is uninterrupted and highly supported.

Home Birth Cons:

  • If Something goes medially wrong you may have to be transferred to a hospital.

  • You do not get room service unless you hire them!

  • You must plan for help if you already have children so your able to rest.

These are just the basics to get you started in weighing the pros and cons of where you want to birth your baby. Its important to communicate with your partner about what you want to experience during the birth of your baby. Talk to your care provider about what the best options are for you when delivering your baby. You may find that your care provider is not the right one for you. You should shop around for a care provider that is in alignment with your beliefs around natural childbirth. Never forget this is the birth of your baby and you have a choice in how the birth takes place and with the right support you can do it the way you always dreamed of!

Catastrophic Policies

Health Insurance - Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage

There are healthy people who rarely need any medical care whatsoever and to pay high monthly premiums for health insurance does not seem to make sense for these people, for it seems like throwing away money in some ways. These are the cases where catastrophic insurance coverage comes into play. Catastrophic insurance coverage is for those people who are in overall good health and rarely need to see the doctor for any health concerns. This type of health insurance coverage only covers catastrophic events such as hospital stays or surgery.

This type of insurance is only for those who are truly in optimal health, typically young and single people but not always. This type of insurance coverage is a good idea for healthy people because they are able to lower the monthly premium to a very low rate in exchange for quite a high deductible. By simply keeping a savings account with the deductible amount, or close to it, people who choose this type of insurance coverage can be prepared yet save money at the same time.

The things that catastrophic coverage will not cover are things such as:

regular doctor appointments- these must be paid for out of pocket, but this is not often a high price tag as doctors and insurance companies already have agreements about fees in place,

prescription medications- an overall healthy person will rarely need prescriptions

mental health situations- if health changes, physically or mentally, a different plan might be in order if possible

maternity care- if couples plan to have a baby, a different health care plan is called for in order for those medical care costs for both mother and baby to be covered by health insurance.

Pre-existing conditions will often result in the catastrophic insurance application being denied, for this type of insurance is not suitable for people with risks of needing medical care. Conditions such as:

heart disease
and asthma

While this list is not exhaustive, it does show that in order to purchase a catastrophic insurance plan, the consumer should have no chronic conditions that need frequent doctor visits, regular medical treatment or prescription medications. Catastrophic health insurance coverage is a low cost way of being prepared for any big health events such as surgery or hospitalization, which are the things catastrophic insurance does cover.

Imagine Yourself in Registered Nurse Scrubs

Registered nurses (RN's) work to promote health, to prevent disease, and to help patients to cope with illness and disability. They are the advocates and health care educators for patients, families and communities. As providers of direct patient care they observe, assess and record the symptoms, reactions, and progress of patients. They assist physicians during examinations, treatments, and surgeries. They administer medications and assist in rehabilitation and convalescence. RN's in nurse scrubs also develop and implement nursing care plans; they instruct patients and families in proper care; and they help individuals and groups to take steps to maintain or improve their health. Most registered nurses work in hospitals, providing bedside nursing care and carrying out medical treatments. RN's may supervise licensed practical nurses (LPN's) and nursing aides.

Usually hospital nurses are assigned to one department, such as pediatrics, maternity, surgery, intensive care, emergency room, or cancer treatment. Some RN's rotate among different departments. Other registered nurses deliver outpatient care working for physicians' offices, clinics, emergency medical centers, and ambulatory surgical centers. These RN's assist with examinations, administer medications and injections, dress incisions and wounds, assist in minor surgery, and maintain patients' records. Some RN's in scrubs uniform also perform routine laboratory work and office clerical work. RN's who work in nursing care facilities manage residents' care and deal with conditions of the elderly from fractures to Alzheimer's disease.

Besides administrative tasks, these RN's assess residents' health, develop plans for treatment, supervise LPN's and nursing aides, and perform some invasive procedures such as giving intravenous fluids. RN's also work in long-term rehabilitation facilities for patients who had strokes or head injuries. Home health RN's provide patients nursing services in their homes. They assess the patients' home environments, and they instruct patients and families. Home health care nurses must be able to work on their own and to supervise home health care aides. They may care for a wide range of patients, such as childbirth, patients recovery from illnesses or accidents, or cancer patients.

Public health RN's work in private and governmental agencies including schools, clinics, retirement communities, and other community health care facilities. They work with individuals, families, and groups to improve the overall health of the community. They work with communities to plan and implement programs of education and treatment. Public health RN's instruct individuals, their families, and other groups with regard to health issues such as nutrition, preventative care, and childcare. They organize public immunizations, test blood pressure, and perform other health screening services. Occupational health RN's (industrial nurses) in scrub pants provide nursing care in the workplace for employees and customers with injuries and illnesses.

They provide emergency care, fill out accident reports, and arrange for further medical care when necessary. They offer health counseling, give inoculations, conduct examinations, and assess the work environment to identify actual or potential health problems. Registered nurses are the largest healthcare occupation, with over 2.3 million jobs. More new registered nurse jobs are expected to be created than any other occupation. Nursing job opportunities and pay are expected to be very good. The three principle educational paths to a registered nursing career are a diploma, an associate degree, and a bachelor's degree.

Causes of Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy - Tips to Help Pregnant Women Suffering From This Pain

Each year, more than four million women in America give birth, among which two out of every three women suffers from pelvic and lower back pain during pregnancy. Most times these symptoms will vanish within three months after delivery.

There are two main reasons for back pain during pregnancy:

1. Hormone Relaxin: During your pregnancy period, the relaxin (a sex hormone of the corpus luteum that facilitates birth by causing relaxation of the pelvic ligaments) exists in your body is ten times more than its usual level. All the joints in your pelvis is been relaxed by this hormone, to provide enough room for your baby to come out from the birth canal. Oftentimes, the hormone results to abnormal motion in different new joints of your body, which leads to swelling and pain.

2. Growing Fetus: When the fetus is growing, your abdominal wall stretches so as to hold the expanding womb. The additional room required for this need to come somewhere from your body. Stretching your abdominal muscles during your pregnancy is far beyond the usual level, so the muscles will lose the ability to do its normal function in maintaining the body pressure. Because of these changes, your lower back gets an unusual amount of burden from the torso.

Below are some simple tips to help reduce the pain and possibly prevent lower back pain during pregnancy.

1. Your back muscles need to be strengthened. You can do this safely during your pregnancy period until there is no burden from the torso squeezing the pelvis.

2. Try to decrease the physical activities level. Reducing these activities that put stress on your lower back and pelvis will help relieve pain. Some of the activities include walking long distance, standing on single leg, standing for longer hours, doing household duties that should be done by a woman that is not pregnant etc

3. Follow right ergonomic posture at your place of work. You should take frequent breaks, lie down or some time, and alert yourself on structural strength. Do not lift anything with large weights. Create comfortable work environment.

Getting the right techniques to exercise your back is important. Also you need methods of physical and mental re-education to reduce habitual and unnecessary tension in all your activity through awareness of balance, posture and movement.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Outsourcing Types and Its Benefits

Outsourcing simply means contracting out work, either essential or non-essential, to a third party who is specialized in that particular task, located either in the same country or overseas. When the service provider is located in a different country the outsourcing process is more specifically termed Off sourcing. Outsourcing or off sourcing is a constantly growing industry estimated at $20 billion currently, and the biggest chunk of this outsourcing pie is received by emerging economies like India, China, Brazil, Philippines and Mexico. So what are the various types of outsourcing processes and how can an enterprise benefit from them?

Outsourcing is of multiple types, like Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), Medical Outsourcing, Accounts Process Outsourcing, Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) etc. In BPO, which is the most common form of outsourcing or offsourcing, the non-core tasks like payroll maintenance, house keeping, and customer support are handed over to companies with proven expertise in the field. Similarly, a company would want to outsource it's accounting processes to a service provider in India or other country. With more than 1.8 million patents being filed annually, Legal Process Outsourcing or LPO has also emerged as a booming industry. Legal services can be obtained for far lower rates in India than in the US and are of the same high standards. Not just patents, even routine legal services like filing affidavits, are being outsourced to third parties as part of LPO.

Some companies specialize in providing knowledge oriented services relating to research and e-education, making up the blossoming knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) sector. Even hospitals haven't lagged behind other sectors and are actively outsourcing medical transcription and billing processes to cheaper destinations like India. In fact, medical transcription is offering a new window of opportunity to many young persons in the developing world, especially females, to earn a steady income from a moderately skilled job.

So what are the Benefits of Outsourcing?

Outsourcing has many obvious benefits like reduction in overall operating costs of an enterprise. By outsourcing the non-core tasks like housekeeping to a third party, the company can concentrate on its core areas, say, software development. Also fixed costs like employee salaries and benefits can be turned into variable ones as the company no longer needs to provide salaries, maternity leave, travel and dearness allowance to employees who are on the payroll of the overseas service partner, all such essentials are the concerns of the latter. This represents tremendous savings in cost, which is especially useful during financial downturns.

Another benefit of outsourcing is that the same high quality service is provided by the overseas service providers, so there is no question of low quality work for low rates, as assumed by many. Moreover the members of the project team very quickly imbibe the work culture of the US or UK based client company and also possess excellent communication skills to complete the task in the shortest time possible. Outsourcing has also rendered continuous development possible, which means working in a constant cycle without interruption, cutting down on the development time drastically. While the UK based team works during the daytime and sleeps in the night, the India based team, which enjoys day, picks up on the task, thus rendering continuous development possible.

Outsourcing also has certain invisible benefits like obtaining a foot hold in new markets, understanding the psyche of the people before introducing a new product or service in foreign land and also certain obvious financial gains in the form of tax benefits, concessional land and so on. No wonder, outsourcing is here, not just to stay, but grow by leaps and bounds in the foreseeable future.

10 Possible Reasons Why You're Having Trouble Getting Pregnant And 10 Ways To Increase Your Chances

So you want to get pregnant? You may be wondering what's taking so long. "Why does it seem so difficult?" you may ask. "Why can't I seem to get pregnant?"

I had all these questions and more. I wanted to know how to get pregnant fast.

First, let's talk about the odds of getting pregnant in any given monthly cycle. One study cited a couple's chance of getting pregnant within the first month of trying at about 25%, while 60% will get pregnant within 6 months, 75% within 9 months, 80% within 1 year, and 90% of couples get pregnant within 18 months of trying.

Now let's talk about the factors that may be affecting your fertility and your partner's fertility. In other words, what's hindering your chances of getting pregnant fast?

Here are the 10 most likely causes of infertility issues followed by some conception tips to help increase your odds of getting pregnant faster.

1. Smoking. If you or your partner smoke cigarettes, this will greatly hinder your trying-to-conceive efforts. Women who smoke are 60% more likely than non-smokers to be infertile. Medical research indicates that egg depletion and sperm damage caused by smoking is the cause for this decrease in fertility. Smoking is very bad for your health anyway, so this should give you a worthwhile incentive to quit for your own health and those around you. An unborn baby is at a high risk for many complications if the mother is a smoker. Also, if your partner smokes around you, you are affected by the second-hand smoke, which is very harmful as well. Remember that with over 2,000 different chemicals in tobacco smoke, not one of them is nutritious or enriching for you or your baby.

2. Illicit Drug Use or Alcohol Use. This may seem like a "no brainer" for most of us, but some women and men need to be reminded that illicit drug use is a no-no for those trying to conceive. Marijuana use specifically suppresses hormone production, which can cause decreased sperm count and possible erectile dysfunction in men and irregular periods in women. Alcohol in moderation may not significantly affect fertility, but if you want to definitely increase your chances of getting pregnant sooner rather than later, it's best to avoid alcohol completely (both the woman and the man).

3. Caffeine Intake. Caffeine is believed to reduce fertility. It also is believed to be risky during pregnancy with an increased risk of miscarriage with more than very mild use. Caffeine's effect on fertility and pregnancy is controversial - some believe it to be harmful in even small quantities and others believe it is fine with moderate use (up to three cups of coffee per day). But why take a chance, especially if you want to conceive quickly and avoid a potential miscarriage? Caffeine is in chocolate, coffee, tea, and most sodas. Even decaffeinated coffee and tea (black and green) has a small amount of caffeine, so be aware of this when drinking. If you truly want to get pregnant more quickly, you should give up caffeine altogether for a better chance of increasing fertility. If it's too hard and you have a caffeine addiction, then wean down gradually in order to make it easier on yourself.

4. Poor Diet. What you eat or don't eat is crucial to your overall well-being and reproductive health. Getting pregnant is a complex process, one that requires many different body organs and glands to function properly to have proper hormonal balance and functioning. Most people don't get the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables and water per day. This is very basic, but it's crucial to pay attention to in order to help increase your fertility and your chances of getting pregnant more quickly. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables (leaf lettuce, kale, collard greens, etc.), whole grains (oatmeal, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc.), raw nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.), and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Organic is best, and fresh is better than canned or processed. (Note that Brazil nuts are especially good for sperm health).

5. Lack of Exercise. If you're sedentary, get moving. It will help you feel better, lose weight if needed, and will improve your fertility and chance of getting pregnant. Walking, swimming, biking, or aerobics are great forms of exercise. Do something that you enjoy, and it will be easier to keep up. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes at a time.

6. Obesity or Being Overweight. If your BMI is greater than 25, you are considered overweight and are prone to health risks. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. Avoid fad diets or skipping meals. It has been proven that starving yourself only makes things worse. Do eat, but eat smaller portions more often, and cut out the junk food. Start slowly if you need to, but definitely start.

7. Stressful Lifestyle. If you have a stressful work environment, consider changing jobs. Stress will not only affect your fertility, it will affect your overall health and place you at greater risk for heart disease and many other health problems. Also, do what you can to relax often (at least once a day). Practice deep breathing to help relieve stress. What I do is inhale as deeply as I can with my mouth closed. Then I exhale slowly through my mouth. This is an instant stress reliever for me. Try it and see what it does for you! Another stress reliever can be a leisurely walk, especially if it's something you enjoy and is in a beautiful environment. Go with your mate and use it to catch up on events of the day or just to dream of your future together. A warm bath can also be a great stress reliever, just don't make it too warm, especially for the males, as it could affect sperm quality and quantity.

8. Advanced Age. Advanced age is widely considered to be age 35 and older. Women who are 35 years old and older do have somewhat of a disadvantage when trying to conceive. It is said that a female is born with the total amount of eggs she will have her entire life. Thus, at age 35 and beyond, her eggs are considerably "older" than they were in her 20's, making it more difficult to conceive. That said, those of us who are older need to be even more diligent to be optimally healthy in order to increase our changes of getting pregnant faster. Men can be affected by age as well, especially as libido tends to decrease with age. I have found maca to be a wonderful libido enhancer and also fertility promoter. It is said to improve the quality of a woman's eggs as well. I believe it helped me to get pregnant at 39 and carry my beautiful, perfectly health baby boy to full term.

9. Poor Intercourse Timing. In order to conceive, a couple needs to have intercourse near the woman's ovulation time - the closer the better. If a couple just has intercourse "whenever", their chances of getting pregnant are not as good. Especially for the older couples in their late 30's to 40's, timing is crucial to getting pregnant faster. To get the timing right, you need to determine your ovulation date.

I like to track my cycles by using a basal thermometer. This thermometer is different from the regular thermometer used to determine a fever. A basal thermometer is an ultra-sensitive thermometer that tracks your body's most minute temperature shift and helps you calculate ovulation. Another means I like for determining ovulation date is an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). There are two kinds - the urine strips and also the fertility monitors. The strips are like a pregnancy test stick, only they measure LH (or luteinizing hormone) instead of the pregnancy hormone. The fertility monitors use saliva to determine your most fertile period by showing a ferning pattern when you're most likely to conceive.

10. Physical Issues. There are many physical issues that can hinder your chances of getting pregnant. Eating right, exercising, losing weight, and quitting bad habits can greatly help to heal many of these conditions. Sometimes medical intervention is necessary, though. These conditions can include irregular menstrual cycles, anovulation (lack of ovulation), PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, low sperm motility or mobility, low sperm count, or luteal phase defect, among others.

I suggest that you get some prenatal tests done for you and your partner. If you've been trying to get pregnant for six months or more, especially if you're 35 or older, see a reproductive endocrinologist. He or she will help you to decide which testing is best for you and your partner. Semen analysis will most likely be helpful to determine sperm health. And the woman's symptoms will help to determine what tests are performed for her. Prenatal testing is very beneficial even if you want to get pregnant naturally. If you know what your condition is, you're more likely to be able to overcome it.

If this article has helped you, please consider sharing it with someone you know who would benefit also.

Health Benefits of Eating Fish

Fish is the most widely consumed meat all over the globe. All health experts agree that "seafood is good for you." Fish can be one of the best diet foods in the market. Fish is a low fat food with a high protein level that provides tons of health benefits. It has the lowest fat contents than any other animal proteins. Red meat usually contains the "bad" fats commonly known as the Omega 6 where as fish contain s omega 3which is known as the "good" fats.


Fish is a good source of B vitamins. Vitamin B converts the food intake of the body into energy in the cells, preventing fats to be stored in the body. The fish that are rich in oil produces vitamin A that gives us healthy eyesight and good for the skin, hair and nails. It also provides vitamin D that good for bone health, keeps bones and teeth strong.


Fish also produces important minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. It is also a good source of calcium for the bone health and strong bones. It contains Iodine and fluorine that boost the growth and development of one's body and enhances metabolism.


Fish is an excellent source of protein. It easily repairs and maintain lean tissue and used for body building. It can suffice the absence of protein from red meat. Our body cannot store much protein having daily or regular intake of fish can meet the protein needs of our body. Good source of protein can also contribute in losing body weight because it enhances the metabolism.

Low In fat

Fish is much known as the meat that is low in fat. Fish is the best dish for people who are under low-fat diet. It has a very low level of saturated fats which is not at all beneficial to the body. Unsaturated fat the fish reduces the cholesterol level of our body, thus, reducing the risk of heart disease.


Fish is a good source of Omega-3, it is a nutrient that the body does not produce and must be taken in the body through fish. It is a polyunsaturated fats that is plays an essential role in the body such as:

繚 Protect the body from any cardiovascular diseases by helping the proper regulation of the blood vessel that prevents blood clotting;

繚 It is essential for prenatal and postnatal neurological development;

繚 Reduces the inflammation of tissues and avoids the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis;

繚 reduces depression;

繚 Avoids mental decline in older people such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

繚 prevents Asthma-children who eats fish has lower risk of having asthma and;

繚 It reduces the risk of cancer.

The fish's main health benefit is it suppresses the progress of disease. It is claimed that fish prevents such illness not cure them. Maintain a balanced meal of taking fish at least two times a week. Let yourself be protected against diseases by regular intake of fish.

Herbs For PMS and Peri-Menopause

As women get older and closer to menopause, they experience a variety of symptoms in their bodies - symptoms that can make life unpleasant and sometimes downright difficult.

These symptoms include; heavy periods, forgetfulness, fatigue, insomnia, headaches as well as symptoms like bloating associated with menstruation.

There are a number of herbs that can help make life a whole lot easier for women who are experiencing peri-menopause as well as women with symptoms of PMS. Three of these herbs are Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus castus) and Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis).

Black cohosh has been used for menopausal symptoms as well as menstrual cramping, headaches, water retention, lessened or absence of menstrual bleeding and uterine/bladder prolapse. Since black chohosh is anti-spasmodic, it tones the female reproductive tract.

However, it is also good for toning and sedating the nervous system. Many women have emotional ups and downs associated with their cycle, so black cohosh is especially useful for problems such as nervous irritability and depression. The herb also helps aching muscles and chilliness associated with the menstrual cycle for the peri-menopausal woman.

Black cohosh should not be used on its own. It is best used in a formula along with other herbs that support the female reproductive tract.

Chaste Tree is another excellent herb good for a variety of female reproductive concerns. These include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, chronic menstrual cramps, heavy bleeding, mid-cycle spotting and irregular cycles which are due to a deficiency of the corpus luteum. Chaste tree can also help with other hormonally related symptoms, such as acne, breast tenderness, fibrocystic breasts and pre-menstrual symptoms including water retention, headaches and depression.

Chaste Tree is useful for younger women as well as it has been used traditionally to treat infertility and prevent miscarriage, as well as to alleviate post-partum depression. It has been used traditionally to relive muscle spasms and pain.

Dong Quai is often used in many women's formulas. It is a warming female tonic as it enriches the blood, promotes blood circulation as well as regulating and normalizing menstruation and the menstrual cycle. Dong Quai is also a mild laxative, an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic.

Dong Quai can be used for PMS, cramps, menopausal-related symptoms, anemia, bleeding of the uterus due to stagnation as well as chronic pelvic infections. In Chinese medicine, Dong Quai is seen as a herb that 'dissolves stuckness,' which means it reduces blood clots, fibroids and other masses.

Dong quai is useful for gynecological complaints when there is pain with spasms, chills, dryness of skin and constipation due to dryness. Dong Quai is often considered the female version of ginseng and it helps women feel good.

Women who take Black Cohosh and Dong Quai should be aware that these herbs should not be consumed during pregnancy and nursing.

ANTHEM PPO - Addressing Diverse Needs of Diverse Members

The world where we live in is full of people. And these people are like a jar of jelly beans-they come in 49 flavors. Meaning, there are different types of personalities an insurance company should deal with. There is this 'Leave it to Fate' type, and there is this 'Everything is a choice'. When dealing with the latter, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield leaves everything to preferred provider organization (PPO).

Anthem PPO is a health care organization whose members include physicians, hospitals, or other providers which gives health care services at a lower rate. In some ways, a PPO is parallel to an HMO only care is paid for as it is received instead of in advance. PPOs may also offer more flexibility by allowing for visits to out-of-network professionals at a greater expense to the policy holder.

Flexibility of going in-network or out-of-network for medical care is also one thing anthem PPO can offer. Going to a physician, specialist or hospital that is in the network will lead you to saving more money and getting extra benefits.

One thing good about enrolling in PPO blue is that a member does not need to select a primary care physician; he/she can choose a doctor whenever they need care. Referrals are not also needed in order to see a specialist or to get another opinion about a medical condition. And above all, the choice of doctors and hospitals is always in the hands of the members.

Anthem PPO will give you the coverage for doctor office visits, inpatient hospital services, hospital services maternity care, hospital emergency medical and accident treatment an breast and cervical cancer screenings, muscle manipulation services, physical, speech and occupational therapies, infertility treatment and a lot more.

Advantage of getting anthem BCBS PPO include:

Wide Provider Network. You can access hospital and physicians across the state if you enroll in PPO. A large networks also allows the members to choose which hospital and physician they would visit every time giving them the chance to save big time on their health.

Freedom of Choose. Since there are legible physicians available, you can visit any of them without the hassle of referrals. You have also the chance to choose from in-network providers, ot you can opt for an out-of-network providers, whichever you prefer.

Choose the right plan for you. PPO for Individuals offers six plan options with diverse deductible amounts, allowing a member to choose the plan that fits his/her budget and his/her needs.

There may be different flavors and diverse personalities getting an insurance. But because Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield also offers an equally diverse plan, then, soon-to-be members can be sure that along the way, they can find the right plan for them. With the array of choices Anthem offers, they can be sure of that.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips - Protect Your Unborn Baby Against These Dangers


Where a gene has been altered or suddenly changed in some way, the resulting gene abnormality may be passed on to the child. These abnormalities are known as mutations, and are, fortunately, rare. Some mutations may be caused by exposure to radiation. X-rays or chemicals, but many are spontaneous, and once the change has taken place there is no cure (although some of the diseases caused can be cured). If a man or woman has a condition caused by a mutation, such as congenital dwarfism (stunted growth), it may be passed on through the sperm or the egg cells to any children.

Environmental factors

Some congenital disorders may be caused by environmental factors, or environmental and hereditary factors linked together. Environmental factors are circumstances outside the body that affect the physical and mental development of the fetus and the child.

Examples of these factors are:

  • Geographical location. (For example, Scotland has a higher percentage of heart disease than the rest of the United Kingdom.)

  • Social environment. Poor health care, inferior housing and diet can produce a higher risk of congenital disorders.

  • Education. Poor general or health education can result in people being unaware of what causes congenital handicap, and of the advice and treatment available.

  • We can provide a good or a bad environment for children. A good environment will include sound antenatal and postnatal care, healthy living conditions, clean air and water, and opportunities for intellectual and emotional development. A poor environment can produce stunted physical growth, retardation in learning and intellectual development, and emotional problems.

Disease or deficiency while in the womb

Some congenital diseases can be contracted during the nine months of pregnancy by the infection being passed from the mother to the fetus. A typical example is rubella (German measles), which, if it does not result in a miscarriage for the mother, may cause deafness, cataracts or deformity in the child. Other virus infections can also be dangerous. Diseases as different as syphilis (an STD, now rare) and diabetes in the pregnant woman can cause severe problems for the unborn child. A poor or inadequate diet during pregnancy can make the fetus suffer a shortage of vitamins and minerals, resulting in a deficiency disease, and some drugs during pregnancy can have harmful effects. One of the most tragic cases occurred when pregnant women in the early 1960s were prescribed Thalidomide (a sedative), and a number of their babies were born with extremely serious limb deformities; but some antibiotics, steroids and hormones can be harmful to the unborn child too. Pregnant women should take only medicines that have been carefully selected to avoid harming the fetus.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Six Yummy Snacks That Help Lose the Pregnancy Weight

Juggling a newborn, household, career and your own health can seem like a three-ringed circus when you're a modern Mom. Losing the pregnancy weight can seem like the last thing on the list but always the first thing on your mind.

It's so easy to get greasy take out or ready to eat meals instead of cooking something healthy but if you do have to snack try these six power foods.

1. Spinach - Popeye didn't rely on this powerhouse veggie for no reason. Spinach is rich with nutrients like vitamin C and K plus Iron and Folic acid. Spinach does wonders for strengthening your muscles and bones with its Calcium content and its Lutein is said to prevent cancer and eye deterioration. Make spinach tasty by adding it to your omelet with some feta and tomatoes.

2. Almonds - Nothing beats a handful of almonds to help lose the pregnancy weight. They are a good source of a fiber and protein as well as a great place to get your "good" fats. (Almonds fats are monounsaturated and they help lower your cholesterol.) Eating them plain works best but if you want that extra kick toast them a bit and add some sea salt.

3. Blueberries - Boost your immune system the natural way with a bowl of blueberries. Eating these tasty berries is one of the finest ways to get your antioxidants. Blueberries also have a good source of vitamin C and B plus Potassium and Zinc. Add them to cereal in the morning or your protein smoothie in the afternoon.

4. Avocados - Another wonderful antioxidant, avocados will help lose the pregnancy weight fast. The vital vitamin E will help clear up your skin and avocados have more than double the amount of Potassium than bananas do. My favorite way to eat them is mashed up with some lemon juice, tomatoes, onions and spices in a guacamole.

5. Oatmeal - This may look like a heavy breakfast staple but oatmeal can help you trim your tummy faster. Oatmeal, a fantastic source of fiber, also lowers your cholesterol making it invaluable to your diet. If you aren't a fan of eating it cooked in a bowl try baking the oats into healthy cookies or breakfast bars.

6. Peanut Butter - The peanut butter and jelly staple in your childhood might have been the best thing you ate as a kid. Peanut butter is a brilliant source of protein and it's a good way to get your Magnesium, which helps with building bones. I love peanut butter with a banana but its also good with honey on toast.

No matter which of the six snacks you choose to eat, remember that to lose the pregnancy weight effectively you still have to exercise. Incorporate your healthy snacks into a good physical fitness routine and you'll burn the baby fat in no time.

Strategies to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

Every person has the right to insure oneself. Whether you have an employer who is happy to give you a choice of insurance plans or that you may need to purchase one for yourself, it is crucial that you understand and have considered the type of insurance that is best for your situation.

The following are a few strategic questions that insurance policy seekers should know while in the process to choose a health insurance plan.

Affordability of the care expense

  • How much is the monthly insurance bill?

  • Are there penalties in cases of delays in the payment?

  • How can I track my payments?

  • Should I include in the health insurance all the medical needs even the simple basic ones (cough, fever, medical check-ups, etc) or just the serious conditions only?

  • How much is my insurance limit?

  • Which medical services should I include in the health insurance?

  • Only the expensive medical services should be taken into the plan?

  • What deductibles do I have to pay before I get reimbursed?

  • After meeting the deductibles, how much of the medical expenses are reimbursed?

  • How much will be reimbursed if I go to doctors outside of the insurance company's network?

Services covered

  • Which medical facilities and services are covered by the insurance?

  • Will the insurance take part in the payment if I use medical services and facilities outside of the insurance company's network?

  • How easy and fast can it be if I change primary physicians?

  • Is permission needed every time I see a medical specialist?

  • Will the plan cover my pre-existing medical condition?

  • Are the prescription medicines covered by the plan?

  • Are my maintenance medications covered by the plan?

  • Are certain diagnostic procedures included in the insurance plan?

  • Does the plan consider and reimburse on alternative medical therapies like chiropractic treatment and other conventional or innovated methods?

  • Will chronic conditions be catered by the health insurance plan?

  • Does the plan consider delivering a baby and maternity care?

  • Does the plan consider disability or hospice care?

  • Does the plan consider health emergency situations?

There are many questions that a policy insurance seeker should throw before finally landing on a certain insurance plan. To choose a health insurance plan is not that easy. You are investing on something which will make a difference later on. It is your responsibility to make sure that the insurance you are choosing is the right one for you and your family. Certain considerations are to be followed and should be bear in mind.

Can Chiropractic Reduce Risks During Pregnancy and Delivery?

Pregnancy is a scary time whether it is your first of fifth and anything that can reduce the risks of complications and ensure a smoother pregnancy and a healthier child should be explored. So can chiropractic really help reduce risks for both mother and baby during pregnancy and delivery?

Is Chiropractic During Pregnancy Even Safe?

Absolutely. Many, many pregnant women visit chiropractors during pregnancy each year. Ask around at your Lamaze classes or even check out videos online and you'll see it in action.

Beyond just being safe chiropractic has been proven to lower many risks associated with pregnancy and child delivery and comes with many side benefits for the mother to be too. Fathers might even want to give it a crack or should at least do everything they can to keep mommy happy and relaxed from beginning to birth too.

How Can Chiropractic Adjustments During Pregnancy Help?

Chiropractic treatment during pregnancy can obviously help mothers to deal with their changing bodies which are rapidly being manipulated out of place and to lessen the trauma the chemical changes produce as well.

Some mothers have sworn by visiting their chiropractor for adjustments 3 times a week during pregnancy to help relieve back pain and headaches. For others it has even been one of the most effective solutions for combating nausea, while for some it is almost essential for ensuring the baby is able to grow correctly and move into the correct position for delivery.

Why is Chiropractic so Important for Reducing Labor and Delivery Risks?

While babies are born every day, if mothers and fathers were really aware of all of the odds of something going wrong the would probably be frozen with fear throughout the entire process and certainly would be in no hurry to go through it again. Fortunately chiropractic can do a lot to reduce these risks, especially at the most critical time - during labor.

Multiple surveys from around the world from the U.K. to Orlando, FL have shown that chiropractic treatment during the 3rd trimester can make a big difference in the length of time in labor. If that isn't enough motivation for all expecting mothers to call a chiropractor right now, there is more. Reports show first time mothers experienced 24% less time in labor on average and 39% less for those who have given birth before. This means it is far less likely to be subjected to a C-section or dangerous forceps or even vacuum extraction.

Even better a study by a member of the Board of Trustees for the American Medical Association showed 3rd trimester chiropractic care enabled women to deliver in much more comfort. This has been documented at about 50% less need to painkillers for mothers during delivery.

Clearly a more mobile, less stressed and pained mother and a smooth deliver means a safer, healthier baby who gets the best chance at his/ her new life. Who wouldn't want that for their partner or child?

Can't Face Another Pregnancy Nausea Week?

Morning sickness means facing pregnancy nausea week after week, and for many women it is extremely hard to cope. However, there are several effective home cures that help to alleviate the morning sickness symptoms of many mothers-to-be. Typically, the nausea, vomiting and queasiness will not begin until after the first month of pregnancy and most women will have to endure symptoms on a daily basis as of the sixth week of their pregnancy. For an unfortunate few, symptoms may persist for as long as six months, sometimes even more. Generally, however, the nausea stops by the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. There is no way to predict how long you will experience symptoms because each pregnancy is different. The important thing to know is that it is a standard aspect of pregnancy that should not worry you.

During the first four to eight weeks, most expecting mothers feel extremely tired and weary, have trouble falling asleep and may have a weird taste in their mouths. All these symptoms are ordinary pregnancy signs. Some foods or aromas may give you a sudden feeling of nausea. This is not at all unusual. The reason behind this phenomenon is not known, but the vast majority of pregnant women feel this way.

Instead of fretting over the prospect of yet another week of pregnancy nausea, try to focus on maintaining your health for your baby's sake as well as your own. Nutritious food and appropriate exercise is crucial at this time. The problem, of course, is that nausea may make it difficult for you to eat three square meals a day. Many women find it easier to eat several small meals so as not to go on an empty stomach. It is good to know that foods that are high in carbohydrates do more to offset queasy stomachs. Don't neglect to take the vitamin supplements and folic acid prescribed by your doctor; both are essential components of proper nutrition during the months of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a grueling time, particularly for women who suffer with pregnancy nausea week in and week out for six months or longer. If they have additional responsibilities such as caring for small children, coping on a daily basis can be very difficult. Most pregnant women, however, find remedies to help them manage the bouts of vomiting and nausea, which typically stop by the end of the second trimester. One popular method that helps to ward off morning sickness symptoms and to keep something in your stomach all day is to nibble on crackers and potato chips. Morning sickness can be extremely exhausting so it's important to accept any help offered by family and friends so that you can get the rest your body needs.

If you are one of the lucky women who go through their pregnancies feeling perfectly fine and looking wonderful, without experiencing pregnancy nausea week after week, you may be worrying about miscarriage. If you've heard that pregnant women who have no symptoms are at increased risk of miscarriage, rest assured that this absolute nonsense and has never been proven. The presence or absence of morning sickness during a pregnancy has absolutely no effect on your health or that of your fetus.

While it is normal to suffer from nausea and morning sickness during your pregnancy, you should see your doctor if you are having trouble coping with this condition. Medication is now available to help you deal with persistent symptoms. Your doctor can assist you to overcome serious morning sickness problems that prevent you from enjoying your pregnancy as you should. Do not give in to discouragement; in just a few weeks you will be holding your baby and the nausea and vomiting will be a thing of the past.

How to Look Beautiful and Stylish While Pregnant

Before, pregnant women were only used to wearing huge lousy shirts. Nowadays, pregnancy is no longer a hindrance for women to still look good and fabulous. There are already a lot of maternity clothes stores out there that offer stylish and trendy outfit for pregnant women. You can buy pretty clothes that you can wear during special occasions and simple gatherings.

The first few months of pregnancy does not require you to shop for a whole new set of wardrobe as you can still use the clothes that you used to wear. But after the first trimester, your regular clothing may no longer work for you. This is the time when most pregnant women tend to forget fashion and they no longer care about how they look.

To avoid this dilemma, here are some ideas on how you can be fashionable and sexy despite your big belly.

1. The Hippie Look. Having a trendy and hippie style of clothing can make you look younger. You can wear skirts with ethnic designs or yoke dresses. Loose, airy tunics look great with a cute cardigan or caplet to cover your shoulders. For a more stylish look, you can pair it with a large belt under your belly. Empire-cut or baby-doll dresses paired with maternity jeans will surely make you look great.

2. Use accessories. Accentuate your get-up by using some accessories such as a bolero jacket with colors that match your dress. This will give emphasis to your shoulders and bust. For bohemian style, you can wear shawls for a more flattering look. A halter neckline will emphasize your neck and arms.

3. Avoid using underwire bras. When you are pregnant, your breasts will automatically become larger in size. Do not use bra with underwire as it may only hurt your bust. You may use instead a thick shelf bra or a sports bra for a greater support, as you grow bigger.

4. Wear maternity jeans. Pregnant women nowadays can already wear denim jeans as there are already a lot of maternity clothing stores out there that offer denim jeans specially designed for your big belly. You can choose from among the many styles of maternity jeans whichever is perfectly fitted for you.

5. Buy clothes that are multi-functional. Because you will only be using your maternity clothes for a few months, it is not very practical to buy lots of it. You can buy instead clothes that you can convert from t-shirt for the day to a tunic for evening gatherings.

With regards to the fabric, you can choose to have wool, cotton, charmeuse, or chiffon. It is also important to choose the right size of clothes for you.

6. Avoid clothes that show too much of your skin. While some celebrities reveal their growing belly in public, it will not always work for most women. Choose very well the clothes, which you are comfortable wearing and stay as beautiful and stylish as you can be.